Assuming "diet is in check" is a vague thought process in your line of questioning. Diet is as critical a component as any compound in a cycle. The "right diet" depends on what you are trying to achieve. What is attainable depends on your goals and your discipline. But test is powerful enough to help you achieve a very impressive physique regardless of your goals if you plan the desired outcome, and stay disciplined to the diet put in the work. Simple as that
Weird question as you can run 3g of test a week which may yield more than 500mg test e plus 500mg deca...matters what you do..
there is no way for us to tell how much dedication you have, how good your diet is, and how good your genetics are. another big overlooked part is actually knowing how to perform exercises properly
5"11 213 lbs 9%bf. Is that good enough?
maybe mass wise like frank zane or some of those old school guys like francis benfatto. bodyfat wise idk
Well indeed the dosage has its impact, but why do people throw in more compounds then?
Other compounds have other beneficial effects like joint relief from nandrolone (synovial fluid viscosity change), trenbolone is extremely more anabolic and allows less volume needed on top of improving feed efficiency. Boldenone is known for stimulating appetite and red blood cell production (careful with that one - there IS such as too much of a good thing), masteron and other DHT derivatives have a binding affinity to androgen receptors over estradiol and SHBG, freeing up more active hormone as well as increasing androgenic traits, the list goes on and on.
Remember though, the monsters you see today are on far more than just AAS. Once human growth hormone hit the bb community, there was an enormous change as can be seen by looking at Olympia competitors from the 70's to the early 90's and comparing them to the men of today that compete at that level.
Testosterone will easily satisfy the needs of most, but where's the fun in that?![]()
My .02c![]()