What kind of BodyBuilder are you?

What kind of BodyBuilder are you

  • Fitness Model

    Votes: 16 4.7%
  • Professional Competitor

    Votes: 3 0.9%
  • Amatuer Competititor

    Votes: 38 11.0%
  • Top NPC Competitor

    Votes: 3 0.9%
  • Natural BB

    Votes: 19 5.5%
  • Just trying to look good

    Votes: 265 77.0%

  • Total voters
CaptainAwesome said:
the kind that you dont want to mess with buddy!!!!

LOL....I just do it to look good. I find motivation in the desire to be better than other people, not only in the way I look physically but in all aspects of life. (of course that does not always work, but I keep striving for it...)
I guess just for looks. Nothing beats a great arm pump, or the feeling after 5 sets of squats or some heavy deads. I also like little remarks like "Wheres the gym at" or the looks in grocaery stores, just wearing a regular old t-shirt. I like that I dont have to wear a wife beater for people to know I workout.
i do it to burn off steam. its what keeps me sane. i also like being fucking big lol

just started to diet and do cardio . will see were it takes me
I enjoy the chellenge in sculpting my body and building muscle. I also have to admit...I like the attention that I get when out in public.
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I think most all of us got into BB because of the desire to gain attention from other people. If we wanted to exercise and look like normal human beings, we'd all have joined the cross country team in high school - LOL!
My goal is to do a competition some time in a future. First I need to put on more weight....lot more...lol
STANG 98 said:
I think most all of us got into BB because of the desire to gain attention from other people. If we wanted to exercise and look like normal human beings, we'd all have joined the cross country team in high school - LOL!

You got my fucking attention...:yumyum::cum:
Im the opposite, i could give a damn if I could only curl 15s, as long as my arms were 20" oh well. Well, i got 2.5" more to go. The reason 99% of us BB, is because it is a way to look bigger, more muscular, more appealing to the opposite sex, or same sex, whatever you want. Were insecure about our looks, or else we wouldnt go to the extremes of using AAS, insulin, DNP, eating healthy 365 days a year. Guys who compete and are pros, are just better at it than we are, but they are still insecure.
For me its always been about remaining competative in whatever I am involved with at the time. As an extreme ectomorph, even with the help of anabolics it is hard for me to maintain a sufficient weight at any level when hardcore cardio is induced. With 6 years under my belt as a competative wrestler I have found that only through anabolics combines wiwht a very strict dicipline in training can i achieve sufficent weight gain and /or maintaing current weight. Throw into the mix that I was in the Marines and trained with them as well as my competative sports....I have a sever tendancy to over train.....So as i stated before...I bodybuild to remain competative in life.
we all need something to focus on. What is more positive than a relatively healthy lifestyle?

Oh and the pussy too.....