What is it like to be on test (mentally)?

If used correctly, AAS can make you feel better overall.....depending on your case/history. Honestly tho, how it feels shouldnt be top your list of priorities if your looking into AAS. Just sayin, and if it aint, then cool. Now read the stickys!!!
at the end of the day, he wants something that will make him more creative, no hassle there, alot of people have searched for ways to improve this, write better songs, play better tunes, I have done it myself with other means, its just that this aint the road to take if you just want to be a more creative guitarist, now if you want to show off your muscles with your shirt off while your doing a guitar solo in front of cheering fans, than thats another kettle of fish.
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Not at all. I understand it doesn't have a distinct drug like effect, clearly. But regardless, it IS hormone that effects neurotransmitters, and you will feel different by altering those neurotransmitters. Period.

I just want to know what it feels like, if it feels significantly better in terms of quality of life, etc. than being natural

you already have test in your system .. its there and being produced naturally daily. therefore you already know what it feels like
If what you really want is something that makes you more creative, you need to look at what the creative geniuses of the past were using. I think Heroin tops the list, with morphine coming in pretty close.
Hey guys, hypothetically i am considering to hop on just test e or cyp.

I know others who do it and say it is day and night as far as mental difference, but haven't gone into much detail with me about what exactly it's like to be high test.
I myself have been tested, and my test is just very mid range, (520 ng/dl).

So please do go into as much detail as you can about how it feels to JUST be on testosterone, whether that be your blasting dose or cruising dose (please specify though).
I'm curious to know if when hypothetically I hopped on if it will make me feel as energetic, lively, and horny as I was when I was a kid or what?

Does it make music sound better? Hobbies more fun?

I know it makes you hornier, but does it make life in general more enjoyable?

Edit: I am also a guitar player and was hoping it could give me more creativity, and general vitality to help write music.

From my research and observing it appears users who suffer from low T would feel more from it mentally than someone with normal test. I think if you look at it from science angle you'll see that test doesn't really do much with neurotransmitters like serotonin, it rather has most of its actions on our animal instinct as a man so more of your hind brain functions/feelings like aggression, fight or flight. Being part of the endocrine system it also ties into other hormones like thyroid, that is if you have a lack of T as I'm learning. I myself have low T so sometimes I feel tired and lethargic, more emotional than I should, I gain weight easy in the abdomen, but mentally I can feel tired too... I can feel the lack of aggression versus when I was 20. I haven't ran a full cycle yet but I did get to run the test for 5 weeks before my injury.. and I believe I had low T then too as once week 4 hit I felt great. Not high, not more creative, but I felt like a normal aggressive male should feel or like I used to feel.
No? Not sure why you think you can demand an answer from me over the internet and I'll just comply lmao.

This is EXACTLY what you are doing. You keep telling people they must answer your question...

There is a good reason to ask your age. Doing steroids does require a certain level of maturity or else you can easily hurt yourself, but maturity and chronological age do not always match up. He is asking because under a certain age you can REALLY damage yourself if you take large amounts of testosterone. Multiple Sclerosis type of damage (taking large amounts of testosterone under the age of 25 can severely limit the thickness and density of the protective sheaths that surround nerves. When these sheaths get too thin you can end up with electrical cross-talk and all hell breaks loose in your nervous system).

Believe it or not, the people here really want to help others NOT hurt themselves.
lmfaoooo You all AMAZE me with your sarcasm. It was a simple question, why not just answer?
Ok. I'll share my experience. I've been on trt for almost 3 years. I've never taken steroids other than testosterone. And I've never taken a dose higher than a trt dose. The most I was on was 200mg/wk. So I can only tell you about trt doses. Before trt, my test level was 170.6. I had severe brain fog and extremely bad short term memory issues. Which also included that feeling of when that word you're trying to think of is on the tip of your tongue, but just can't remember. Well, I felt like that most of the time.

So, trt has greatly improved my brain fog. And has helped my memory get back to what is probably normal for me. I can think better. Not genius kind of better, but just normal.

So, I'm just guessing on this, so don't take it as gospel. I'd say if your test levels are normal and there's no other issues going on, you may not notice a memory and thinking improvement. If you don't have brain fog caused by low t, then obviously there's no brain fog to be helped by taking test.

