what kind of long cycle would u run


for slow but keepable gains.
i was thinking more tha 12 wks
what kindd of gear would you run and what dose.

Well I'm going to be running an Eq cycle for 4 months, if I see that I'm making progress throughout I will continue it while getting blood tests done, along with the Eq I will throw in a low dose of test (libido) and some 8 week runs of Oxandrin!

Eq= slow/steady gains but keepable

whhat doses and how long do you like

and wannaimpress

what doses will you run your eq

ive thought about the idea of running eq for a long cycle to .
You can run a 16 week cycle. Test@400-500mgs/week & EQ@400-600/week. Like I said you can throw in some d-bol the first 5 weeks a 25-35mgs./ED. Start at 25mgs. an increase a little each week.
duey said:

whhat doses and how long do you like

and wannaimpress

what doses will you run your eq

ive thought about the idea of running eq for a long cycle to .

I haven't decided if I'm going to do a typical T/Th shot or just a cc every 4 days which comes out to 350mgs a week. I'm mainly going to do this cycle to cut some bf% while maintaining my lbm, hey and if I gain a few pounds great! :D
Heyyo said:
I would run a Test Deca EQ cycle.

Something along the lines of

600mg of enanthate, 300mg of Deca for 8 weeks
400mg of EQ for 10 weeks,
Prop W9-12 700mg a week.
Anavar 30-50mg ED W11-16

Although that combo was my best cycle! I have to say no way to deca!! Its the devil!! It gives you great gains, but when you stop, so does your sex drive!!

EQ/Primo/GH would be my choices!!

400mg of EQ for 16 weeks sounds nice!! You could add test or proviron for libido!