Wat should i do


New member
Hi im 30 i have done weights on an off over the years but never raily got anywere.so i started again a year an a half ago.i am taken protine an that but not getting the lean mucle i want. is there anything i can take that will help me get lean muscle an size be out going down the steroid road.taken jack 3d .craitine .la muscle.should i be thinking about gear at my age need help plz.
Hi im 30 i have done weights on an off over the years but never raily got anywere.so i started again a year an a half ago.i am taken protine an that but not getting the lean mucle i want. is there anything i can take that will help me get lean muscle an size be out going down the steroid road.taken jack 3d .craitine .la muscle.should i be thinking about gear at my age need help plz.

So what I got out of this post was---

Shit I am 30 yrs old, I have kinda worked out here and there sporadically throughout the years but nothing real crazy, because when I dont get immediate results I fall off the bandwagon and re-approach this several months later, to end up with the same shitty ass results.

Now I wanna know what new age supplement will finally get me results?

Answer: You need to stick this for 1 year straight. Invest lots of time into nutrition and learning how to eat for results. Protein shakes are great, but steak, chicken and whole eggs are better.

Without having some foundation of muscle and some years or consistency, steroid would do something, but when building from nothing its a very artificial gain, all to lose so quickly....

Perfect explanation Matt! This biggest thing is EAT! You get the diet part down and results will come strong and fast. Talk to 3j he will get you where you need to be and build up a great base so if you do decided to do steroids you will get keep able gains.

Now if you really have been serious about this for a year now and are looking for something new to take I'll tell you what I tell everyone that asks me about steroids. Start with taking a strong natural test enhancer. It won't need a pct and won't mess up your lipids. It will help you get to your natural potential quicker and At 30 it will help overall feeling and libido. Def won't hurt.