What over the counter supplements to stay on year round?

Dr Carm

New member
I would say Protien,Multi Vitamin, Creatine maybe.

What else? Do any of you guys use test boosters also. How do you cycle them?
whey protein, multivitamin, bcaa's, CoQ10, nattokinase, omega 3's (krill) creatine 3 months on 2off, arginine (mostly in nitrix supps) all sorts of herbs & teas. glucosamine, chondroitin, msm. ZMA is the only test booster i would use all year long.
I use cissus all year round as well. Check out forged joint repair. It has all of the above for joints you mentioned as well as cissus.
Hmm staples for sure, protein, BCAA's like scivation Xtends, Finaflex Creatrona, DS Craze for pwo, Fish oils, CLA, Beta alanine, list could go on lol.
BCAA's,Multivitimans,Saw Palmetto,B-6,Fish Oil,Vit C,CQO10,Super B Complex,Naicin,NAC,L-Arginine,L-Citrulline,protein are my staples,and i cycle my creatine every
3-4 months
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multi like mentioned is always important. NTBM's multi is cheap and effective.

Yeah I've been on ntbm's multi for a little while now. It's definetly a very potent and effective one. I've tried many different multi's and this is certainly one of my favorites.
need2slin, Anabeta (cycled), creatine nitrate, whey protein, Gear (when back in stock, and then will buy a case damnit!!!), Powerchews BCAAs, Glutamine, and PWO, HCgenerate (cycled), Ruthless 3D multi, Krill, Vit C, Bridge (inbetween cycles), ZMA, N2KTS, N2 Amp, and Unleashed for real test boosting!
need2slin, Anabeta (cycled), creatine nitrate, whey protein, Gear (when back in stock, and then will buy a case damnit!!!), Powerchews BCAAs, Glutamine, and PWO, HCgenerate (cycled), Ruthless 3D multi, Krill, Vit C, Bridge (inbetween cycles), ZMA, N2KTS, N2 Amp, and Unleashed for real test boosting!

Awesome combo of supps.