What kind of diets do the pros use precontest?


New member
Obviously ergogenics such as Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) ,HGH ,IFG-1 ,DNP ,clen ,T3 ,PGF2 ,ect...ect... play a huge part in getting the pros ripped while maintaining there LBM for a contest. But what do there diets ,and cardio/lifting routines look like precontest? Thanks guys.

ive never heard of any pro using DNP...
BUT i think that most go like this 5 days low carb and 1 hi carb, then start over.. allways keeping the fats undercontrol and protien thru the roof..

Watch Ronnies Video and tell me whgat you think his diet is like I think it is garbage..

bearohs said:
ive never heard of any pro using DNP...
BUT i think that most go like this 5 days low carb and 1 hi carb, then start over.. allways keeping the fats undercontrol and protien thru the roof..

Watch Ronnies Video and tell me whgat you think his diet is like I think it is garbage..


I don't know how Ronnie can eat a plate of french fries and ketchup and be ready for a competition. I laughed my ass off when I saw him eating Fries!
Yea this summer my workoput partner and i would watch that everyday before we went to the gym.. Yea Buddy... Light weight.. its comical.. I dont how he does it either, all those potatoes. Even if the fries are baked, thats soo starchy.. and i never saw him eat anything green..
