what is the diff.


New member
can yall help me out and tell me what the kind of stuff this is:


2 methandrobold mix with: 40mgs of methandriol dirpropionate and 100mgs of boldenone undecylenate what the hell is this stuff??

3 what the different between the two compounds
test cypionate vs nandrolone cypionate

test vs test decanoate

can yall please help me figure this stuff out please!!
deconate / cypionate /propinate / enathate / etc. are just the esters , the anabolic with them can be anything ie. test / deca / eq / etc. sorry i cant help you with ? 2 i have no idea , ps the ester determines how long the half life of the anabolic will be , i hope this helps
number two is 140mgs of methandrobold it is a mixed together

number 4 is test decanoate 250mgs 20ml

and all of them are made by blue diamond labs
staybig said:
can yall help me out and tell me what the kind of stuff this is:


2 methandrobold mix with: 40mgs of methandriol dirpropionate and 100mgs of boldenone undecylenate what the hell is this stuff??

3 what the different between the two compounds
test cypionate vs nandrolone cypionate

test vs test decanoate

can yall please help me figure this stuff out please!!

1.) Boldenone is the base hormone used in EQ (boldenone undecylenate sp?)

2.) Stay away form this compound, here is what i have gathered regarding this drug:

by Bill Roberts - This substance, used in some Australian veterinary products, is to be avoided by male bodybuilders. It is highly estrogenic, and has no redeeming properties. It is a poor anabolic and the mythical "receptor-cleaning" properties that have been claimed for it are pure fantasy.

An antiaromatase would not correct the estrogenic problems of this drug, since it is directly estrogenic, not requiring conversion by aromatase. An antiestrogen such as Clomid would probably help, but since methandriol is a poor anabolic anyway, there is no point to a methandriol/Clomid stack.

3.) test cypionate is Testosterone bound to a cypionate ester. the long cypionate ester makes the testosterone release over a long period of time.

nandrolone cypionate- this is kind of like Deca durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) except of the very long lasting decanoate ester, it has a cypionate ester attached. the cypionate ester is considered a long acting ester, but is not as long acting as the decanoate ester.

4.) test vs. test decanoate: well, the decanoate is just an ester attached to the anabolic hormone testosterone. im not too sure of your question. Im not sure if your asking what the difference between test no ester (TNE) or test with any ester?

anyways, test decanoate is just testosterone attached to a very long lasting decanoate ester
2 methandrobold mix with: 40mgs of methandriol dirpropionate and 100mgs of boldenone undecylenate what the hell is this stuff??

its basicaly the same as the aussie drug drive. ive never heard of it being estrogenic at all. msot people use it in cutting cycles actualy. although i dont believe the recepter cleaning bs either. ive known a few people who have used it and lopved it. but none personaly. only way id try it is if it were free