What is sexy to you?

Girls love muscles! When you throw in some good game and a nice car it's lights out brother. I've also found girls always notice nice shoes. I never would've thought.

It's funny...that has always been the case, and I've never had problems getting girls. But just recently I moved to a very liberal/hippy town (probably the most liberal in America honestly) and it's the opposite! Girls look at me like I'm weird/gross and you see them with scrawny little un-bathed guys wearing skinny jeans. And it's so funny to me because everyone here is supposed to be all non-judgemental...but they definitely look at me like I'm some kind of freak...and I'm not even huge or anything.

It's funny...that has always been the case, and I've never had problems getting girls. But just recently I moved to a very liberal/hippy town (probably the most liberal in America honestly) and it's the opposite! Girls look at me like I'm weird/gross and you see them with scrawny little un-bathed guys wearing skinny jeans. And it's so funny to me because everyone here is supposed to be all non-judgemental...but they definitely look at me like I'm some kind of freak...and I'm not even huge or anything.


LMAO, that sounds like that area!
Yeah bro...Berkeley especially. People automatically stereotype me because of how I look...and they always act so surprised when I tell them I'm doing my PhD. Close-minded fucks.
It's funny...that has always been the case, and I've never had problems getting girls. But just recently I moved to a very liberal/hippy town (probably the most liberal in America honestly) and it's the opposite! Girls look at me like I'm weird/gross and you see them with scrawny little un-bathed guys wearing skinny jeans. And it's so funny to me because everyone here is supposed to be all non-judgemental...but they definitely look at me like I'm some kind of freak...and I'm not even huge or anything.


Hmm I wonder if this means we'd have real good luck in a very conservative area. I'm taking a trip to texas to find out lol
Yeah absolutely man...Bigger is better there! Just don't dress like Ronnie from Jersey Shore haha.

I grew up in a much more conservative area...considered to be 'the south' and girls LOOOOVE muscles in the south.
Child-bearing hips.

When my littleHerm goes boinggggg

ha ha


I have a habbit oh chasing the hottest girl in the place! LOL that got me far.

I swear now before I even go on a date with some one I make them un robe butt naked bust out the black light and try to find that Bitch or swastika tattoo's there hiding! Cause those are the girls I'm interested in for some reason

After my sons mom I was fuck this I'm turning GAY! Physco,
OMG you young fellas have a lot to learn! A good sexual partner is only as good as her instructor or visa versa
What if the girl is a submissive type, likes it when her partner is in total control, wants to be punished for being naughty??
OMG you young fellas have a lot to learn! A good sexual partner is only as good as her instructor or visa versa

I just meant I hate it when a girl just lies there and takes it. I want her to make a move. And I love me some dirty talk lol

Besides anyone can fuck a zebra! You need to go out there and nail a lion my friend.
I just meant I hate it when a girl just lies there and takes it. I want her to make a move. And I love me some dirty talk lol

Besides anyone can fuck a zebra! You need to go out there and nail a lion my friend.
Communication!!!! tell her what you like and vise versa youll be surprised at the response, sometime you just need to make it playful and fun
What if the girl is a submissive type, likes it when her partner is in total control, wants to be punished for being naughty??

This tends to be how a lot of girls are, especially the girls that like muscles. They want a manly man to take control of them. It's fun yes but I guess it's just the fact that I've had it over and over you know?
Communication is great but you have to be very careful with girls and not make it sound like they're doing something wrong. Offending your partners sex skills can kill that part of the relationship!

I haven't done a lot of role playing smilee. Got any good examples?
Communication is great but you have to be very careful with girls and not make it sound like they're doing something wrong. Offending your partners sex skills can kill that part of the relationship!

I haven't done a lot of role playing smilee. Got any good examples?
Ask her what some of her fantasy are, and be open to try them out.