Whats going on in Libya

pickle bunny

The Ring Bearer
Signs and Wonders

Libya sends war planes in to bomb their own protesters.

We have somehow turned a corner that cant be unturned.

These are amazing times.
muslim politics are behind these protestions...

just like it was with Iran 50 years before. and now all the storys start again.
These are remarkable times in history. The Muslim world is starting to demand freedom and exacting a tremendous toll on its governments. Egypt was amazing to watch the tenacity of their people fight for their rights. Their passion was infectious to the other reigons creating a tsunami ripple throughout the other countries.
One can only wonder where this is going to level off.

I find it intriguing/facinating to watch.
Yes it's getting crazy ... Crazy'r!

Politics - religion - radicalism - terrorism - and holy wars .. "oh my."

Many forces with an agenda and no value on human life - growing and growing.

Not to mention the muslim brotherhood who wants to destroy the western world which includes us and many other countries.

I forget what his name was - but he is one of the most influential Muslims in the world - who says - child bombs are ok - WTF!

Don't get me wrong - there are many good Muslims - some of which are good friends of mine ... But there are some evil mo-fo's out there as well.

Twelvers are a whole noter level of creepy!
Yes it's getting crazy ... Crazy'r!

Politics - religion - radicalism - terrorism - and holy wars .. "oh my."

Many forces with an agenda and no value on human life - growing and growing.

Not to mention the muslim brotherhood who wants to destroy the western world which includes us and many other countries.

I forget what his name was - but he is one of the most influential Muslims in the world - who says - child bombs are ok - WTF!

Don't get me wrong - there are many good Muslims - some of which are good friends of mine ... But there are some evil mo-fo's out there as well.

Twelvers are a whole noter level of creepy!

Hey man...

Extremist Christian=irritating guy who overly judges everyone and yells YOU GOIN TA HELL BOY!!!! Maybe stand on a street corner with a sign, or do something dumb like protest a funeral.

Extremist Muslim= *After sawing off your families heads off in front of you* ALAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH *Then saws your head off* all while crowds of thousands cheer them on.

Yeah....I will save my opinions and what I think we should use our excess Nuclear weapons for :frogjump:

Its interesting, the world collapsing...the muslims taking control of many countries...news said muslims will double in number in the next 5 years....I think a certain book spoke of this exact thing, odd. Seems like I read this somewhere before about there being signs and wonders :scratchhe I just want to make sure I recognize who the goat is...that faith will breed untold destruction to every form of government and nation it touches. Its not one of rights, its one of suppression and oppression. Times are coming where it may very well be time again to lift a sword to protect your own faith.

I mean the muslim ladies at my friends work take their drinking water bottles into the toilet and douche with them, then refill the water bottles and drink out of em until they douche again later...Disgusting habits they have...
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Actually I dont want this to drift towards a bash Muslim thread so lets move away from that please.

I was more highlighting the desire for freedom at all costs and the extreme steps that both sides are implementing.
The remifications are severe if a fracturing country allows a nuke to fall into terroist hands.
The power is slowly shifting and we may not enjoy the ways things pan out.

One sad outcome is going to be oil prices reflected at the gas pumps. Oil is up 4.00 per barrel and gas up 10 cents per gallon as of today.
That will soon start cuttin into our protien shakes.
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Yeah....I will save my opinions and what I think we should use our excess Nuclear weapons for :frogjump:...

ugh, dont even mention that word. if things get too out of hand and those crazy mo fo's get their hands on one or some of these, you know they are coming straight over to you guys......
Egypt demanded Democracy and got it. Now the rest want it.

Way to confusing. Of course Democracy is great but most getting overthrown are our puppets!!!!!!

speaking of oil and this subject as well, wanna see something disturbing?

type in world oil reserves in wikpedia and look at the chart that shows how man years of reserve life the states has.......yikes
these are very interesting times that we are living in now, and quite scary also. I think that some of these other countries saw what Egypt did and want it for themselves, but these other dictators are not going to lay down. It is going to be a very ugly situation.
these are very interesting times that we are living in now, and quite scary also. I think that some of these other countries saw what Egypt did and want it for themselves, but these other dictators are not going to lay down. It is going to be a very ugly situation.

