What Can I Do - Suggestions

Easto said:
It would also be nice to get some female trainers around here as well. Most people I see on the boards only work with males, but there is a large amount of females out there that have very limited info on these boards....Actually, I think to kick things off, you should test your methods on a lucky lady on the board. Before/after pics and a diet walk through.


I was actually considering getting ahold of you, Dirk. My diet sucks...
The thing I would add, which may or may not be helpful, is the problem of actually drawing peoples attention to just how important a good diet is. I believe this is an inherant problem with BBing. I have plenty of friends using creatine, whey, 6-oxo, and any other supplement they can get their hands on in order to avoid addressing their diet. The diet forum on this board is very good, the stickies esp, but the problems with people avoiding the diet issue lay much deeper with in the sport/hobbie/lifestyle than just here on the board. Sad, but true.
Dirk i think your idea is absolutely great. How about running one section for someone who is wanting to get ready for a show and another for someone who is wanting to bulk, whether thats lean or just mass, and is possiblly aiming to compete late next yr but is wanting some size in the mean time.

Personally i think this would be a fantastic way of doing it as everyone can see and start to get their own ideas of how to plan and goal set for things down the track
Yea man gotta agree your ideas are awsome and I would love coming to the diet part more if you posted here more...

I think you should do a pre contest diet with someone...

and an offseason bulker to show people to do it the right way...not drinking gallons of milk and pizza... then you get both perspectives...
DIrk what ever happened with this...

are you still lookin to expand this here?

are you gonna runn with any of these ideas? like maybe a round table subforum or anything?

just curiuose thanks Dirk.