what synthol can do for you!

but synthol only lasts a few days....
Hed have to inject it practically every day, and from what Ive heard its shitty to work out a muscle full of synthol
He said also when he came off the gear he is down to 25" arms now instead of 27"... These are old pix, he is nuts.
jamesbrosky said:
but synthol only lasts a few days....
Hed have to inject it practically every day, and from what Ive heard its shitty to work out a muscle full of synthol

Good synthol lasts longer, regular gear lasts a couple days, nobody would pay $80 for 100cc of synthol if it was just as lame as sterile oil.
god damn, even in those pics his chest is covered up. it must be really small!
i bet we would shit ourselves laughing if we actually got to see him with no shirt (or towel!)
jamesbrosky said:
but synthol only lasts a few days....
Hed have to inject it practically every day, and from what Ive heard its shitty to work out a muscle full of synthol

wrong. synthol wont fully leave your body until 3-4 years after you take it
What an idiot, that is sad though. Too bad he has to go through that. And someone should tell him," Hey, you are 5'4" get over it. It doesnt mean try and have 30inch arms and look like a freak of nature.!"
It was a terrible mistake and I am sure he is having a shit load of health problems right now. There is just no fucking way that he was only using test and eq. That my friend is what I call bullshit.