what is the closest LEGAL cycle to steroids?

this stuff.....

On a very serious note (not purposely pimping just being honest) using methylated products, especially the current crop of loophole legal desginer steroids such as the "superdrols" "boladrols" and any other "drol" for that matter is very harsh and stressful on your body....even first time users can get extreme side effects such as heart (ldl/hdl abnormalities) liver, kidney stress and ultimately feel like utter shit. You notice that most hardcore methyls have the user feeling like they are dying...doesnt that ring a bell? Anyways from the little that is available regarding the new AndroSeries, this could, would, and should be the ultimate steroidal breakthrough once released...who knows though....PP does not slack when it comes to science and quality so think twice about these current poisons being pimped and sold by oddball, goofy ass companies making a quick buck on your health. Some of the names of their products are down right embarrassing.
PP does not slack when it comes to science and quality so think twice about these current poisons being pimped and sold by oddball, goofy ass companies making a quick buck on your health.

The AndroSeries has had more money invested in it than what it costs to run some of these fly by night PH companies. Quality tested, Design perfected, and NOT methylated.
I've tried alot of natural test boosters and really the only thing that has ever worked for me that is still available on the market is Methastadrol (Superdrol clone), Halo Plex (Hdrol clone), and M1-D. If you stack them, you will get gains like you've never seen. Or you can just use one of em and still get some pretty good gains. You might want to read up more on them before you take em. They are pretty difficult to find, but Supplement Warehouse dot com usually has em in stock. Don't be surprised if they ran out. I had to wait a week once because they were sold out.
I used tyo take a product called Di Methyl X, which was also a superdrol clone. Great stuff and If my memory serves me correct that compund is a Masteron precurser..Superdrol clones are g2g!
ok just read up on it... so Beastdrol then after cycle ... unleased and post-cycle
thats the full set. I guess i'll give it a try.
too bad they cant make beastdrol as an injection. I hate taking so many pills..i feel bad for my liver and kidneys.

no imo your need more than those your need Tamoxifen Citrate or Clomiphene.the game has changed ALOT since the days of old I would say take at least aweek and catch up on the protocols of cycles pcts and etc.also check out the stickys here so much has happened since the days you remember alot of great stuff has come and gone.enjoy the reading also feel free to shoot me a pm or drop your questions here.
Other then the superdrol clones.. Tren is a pretty swell Ph itself.. isnt too to harsh on the liver as superdrol either.
On a very serious note (not purposely pimping just being honest) using methylated products, especially the current crop of loophole legal desginer steroids such as the "superdrols" "boladrols" and any other "drol" for that matter is very harsh and stressful on your body....even first time users can get extreme side effects such as heart (ldl/hdl abnormalities) liver, kidney stress and ultimately feel like utter shit. You notice that most hardcore methyls have the user feeling like they are dying...doesnt that ring a bell? Anyways from the little that is available regarding the new AndroSeries, this could, would, and should be the ultimate steroidal breakthrough once released...who knows though....PP does not slack when it comes to science and quality so think twice about these current poisons being pimped and sold by oddball, goofy ass companies making a quick buck on your health. Some of the names of their products are down right embarrassing.
Exactly, we are changing the game here with something never seen, done, or even considered possible.

Bottom line, wait for the reviews if you wish, we aren't going anywhere and stand behind our products.
It works for me douch! Now go and watch more porn.

let me know when your shit turns gray and your piss is the color of rust

keep running that cocktail, and let me know what your hdl says after....i wont even bother with the liver

porn is great....but i guess your magic pills killed your libido and any interest in it

if its working for you and your healthy, thats good, really

but its still bad advice, you can drive without breaks, but it doesnt make it a good fkn idea
ok just read up on it... so Beastdrol then after cycle ... unleased and post-cycle
thats the full set. I guess i'll give it a try.
too bad they cant make beastdrol as an injection. I hate taking so many pills..i feel bad for my liver and kidneys.

acually thats how it is used by most. its called masteron, exact same chem cept the oral has the 17aa/mthyl addition so oral use is better. (but alters its effects.
for eg. EQ IS dbol cept dbol is mythylated. its effects are alot diff i know.
all i knoe is beastdrolk is great, but use it wisely.
The AndroSeries has had more money invested in it than what it costs to run some of these fly by night PH companies. Quality tested, Design perfected, and NOT methylated.

How does it survive the liver if its not methylated? I was under the impression thats how all oral meds keep from getting destroyed...?
How does it survive the liver if its not methylated? I was under the impression thats how all oral meds keep from getting destroyed...?

Not all, and it is a good way to bypass the liver, however the AndroSeries has a very complicated delivery system which will accomplish this. Good question, and one that you should post here and have Eric the owner of PP and formulator of the AndroSeries.
Not all, and it is a good way to bypass the liver, however the AndroSeries has a very complicated delivery system which will accomplish this. Good question, and one that you should post here and have Eric the owner of PP and formulator of the AndroSeries.

will do. thanks for the response, and I look forward to hearing the whole answer.