What do your screen names mean?


New member
Since there are some old dudes on here and some new dudes, i thought i would ask what your name means to you? Seems taht reading forum after forum i know some of you guys by name and pic and I found it interesting the other day when FLeverglades talked about how he was "florida everglades" and why.....got me interested to know more about you fools..

I will start......

Littlebigman = just like it sounds, i am a little dude but big for my size and i have gained respect over the years in gyms due to being strong and muscular for my little size.
I was a skater back in the day and my friends nicknamed me "Thrash" as my middle name... My last name starts with Y and first with N somehow I came up with Ythrashin...:chomp:
May sound stupid but ....

Animal paks are my fav supps but more importantly when I am working out I am in a whole different world. Free from the bullshit of everyday life I let the rage, anger, sadness and joy, the raw emotions let loose ....like an animal. Oh and 1852 is an important date for me :)
Animal paks are my fav supps but more importantly when I am working out I am in a whole different world. Free from the bullshit of everyday life I let the rage, anger, sadness and joy, the raw emotions let loose ....like an animal. Oh and 1852 is an important date for me :)

Sounds badass to me...
Good topic. Mine is a reference to one of my favorite movie scenes, Sam Jackson's "bad mother fucker" wallet from Pulp Fiction. I needed something that I would remember, and I had been using this as a password, so I made used it as my handle. I now realize people probably think I'm calling myself a badass, lol
got mine from the ex mother inlaw to be. she is the manager of advertising for muscle mag repps American curves and others that i don't recall. she got me a sample of cytotek
so i done some researsh on it and found this. (the 33 was my age.) it stuck

The cytoskeleton is both a muscle and a skeleton, and is responsible for cell movement, cytokinesis, and the organization of the organelles within the cell.
got mine from the ex mother inlaw to be. she is the manager of advertising for muscle mag repps American curves and others that i don't recall. she got me a sample of cytotek
so i done some researsh on it and found this. (the 33 was my age.) it stuck

The cytoskeleton is both a muscle and a skeleton, and is responsible for cell movement, cytokinesis, and the organization of the organelles within the cell.

Glad i started this thread...its posts like this that i find interesting, who would have guessed
Got mine from the Size of the Blunts I twist!!! Everytime I twist one, I say goddamn that's a Biggin!!
mine is simply kane the big red machine. he was the favorit wrestler of my lil daugther.
I was a very skinny kid and well into my 20's no more then 130lb till 24. I used to do murals with a crew and used to do a little running stickman as the sig. 140 was the number of the building where I grew up. and that stayed together till now.... kind of stupid now that I think about it.... lol
i wish i had a story-i found this site when i was researching my first cycle-i saw all the newbies getting called out-and i just made this my screename-i had no idea that i would even be on this site that much-the more i learned the more i participated and dont know how to change name now.
I used to ride a moped to work when I was 18 and the guys use to make fun of me and said that it was my hog. After a few day they started calling me hogman. I have also been called Cornbread but thats another story!
Good topic. Mine is a reference to one of my favorite movie scenes, Sam Jackson's "bad mother fucker" wallet from Pulp Fiction. I needed something that I would remember, and I had been using this as a password, so I made used it as my handle. I now realize people probably think I'm calling myself a badass, lol

thats awesome! My favorite movie ever! My buddies and I used to quote shit from that movie all the time.

my initials are AVM. In school I had a liitle turbo vw and I signed all my papers with the upside down VW sign = (my initials). I thought that was cool at the time especially after that stupid Van Wilder movie. It kinda stuck with my freinds. "Al with the vdub"

Biggin thats good shit bro, every time I'd roll a fatty I called it a "hogleg" lol "Its the future of joint/blunt engineering". hahaha:druggie:
WTF? how did I miss this thread - I just ask AmVdub what his name meant and he showed me this thread. This is AWESOME. very funny.

As he said int he beginning, I do competitive bass fishing int he Florida Everglades and know them like the back of my hand. I wanted something with fishing but kinda ended up with FLEverglades.
Got mine from the Size of the Blunts I twist!!! Everytime I twist one, I say goddamn that's a Biggin!!

Thats the funniest shit i've heard in awile.well back in 05 when i signed up i was listening to Snoop Dogg and everything he said had a Z in it..so I made Swolled into swizzoled ...