EQ but it needs a long cycle 16 weeks+
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. Fast acting Deca. It's Deca without the "Deca" sides like deca dick. Clears the system much faster, also kicks in much faster. I'd never use Deca again over NPP. Love the stuff. I use it in all my cycles for joint support and it is a pretty good mass builder as well.
The only downside, if you consider it a downside, is EoD injects.
It's not new. It's produced by UGLs mostly as far as I've ever seen. Most all larger UGLs carry NPP and it's a pretty widely used product. It's just a faster acting version of Deca. Same compound, attached to a Phenylpropionate ester rather than the normal Decanoate. I've used GP and a couple others and they are all smooth, little to no pain. Works great paired with test propionate.
GH is also great for what you are looking for, the only issue with GH is the fact that it takes a bit for it to kick in.
EQ is better for longer cycles and twice a week injections are a blessing when stacking with short esters.
+1 EQ is great for joints. It also does not have the water bloat, and prog. side effects associated with deca. My last EQ cycle I ran for 20 weeks at 600mg. Complete joint relief.
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. Fast acting Deca. It's Deca without the "Deca" sides like deca dick. Clears the system much faster, also kicks in much faster. I'd never use Deca again over NPP. Love the stuff. I use it in all my cycles for joint support and it is a pretty good mass builder as well.
The only downside, if you consider it a downside, is EoD injects.