what synthol can do for you!

I posted this at AR, but I believe he did site injections of Cell-Tech right into his arms. Also, the guy is so full of his own CRAP that he thinks noone know what he really used. We call that a Moron where I'm from.
ripsid said:
I posted this at AR, but I believe he did site injections of Cell-Tech right into his arms. Also, the guy is so full of his own CRAP that he thinks noone know what he really used. We call that a Moron where I'm from.

If he actually thinks people believe him when he says that all he did was site injections of just Test & EQ and that he never did synthol, well then the dumbass is even more fuckin' stupid that what he looks!
I don't think anyone with half a brain believes anyting this dink says. He looks like he should be in a circus freak show. Do you guys think he knew what he was getting himself into when he started injecting himself with this stuff? If he knew what he was going to look like, do you think he would have done it?
Valentino is the Poster Child for what a moron with a needle can do! He's got major issues! Mostly suffering from a neurological disorder known around the world as "Imafuckenidoticassinoma" . Only one cure for that and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, except Saddam and his merry band of idiots.
He actually challenged Lee priest to a posedown. He thinks his scar and oil is actual tissue. I bet he cant even curl 40lbs.
no he curls the 50ibs for concentraion curls for about 1 hour and then after that he does dips for a hour. It was in a article a few years ago.
Tarzan said:
I hope he don't get the bright idea to inject his dick with that shit lol...

I read/watched something a year or two ago about penile oil injections becoming popular (relatively speaking, I hope) among guys in asia who had teeny weenies. Of course, that led to problems if they injected enough to actually make a difference. Guys were also making incisions to insert little ball bearings under the skin, which led to infections and who knows what else.
Greg lives in my town and i see him on an acation, he still has one 27 inch arm and the other is F up. I kinda feel bad for the guy but at the same time i relize that he did it to himself. He tryes to cover it up but still he gets points and stairs. From what i hear he owned a gym and was selling AS and got bagged and lost everything
Fuck head.......The guy that won my class this past weekend at my show had synthol delts..god it was gross!!! Fuckin idiots!!!!