What should I do?????????


I am banned!
hello everyone. I'm 18 years old.

a while ago, I started a cycle of Testosterone. I stopped after 2-3 weeks and threw everything away. I stopped before it had kicked in.

after I stopped, I never did any PCT.

after that, I have been feeling like absolute shit. no erection, no libido, no energy, lethargic, depressed, irritated, tired etc.

I just try to sleep all the time. I feel like utter shit.

I have been living like this for quite a long time.

it's very hard living like this.

what should I do??
get bloodworks done, hcg treatment, pct, bloods again and dont go
near gear until your 26
People here can help you out with some suggestions. Step #1 is to get bloodwork that tells you total testosterone, estradiol, LH, and FSH. That's a minimum. If you spend a bit more you can find out free testosterone, SHBG, and prolactin.

Once you post up those things you'll get better advice.

Also tell us how long you did various things and how long since the end, in your post above you just say a while.

Ok you started this thread on January 29th. The next thread you started was taking 2000mgs of test per week for 6 weeks.

I call bullshit bud

no, I'm serious.
I was going to call Bullshit on this, before I read the Posts.

Move on Troll, we are wise to your Nonsense..................................... JP
There will be no bloodwork here. Needles scare this kid.......AND THEY SHOULD. Just keep on the path you're on bro.....stay clean and don't touch the hormones. Lift hard bro.......if you lift