Westside Rules


Sumo Deads 2"platform
missed 545
did a bunch at 500
and dropped lower as well worked more on my form..seems the weight was helicoptering on me so i switched my grip andit helped..also opened up my hand pretty good was bleeding all over the joint..First time pullng sumo in a few months- i think i like conventional better


Pull -thru

Ab Pull downs
pullinbig said:
try moving your over under hand in about a finger. that may help with the weight swining.
thnks bubba my friend actually suggested i just switch my underhand to the left side..i did and the weight stayed against me the whole time..funny thing is i dont thin i have that problem when pulling conventional

also tried the hook grip i dunno how the fuck you can use that LOL
but im gonna work on all of them
ME Bench

Cuff Work
3-Brd Presses against 2 doubled minis per side
added 3 brd
90% 235x1x3sets

Incline Tate Press

495x5 no wraps on any sets


i meant under hand in about a finger. im retarded as you know all too well by now. =0l

the hook grip takes a while to get worked in. ill be working on it again tomorrow.

dbld minis are about 30lbs each, give or take.

nice chest day
LOL you the deadlift expert make up your mind lol

yeah the minis should be about 30-40 on the bottom and 80-90 up top

but adding the 3 brd actually makes the tension higher since you are stopping 6 inches or so higher..im liking the raw work i even got a little pump going in my bi's :insane2:

Speed squats
315 + Green bands

Speed Pulls
i think i may have found a revelation here..did these conventional but it seems ive been ever so slightly moving my feet closer together imitating guys like Chuck V and i think Bayles pulls like that...well i dont thin thats good for me i put my feet pointed straighter and widened my stance still conv but with a lot more spcae between my heels..i felt sronger and faster..ill keep it liek this next time i do ME deads as well to really test it..Looka like im gonna nail that 405 dead once my Metal suit gets here :insane2:

Reverse hypers
triple wrapped purple band
this is a great way to chew right through the band-oh well just the cost of doing business i guess huh

Ab Crunch Machine
If that metal suits fit wait for the fun you are going to have, lol. It may be because i am tall but what a bitch it was getting down. The first time i was truly confortable in it was at the meet. I am actually going to try moving my feet in once this SLDL cycle ends.
chuck switched back to sumo. yup joe bayles, like many other conv. pullers uses a very narrow stance.

even your favorite puller of all time likes a narrow stance on conv. to bad he switched to sumo.
pullinbig said:
chuck switched back to sumo. yup joe bayles, like many other conv. pullers uses a very narrow stance.

even your favorite puller of all time likes a narrow stance on conv. to bad he switched to sumo.

so you sayin i should jsut learn to like the narrower stance?
whats the benefit of going narrower..
going a little wider i felt i was able to use my fat ass better- granted the weight was light but i dont usually pull 2 times in one week but the weight feltlighter than what it was
jcp2 said:
If that metal suits fit wait for the fun you are going to have, lol. It may be because i am tall but what a bitch it was getting down. The first time i was truly confortable in it was at the meet. I am actually going to try moving my feet in once this SLDL cycle ends.

im sure once i throw the suit on itll fuck with everything :)
blackbeard said:
so you sayin i should jsut learn to like the narrower stance?
whats the benefit of going narrower..
going a little wider i felt i was able to use my fat ass better- granted the weight was light but i dont usually pull 2 times in one week but the weight feltlighter than what it was

i was shoulder width fo travis chnaged me round. that and bringing my hands in so that my arms hang straight down helped a lot. i just feel tighter at the bottom narrow stance. if your arms are slanted outward you adding distance to your stroke. every inch you can shave off your dead is very helpful. i prolly knocked 6" off my stroke by chaning my form. an dof course okie bars help too shorten the stroke. =0)

just do some narrow stance leg presses for assistance work and it will feel stronger in no time. when i first switched over i was initially weaker. but it didnt take long for me to start hittin pr deads after that.

now if i can jes get my grip issues worked out =0)
aim almoast sure my hands are straight down just outsinde my thighs..my foot stance i thin is lsightly inside shoulder width..it seems wide to me cause ive been doing everything close like you..I know my dead needs lots of tinkering so im gonna fart around with all sorts of shit until i find something that is best..

if you look at the second part of this clip of coan i would say that is the stance i was using yesterday..but its all realtaive since im a little taller than eddie lol
but again ill hve to try it when using a heavy weight :)

see how eds arms are out to the side a little. thats what im talking about. no way to bring them all the way in with a wider stance. remeber too ed is a converted sumo puller (do to injuries).

course ed is the man and id never critique what he does cause it works for him. just using that clip to make an observation about what we were talking about.

i like hand placement right on the edge of the smooth. he has his about 2" out side of that.
I know what you meant about the arms
yep i belive ed pulled over 9 going sumo

and yeah i know your arent criticizing Coan lol

you know my gym we dont have any good bars so forget about a Dl bar lol the knurling on each bar is so different so by saying put this finger on the smooth would be totally irrelevant for me LOL-but i understand what you are talking about :)
DE Bench

Cuff Work
Speed bench

CG Decline

Fron Raise/Side Raise Combo
20's x12x3

BB Rows
i think i pulled lat the other today so i went kinda light to get some blood in there

workin on getting yoked

Cable Curls
blackbeard said:
I know what you meant about the arms
yep i belive ed pulled over 9 going sumo

and yeah i know your arent criticizing Coan lol

you know my gym we dont have any good bars so forget about a Dl bar lol the knurling on each bar is so different so by saying put this finger on the smooth would be totally irrelevant for me LOL-but i understand what you are talking about :)

i have a measuring tape in my bag. :D
blackbeard said:
DE Bench

Cuff Work
Speed bench

CG Decline

Fron Raise/Side Raise Combo
20's x12x3

BB Rows
i think i pulled lat the other today so i went kinda light to get some blood in there

workin on getting yoked

Cable Curls

my wife calls my traps yaks. guess thats the result of getting yoked.

how dat set of 20 feel bubba?
pullinbig said:
my wife calls my traps yaks. guess thats the result of getting yoked.

how dat set of 20 feel bubba?
ive got a decent yoke going lol i jsut want traps up to my ears lol

the CG declines are feeling good..im gonna keep going with these and see what happens when i fail at 20's ill drop to 15's then 10's then 5-8's

ive even thought of doing my speed work in the decline since im able to get my shirt groove a lot easier