Democracy is a farce....
You dont think we dont live under a "limited" dictatorship? Go try and buy gear at your local drugstore and see what freedom you have left.
as for that link
Planet could be 'unrecognizable' by 2050, experts say - Yahoo! News
About 2050...exactly why America needs to STOP all immigration, push the world out...ship out most of our deadweight, and focus on ourselves and let the world perish to its doings.
People dont realize... The end of the world WILL come in some of the younger peeps lifetimes. Unless we trim the human population by half...
America could set itself up as an agricultural safe haven capable of complete independance. This would require a more socialistic form of leadership to make work though, but in the end it could become perpetually unlimited. At the cost of reducing our own population via exporting people, and changing our prison system to Executions and not life sentences.
If liberals dont shut up, we all gona die. lol
I dont mean to sound evil, or single minded...But its us, or them when it comes down to it. We can't save the world. Things like AIDs, and advanced diseases are NATURAL POPULATION CONTROL. Its what kept us in balance.
My kids will live in a world that is constant war, corporations trying to subdue the people, and the people assassinating members of the corporations, rioting, fighting... THe future IS hell... Maybe using Nukes, not such a bad idea eh? lol No but this planet honestly I do not believe was ever capable of holding beyond 4 billion people with our own destructive tendencies.
I actually have spent alot of time putting effort and design into a system that could turn a state(say Ohio) into a self contained ecosystem for survival reasons. Requires that there be no rich, no poor, but a people surviving together.
ALso have been doing designs for communal living quarters I want to build on farmlands...There will come a time when family CANT move out because there is nowhere to go, and on top of that cost will be insane. I wish idiots could open their eyes....I wish idiots would stop screaming for special rights and realize we are animals, and if we become over populated we do what every other animal has done...wiped itself and its ecosystem out.
I may seem crazy, sick, or even messed up...but my mindset is one that is rapidly spreading. Its not single minded because I would die as well if need be(just cant suicide lol). But we need to stop talking about "peace" because peace would wipe us out. Medical advances are what will destroy our species. Longer lifespans cripple the young.
So much fear of death, will bring the final death to our doorstep. This is how our play will end, our curtains will close like unto that of a classical tragedy. Romeo and Juliet. We found forbidden love in technology and democracy, but it is that very love and our plans we laid with it that lead us inadvertently to creating our own death. We shall drink the poison, and disappear from the universe. There is no space travel coming people...Its too late for that.
For me, I see Christ returning, the Bible being fulfilled of its prophesies of humanities doom. To others, its simply a failed end of evolution, or a spiritual dead end...or if your a scientologist, those darned invisible aliens. Regardless of the label, it is mans fate to cease.