what is the best cycle for someone extremely sensitive to gyno?


I am banned!
I was thinking about deca/winny... or tbol/1test
All with a very low shot of test to keep things working.

What do you guys think? I've been looking at some of the new stuff by one lab such as 1test?
I was thinking about deca/winny... or tbol/1test
All with a very low shot of test to keep things working.

What do you guys think? I've been looking at some of the new stuff by one lab such as 1test?

deca/ winy will be nothing but trouble my friend, you need test in that mix, deca will shut your natural test production down.

If i were you i would run a 12 weeks cycle of test with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) everday to keep gyno from ever starting
Test prop is the most mild and has the least side effects out of all tests so that might be a good idea.. I used it my first cycle as i wanted to avoid acne
You'll still get gyno no matter what...i do. Just get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like letrozole, arimidex, or exemestane.
Primo is pretty mild, and test prop you can stop quickly to avoid sides of build up estro.

also use AI