What to choose


I am going to start taking steroids and i have done some research and i found a few steroids i liked. Please share some thoughts about Deca, Sust, And test.....What you liked, your gains ect....And what you think is an respectible price for one cycle
First cycle, I'd keep it simple and cost effective. Do a single ester test (cheaper than sust) at about 500mg/week and some dbol 20mg/day for the first 5 weeks, and bingo-bango, results for pennies.
TxLonghorn said:
First cycle, I'd keep it simple and cost effective. Do a single ester test (cheaper than sust) at about 500mg/week and some dbol 20mg/day for the first 5 weeks, and bingo-bango, results for pennies.

True true........."KISS", you will get very good results with what Tx. posted above. Make sure you have an anti-a just in case you start to notice gyno symptoms and goodies for PCT!;)
i'm not going to stack at first, i will just take one. Money is an issue. I'm not going to put more than $220 into this. My "friend" says he can get a cycle of test for like 200-220. What can i expect in a 6 week cycle?
Omnadren 250 is good at 500 mg per week, the stuff is cheap and works well and human grade. Then stack with deca or Equipoise at 400 mg per week, this may be slightly more expensive, but with the omnadren being cheap it makes up for it. Don't be that cheap, its your own body here! Try to stay with human grade stuff. If baldness is common in family, then you may want to stay away from D-Bol, even though it works great, but may have some severe side effects. My first cycle was 500 mg of sust, 400 mg deca. and it went well. But i would try Equipoise instead of deca, since deca shuts you down harder then equipoise. Good luck and enjoy the gains and the ass you'll be getting!!
6 week cycle, are you crazy!!!!!!!!!!!! Might as well give the money to your source and let him keep the gear. You need at least 10 weeks of test to make gains. You'll begin to feel the growth and strength after 5 weeks, so 6 weeks will leave you growing for one week. If you want one steroid, go with omnadren or testoviron. Omnadren is about $7 per amp and testoviron is $10 per amp. Definietly do 10 weeks minimum, for good gains!!!! If you do only anadrol or d-bol then 6 weeks is enough, but not a good cycle. Go with what i told you, you'll be happy!
Derexan said:
i'm not going to stack at first, i will just take one. Money is an issue. I'm not going to put more than $220 into this. My "friend" says he can get a cycle of test for like 200-220. What can i expect in a 6 week cycle?

Test only will be good first cycle also Derexan, we just mentioned D-bol so it help kick-start it. Derexan, Test should be ran at a minimum of 8 weeks, I would personally run it for 10 weeks.
I would put more than $220 into steroids, but thats money i dont have. I will go for a longer cycle, i have a friend who takes them and i will follow his advice. My first priorities are strenth, and speed increases. I actually WANT aggression as a side effect becuase it helps you perform better in football. If i get the lean and cut look then yeah that would be great but its my last priority.
twoman2000 said:
6 week cycle, are you crazy!!!!!!!!!!!! Might as well give the money to your source and let him keep the gear. You need at least 10 weeks of test to make gains. You'll begin to feel the growth and strength after 5 weeks, so 6 weeks will leave you growing for one week. If you want one steroid, go with omnadren or testoviron. Omnadren is about $7 per amp and testoviron is $10 per amp. Definietly do 10 weeks minimum, for good gains!!!! If you do only anadrol or d-bol then 6 weeks is enough, but not a good cycle. Go with what i told you, you'll be happy!

Damn you twoman.......beat me to it!:D
So you want to follow his advice and you want the aggression as a side effect so you can perform better at football oh and if you get cut that would be great all in six weeks!!! OK then
You should be able to get an amp of test for about $8-10. So, for a 10 weeker, that's 20 amps if you want to run it at 500mg/week. That right there is $200. And dbol is cheap, cheap. All you would need is about 150 tabs at 5mg/ea to do it for 5 weeks.
Derexan said:
I am going to start taking steroids and i have done some research and i found a few steroids i liked. Please share some thoughts about Deca, Sust, And test.....What you liked, your gains ect....And what you think is an respectible price for one cycle

What are your stats; age, weight, height, lifting experience, goals of cycle ??
I am 16 years old 6'1 219..... I have been lifting for about a year and a half, and for the past 6 months or so i have been doing mainly strenth increasing exercises...Our coaches encourage aggression, we have pit fights, two of us are thrown in the pit and we fight...Like fist fights not like pussy who can drive the other one out shit....Of course we have pads on so no real injuries happen. I realize what will happen to my body and stuff that i really shouldnt take steroids till im 23 or soo.....but honestly, none of us should rreally be taking steroids. I want increased strenth, and speed. Like i try to get pissed and aggressive on the football field but it doesnt work, my coaches tell me im TOO nice...
wow sorry this is just too funny coming from a 16 year old. Glad you know you're too young, but you also sound too irresponsible to wipe your own ass nevermind inject hormones....but if you really want to then read the marvin thread...take 100 a bombs in 2 weeks and you'll have your aggression and you will kick everyone's ass that comes near you. On a more serious note...I would agree you need to do minimum 10 weeks and I would just go with something like 500mg of test/wk......by the time you're 20 you dick will be limp, you'll be bald and you'll still be a skinny ass. Sorry but I would read a lot more before diving into it. What does your diet and training look like? do you party lots?
Derexan said:
I am 16 years old 6'1 219..... ...

Boy am I glad I asked how old you were !!

16 years old.....please come back when you turn 18, we'll still say that you're too young then, but at least you won't be a minor then. I'm real sorry but we do not allow minors on the board.
To young bro.......wait a few more years till you have had some proper training/nutrition on your frame!
I find extreme irony in this - I can't come back until i'm 18 yet you have to realize......What we are doing is already illegal....thats like saying.....dude don't start crack at 16! come back around when your 18....Besides im extremly prudent...I wouldnt Do to much that it would actually make me crazy. Besides....really whats the point of doing steroids and being absolutly huge and if you dont play sports.....
To be totally honest this is the most insane post I have ever read, not only are you only sixteen and you are probably not even out of puberty at this point, but you have only been training for a year and a half. Give your body some time to grow on its own. I may not be speaking for everyone on this board, but I started lifting around the age of sixteen and since then in that short amount of time I have seen huge gains without using anything. At this point I have even decided to put off using for the next couple of years like the guys on this board suggest, to give myself time to grow. The guys on this board know what they are talking about. Listen to what they are telling you.
Derexan said:
I find extreme irony in this - I can't come back until i'm 18 yet you have to realize......What we are doing is already illegal....thats like saying.....dude don't start crack at 16! come back around when your 18....Besides im extremly prudent...I wouldnt Do to much that it would actually make me crazy. Besides....really whats the point of doing steroids and being absolutly huge and if you dont play sports.....

Please read this and then give your head a good shake...........

Until the age of 24, your body is overflowing with testosterone and growth
hormone. If you can't make progress without drugs when you're still young, you
need to re-evaluate a few things -- mainly your training and your
supplementation. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to progress on a
consistent basis without drugs. And if you can't, chances are you won't do much
better with drugs. Steroids will also close the growth plates of long bones so if
you haven't reached full height, steroids may prevent further skeletal
development, not to mention, they'll be shutting down your hormonal system at a time when it's reaching maturity. Don't mess with your reproductive system at this point. You're going to need it.