what causes vagina looseness and can it become relatively tight again?


I've been told there is hope, you can go to the surgeon and have it tightened.:dance2:

I honestly think it's genetics. Yes, a pussy will streatvh to accomodate a thicg duck, but it goes back. I've slept with many women eho gave natural clild birth, yet have found that some younger college girls are far looser, like sticking you dick in a oversized galss of warms water. My girl is 39, had 2 kids and is a nympho yet is very tight. She also does alot of keiles, my frind Brittanny use to do them too, trust me, they work.
I honestly think it's genetics. Yes, a pussy will streatvh to accomodate a thicg duck, but it goes back. I've slept with many women eho gave natural clild birth, yet have found that some younger college girls are far looser, like sticking you dick in a oversized galss of warms water. My girl is 39, had 2 kids and is a nympho yet is very tight. She also does alot of keiles, my frind Brittanny use to do them too, trust me, they work.

Nice to know~
In my many years experience I have just come to the conclusion that pussies are like cocks. There are bigguns and there are little ones. I have been with women that have had several children and they still have tight ones and I have been with 20 yr olds you could park a car in. But I have never found one I didnt like :-)

Theres big ole goodins and good ole bigguns. Bahaha!
it's all genetics!!!i've been w/ a virgin who was able to take as many fingers as i wanted, my wife now feels like a 14yr old everytime we go at it!!!(i'm not complaining cause it's a wonderfull thing)

Didn't read all thread to see if this was mentioned...but you've been with a 14 year old?
I LMAO reading the comments :D
try kegel and if necessary consult a doc about vaginoplasty
seriously dude, you said :"you're so loose." ? :D
I am amazed that this wasn't mentioned- the oldest whore's trick in the whoring book. Witch hazel. Yes, preparation H. But just buy liquid witch hazel (beside the isopropyl alcohol and the hydrogen peroxide are your grocer's) and pour it onto a cloth, and wipe the skank's gigantic hole down with it like you are washing down your truck after a dusty side road. That fucking hole will tighten up like you can not imagine bro. Takes the wrinkles off your face before you head out for an evening as well. It doesn't last long though- couple hours?
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Gentlemen~ I'll be the wise older woman and let you in on a few secrets. First, start taking care of your women and her vagina by helping her with kegels. It's sexy and it works. Put a few fingers in her and ask her to squeeze 20x. Hold her at the same time so she feels safe. Encourage her sweetly. You have no idea how a woman responds to a nurturing man's hand. You can also get something like a kegel trainer at kegelmaster2000.com and make it a relaxing time for both of you. I've never done it without wanting my man so much more afterwards. Also realize that arousal has a lot to do with how open and wet the vagina is. If a vagina is open and wet for you it's your job - your honor - to play with it until its not so wet and has contracted enough for your cock to have a good time. It's called foreplay. If she hasn't come at least once from your hands or mouth before you are in her you are moving too fast. She'll be able to cum so much easier the second time and you'll both have a better time. Enjoy.
personally, I like them big ol loose pussies. I don't want something so tight that after 2 or 3 strokes and I am having to do the old "whoa, whoa, whoa, don't move, don't move" thing.

I want to get in there and work at it.
vaginas come in different sizes, just like dicks (so I hear). Its not that it's loose, its just big. Your girl has a big vagina.
There are different size vaginas for sure but the differences are more evident from the outside. Such as lip size and color etc. The inside is very much determined by what has been parking up in there! If someones been parking their 72 cadillac roadster in there an you drive up in a hundai behind him. You definitely won't be chipping any paint backing up into the garage.

According to the loose vagina association of america (LVAA) the number one cause of a loose vagina is a thick penis.
dude it depends on the woman she an be a whore and stil be tight as fuck

i've run into those too but chances are if they are laying down with 10" pipes that are as big around as a coffee mug that it won't be tight regardless of keggles or whatever they do. Stitiches or time off

LOL we can call it pussy PCT for after it's abused a few times with a big pipe.

I know a guy who takes his wife in once every few years to stitch her up. I would be asking myself why he has the need to do this. he does go out of town a lot!