What to do when your source has been busted?


New member
Just got the news that my source got busted.
What to do? get rid of all your juice and related stuff? including your computer?

Anyway, these were really sad news, had been working with this source for most than 2 years...:confused: :crying:

By the way it was a local source, just 3 hours from where I live...
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First thing would be try to verify he was busted, not like some of the "busts" as of late. Second get rid of everything that could be incriminating, clomid, pins, fucking everything. Next get rid of that computer, although i doubt they would ever go that far, but you never know.

Chances are this is all overeacting, but better safe than sorry.
Yep, I will take all the stuff to my locker at the gym. I just started a new cycle, so my house is full of goodies.
But, fuck! the GH needs to be refrigerated.... buahhh!!!, and just bought a new computer a month ago!!!!
locker at the gym is not a good idea

also they normally go up hill not down hill.

I wouldnt worry about it. They would go after bigger fish, not minows
is that serious fellas? I mean to get rid of computer etc..I know to get rid of the actual stuff and anything pertaining to it, but computer?
I don't think you have anything to worry about unless you were doing any dealing yourself. If that were the case then I'd definitely be cleaning house, computer, etc.
how would cops find your contact info? i mean, the source has it in their emails but even if he didnt delete the emails with your info i dont know if the cops could get into their email accnt....
deleting stuff off your computer doesnt solve the problem. It just takes the cops 10 more seconds while the restroe the info. There are programs that will completely wipe shit off your comp. But it is best to stash it for a while. You would have to be so fucking thorough (cookies, hidden files, etc) that it is best to lose the comp in my opinion.

But like conan said, if you just pickd up a couple things, you probably dont have much to worry bout.
Just send money for an order (a small one). In the envelop I included my email address and address (not the order). But also send an email with my order...

Thanks for the advise, may be I'm overeacting, as mvmaxx said, I wasn't dealing, just a customer...

Buahhh!!! anyway...
i dont think they mess with your pc even if u think they do.....just reformat the pc once its reformated......all data is destroyed
soonbebig said:
i dont think they mess with your pc even if u think they do.....just reformat the pc once its reformated......all data is destroyed

That's not true at all, sorry.

Granted, as in my previous post I doubt they'll do anything anyway but a cop with half a brain can run utilities to pull data off a reformatted HD.
Just use a magnet on the drive and they will never recover anything from it.My friend got busted 6 mo ago by local cops and not for mail order Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and they took his cell,computer,mail and other idems, and they still have not returned any of them.
One reason I have alwasy been hesitant to make an order is because i always assumed that if my source got busted the cops would be showin up at my door next. Somehow i figured the source would have my email somewhere. How unlikely is this of actually happening? I mean once you have the gear in your possesion how much are you worried about getting caught?
If YOU didn't sell to anyone and you were the end of the line then I would not worry about it. Like someone else said...they go uphill, not downhill. They want the guy that sells to your source. If you were a source for someone else then disregard what I said and clean up your place.