What do you guys think of this cycle?


New member
Wk 1-10: 1 gram of test enanthate
Wk 1-5: 50 mg of dbol
Wk 9-13: 37.5 mg of tren ED
Wk 9-13: 50 mg of test suspension ED
WK 1-16: 12.5 mg of aromasin EOD OR 1 mg of arimdex EOD OR 2.5 mg of femara EOD
Wk 14-16: clomid therapy

HUMALOG run wk 1-4, 7-10, 13-16 ONLY after workout
I haven't used humalog yet so for 4 weeks before this cycle I am gonna give it a test run starting at an extremely low dose and gradually working my way up.

Also, which ancillary would you guys choose?

My diet will be high in carbs and protein and EXTREMELY low in fat. I want to get good quality mass gains with little to no fat so fat intake will be very low, especially with the insulin.
5'10 210 lbs BF % ??? I'd guess 10% at the highest right now

3 cycles as of yet and I'm hoping this will put enough lean mass on me so I can do my first show as a heavyweight
well....IMO, I think you should shoot the suspension 2x ED if it is suspended in water....although, if it's in oil...ED would be fine. I would go with prop though....

are you saying you're going to run slin 4 weeks before your cycle...and then weeks 1-4??? because then that's 8 weeks of slin. I wouldn't recommend it.

I would run the tren and suspension(prop) from weeks 8 - 12. If you run it to 13 those will be the only two compounds working in your system for that last week. But if that's what you want then go for it. I'd just prefer it all at the same time...then wait about 3 days for the tren to stop working...and then start clomid in the middle of week 13.

and I'm not too sure about femara or aromasin....but from what I've heard....I'd go with arimidex....I liked the results from it.

Good luck....and be careful with the slin.
Cycle looks fine! I dont think you need a gram of test on your 3rd cycle. I just started my 11th and this is the first one I have ever taken 1gram. I am only taking 35mg of D-bol too! I dont think you are focusing enough on your diet! Gear is a minor piece of the puzzle!
TechChemY- Suspension is in oil so I'm just gonna stick to once a day.
Regarding the Humalog I was gonna give it a test run in the next month or so THEN take 2-4 weeks off then start the cycle. I really want to get a feel for it before I begin my cycle.
The test I am running is enanthate and I have read that it takes 3 weeks to fully clear one's system but I could be wrong. Would you still recommend 2 weeks?
I appreciate your help!!!
enanthate only takes 2 weeks......Equipoise takes 3.
so yes I would still recommend 2 weeks.
Ok...thanx for clearing up the slin usage....try to take off 4 weeks before you start the 4 on 2 off thing.
Lawnsaver- Thanks for your help bro! I think I actually will lower the dbol somewhere in the 30-40 mg range, and may even lower the test to 750 mg.
I focus really hard on my diet, and I do agree with you about diet being the biggest piece of the puzzle.....
to be completely honest man....I would think to go all the way down to 500 mgs. being it your 3rd cycle. the test that is.
TechChemY- Will do with the insulin!!!
I am thinking of bringing the test down to 750 mg, but I seriously doubt any lower than that.............
Maybe its just me, but you dont need nearly as much for this cycle.

I am running my 3rd cycle right now and it is only:

100mg/eod of prop
50mg/ed of winny
75mg/eod of tren

4 weeks in I am up 12 pounds and down 2%bf.

Remember that with steroids more is not always better. Save yourself some money on the cycle and use it to buy more food.
Christ Almighty....those are some damn good gains and bf losses....you must either respond really well to gear or you have your diet down to a T....very impressive.
TechChemY said:
Christ Almighty....those are some damn good gains and bf losses....you must either respond really well to gear or you have your diet down to a T....very impressive.

I dont think I respond that well...this is the first time test has given me any results. I just pay close attention to my diet, which is the most important aspect of any cycle.
bump up the tren to 75mg ED from week 6-12

I'd use ana or letro just b/c they're cheaper

you should still eat some healthy fats, just not while the slin is active, honestly if your anything like me you will have to eat any goddamn thing that will go down your throat just to make progress

just work up with your slin doses during your first 4 week run at the beggining of your cycle

good luck, and have someone who knows what's going on while the slin is active

I like the cycle a lot, looks really good to me :)
The Almighty said:
I dont think I respond that well...this is the first time test has given me any results. I just pay close attention to my diet, which is the most important aspect of any cycle.

is this the first time you are stacking test with tren .. or Winstrol (winny) with tren

i think these three chemicals have the best synergistic effects when combined hands down.. pretty safe too if you keep your dosages sane...
My first cycle was tren/winny and I gained 18 pounds and lost 2%bf in 6 weeks.

This is my first run with test where I actually like the results.
The Almighty said:
My first cycle was tren/winny and I gained 18 pounds and lost 2%bf in 6 weeks.

This is my first run with test where I actually like the results.

how long do u run your cycles