Trt has improved my life in so many ways, from where I was before. It's amazing, actually. But if you're already thinking normally, I'm not sure test can do anything in that regard.

Maybe someone who has gone from normal test levels, to well-above-normal levels can give a better answer.
I don't notice a huge different in mood on 500mg/week, maybe a little less anxiety but that could partially be the placebo feeing of confidence because I'm on, if that makes sense.
I'm also a guitarist, at one point it was my "career". I play WAY lesl on cycle because I'm spending so much more time on my training, food, and rest. The instrument becomes a weekend thing. I do not get more creative by any means, that's an odd thing to want to happen, maybe on some psychotropics or something but that's never been my thing.
was hoping it could give me more creativity

the only increased creativity i get when on high doses of test is coming up with more and more excuses as to why I need to bang my girl for the 5th time of the day and coming up with new ways/positions to do it.

And being you'll be thinking about sex 24/7 you won't really have any time left to be creative in any other hobbie
If used correctly, AAS can make you feel better overall.....depending on your case/history. Honestly tho, how it feels shouldnt be top your list of priorities if your looking into AAS. Just sayin, and if it aint, then cool. Now read the stickys!!!

Why? that's exactly what the premise of TRT is, not muscle growth, but overall improvement of quality of life. Seems way more important than adding a few lbs. Maybe you should re think your priorities?
From my research and observing it appears users who suffer from low T would feel more from it mentally than someone with normal test. I think if you look at it from science angle you'll see that test doesn't really do much with neurotransmitters like serotonin, it rather has most of its actions on our animal instinct as a man so more of your hind brain functions/feelings like aggression, fight or flight. Being part of the endocrine system it also ties into other hormones like thyroid, that is if you have a lack of T as I'm learning. I myself have low T so sometimes I feel tired and lethargic, more emotional than I should, I gain weight easy in the abdomen, but mentally I can feel tired too... I can feel the lack of aggression versus when I was 20. I haven't ran a full cycle yet but I did get to run the test for 5 weeks before my injury.. and I believe I had low T then too as once week 4 hit I felt great. Not high, not more creative, but I felt like a normal aggressive male should feel or like I used to feel.

Finally a real response rather than just bashing my question. THANK YOU.
Why? that's exactly what the premise of TRT is, not muscle growth, but overall improvement of quality of life. Seems way more important than adding a few lbs. Maybe you should re think your priorities?

the premise of TRT is treatment for a real diagnosed medical condition called 'hypogonadism' .. of course people who are successfully treated for a medical condition are going to have overall improvement in the quality of life (thats the point of treatment).

an 'average joe' who does NOT have this medical condition does not need treatment and will therefore not really benefit or improve his quality of life by administering treatment for a problem he does not have
From my research and observing it appears users who suffer from low T would feel more from it mentally than someone with normal test. I think if you look at it from science angle you'll see that test doesn't really do much with neurotransmitters like serotonin, it rather has most of its actions on our animal instinct as a man so more of your hind brain functions/feelings like aggression, fight or flight. Being part of the endocrine system it also ties into other hormones like thyroid, that is if you have a lack of T as I'm learning. I myself have low T so sometimes I feel tired and lethargic, more emotional than I should, I gain weight easy in the abdomen, but mentally I can feel tired too... I can feel the lack of aggression versus when I was 20. I haven't ran a full cycle yet but I did get to run the test for 5 weeks before my injury.. and I believe I had low T then too as once week 4 hit I felt great. Not high, not more creative, but I felt like a normal aggressive male should feel or like I used to feel.

Where can I find this research and things to read up on. This is more so what I'm interested in.
the only increased creativity i get when on high doses of test is coming up with more and more excuses as to why I need to bang my girl for the 5th time of the day and coming up with new ways/positions to do it.

And being you'll be thinking about sex 24/7 you won't really have any time left to be creative in any other hobbie

Well at least he can get more creative during sex... :dance2: .. Gotta love it.

Why? that's exactly what the premise of TRT is, not muscle growth, but overall improvement of quality of life. Seems way more important than adding a few lbs. Maybe you should re think your priorities?

Who the fvck are you to tell anyone to re-think anything Kid. Oh by the way did you ever tell us your age. Huh I probably missed it, I'll go back. It's the kids that always hide their age.

Hey you are not allowed on here if you're not 18 yrs.