What are the chances of test production coming back on after a year straight cycle


New member
My dumb ass friend told me he did a year straight at 650mg of test E every week

He told me he is on week 58 and he's scared to stop at this point because his production is gone. I told him about TRT and he's going to hop on the TRT train HOWEVER

I don't want to be giving him stupid advice! Is it really possible for someones natural production to kick back on at full power after an entire year of 650mg/week!? He's only 26! So it would suck to put him on TRT. Anyone have any thoughts? He doesn't want to risk coming off and going to such low T that his gains just vanish.

And no I am not masking my own story by saying it's a friend it really is a friend lol. Look up my post history if you'd like.

Thanks guys!
Its a coin toss man. Some people recover even without the right protocol and some doing everything right end up messing the hpta and hoping on the trt train. His best bet would be to do a pct. was he on hcg during the cycle?
It is definately possible. He is only 26. Like fitguy22 metioned. Have him start PCT. Throw in some HCG, nolva, clomid. Run a longer PCT, maybe 6 weeks or so. I would also start the HCG immediately then follow the others 2 weeks after last shot. Honestly, he should be fine at that age. Worst case senario, he doesn't recover and starts TRT. Seriously though, He should be fine. Ive know guys in their early 30s that ran years on and was able to start up but Ive also know guys who ran 6 months and never recovered.

Good Luck
This ^^^^ . I have been on AAS for close to a year on time. I had no problem recovering that I can remember. There is more to this other then just sexually but all I can talk about with NO BW at the time, is as far as sex , ED, Orgasms I never skipped a beat. Yes sometimes at the end I had some climax problems, took a long time, but that didn't stay long.

So I think with proper PCT why not?
Zoltar is my crystal ball. He says your friend has exactly a 38.549 % chance of getting 79.3% of his natural testosterone back if he does an aggressive pct very soon.

Which ironically beat the 0% chance he has if he just stays on cycle.

I hope that is what you were looking for...
yes, its absolutely possible he can recover; tell him to go get blood work (estrogen levels are important,, if elevated he will need to lower them for a proper recovery , as the body will not begin to produce natty test if estrogen levels are high). and then put together an aggressive pct.
Recovering is going to take some commitment. A guy who can't bring himself to end his cycle for over a year might face an uphill battle.
Like already said...aggressive pct. Make sure you guys read up on it and understand it and post up your pct plan for comment!
Do the blood work first!

Question... has he been runnino HCG throughout his cycle?