I agree

The decade of the dictator is fading. However look at Haiti.
Once they won their independance in the1700s from the French they did not have the education to create a working government. It is great for slaves to win freedom but without education and understanding of Law and process they could not function well.
Freedom requires elaborate government knowledge, not just desire.

So...It remains to been seen. These thinly held together countries are now prime targets for Alcada to start to slip their influence into the system.
We may end up with something far worse than our origional template.
speaking of oil and this subject as well, wanna see something disturbing?

type in world oil reserves in wikpedia and look at the chart that shows how man years of reserve life the states has.......yikes

Yikes. That is insane. Saw this article today. What do you guys think??

Planet could be 'unrecognizable' by 2050, experts say - Yahoo! News

In fact, the amount some of you fuckers eat (RJ), our food resources could be gone even quicker. But I can agree with all and say these are pretty crazy times.
Egypt demanded Democracy and got it. Now the rest want it.

Way to confusing. Of course Democracy is great but most getting overthrown are our puppets!!!!!!


Democracy is a farce....

You dont think we dont live under a "limited" dictatorship? Go try and buy gear at your local drugstore and see what freedom you have left.

as for that link

Planet could be 'unrecognizable' by 2050, experts say - Yahoo! News

About 2050...exactly why America needs to STOP all immigration, push the world out...ship out most of our deadweight, and focus on ourselves and let the world perish to its doings.

People dont realize... The end of the world WILL come in some of the younger peeps lifetimes. Unless we trim the human population by half...

America could set itself up as an agricultural safe haven capable of complete independance. This would require a more socialistic form of leadership to make work though, but in the end it could become perpetually unlimited. At the cost of reducing our own population via exporting people, and changing our prison system to Executions and not life sentences.

If liberals dont shut up, we all gona die. lol

I dont mean to sound evil, or single minded...But its us, or them when it comes down to it. We can't save the world. Things like AIDs, and advanced diseases are NATURAL POPULATION CONTROL. Its what kept us in balance.

My kids will live in a world that is constant war, corporations trying to subdue the people, and the people assassinating members of the corporations, rioting, fighting... THe future IS hell... Maybe using Nukes, not such a bad idea eh? lol No but this planet honestly I do not believe was ever capable of holding beyond 4 billion people with our own destructive tendencies.

I actually have spent alot of time putting effort and design into a system that could turn a state(say Ohio) into a self contained ecosystem for survival reasons. Requires that there be no rich, no poor, but a people surviving together.

ALso have been doing designs for communal living quarters I want to build on farmlands...There will come a time when family CANT move out because there is nowhere to go, and on top of that cost will be insane. I wish idiots could open their eyes....I wish idiots would stop screaming for special rights and realize we are animals, and if we become over populated we do what every other animal has done...wiped itself and its ecosystem out.

I may seem crazy, sick, or even messed up...but my mindset is one that is rapidly spreading. Its not single minded because I would die as well if need be(just cant suicide lol). But we need to stop talking about "peace" because peace would wipe us out. Medical advances are what will destroy our species. Longer lifespans cripple the young.

So much fear of death, will bring the final death to our doorstep. This is how our play will end, our curtains will close like unto that of a classical tragedy. Romeo and Juliet. We found forbidden love in technology and democracy, but it is that very love and our plans we laid with it that lead us inadvertently to creating our own death. We shall drink the poison, and disappear from the universe. There is no space travel coming people...Its too late for that.

For me, I see Christ returning, the Bible being fulfilled of its prophesies of humanities doom. To others, its simply a failed end of evolution, or a spiritual dead end...or if your a scientologist, those darned invisible aliens. Regardless of the label, it is mans fate to cease.
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These are remarkable times in history. The Muslim world is starting to demand freedom and exacting a tremendous toll on its governments. Egypt was amazing to watch the tenacity of their people fight for their rights. Their passion was infectious to the other reigons creating a tsunami ripple throughout the other countries.
One can only wonder where this is going to level off.

I find it intriguing/facinating to watch.

THe only problem is its all being pushed by the socialist communist organizations in the US.
THe only problem is its all being pushed by the socialist communist organizations in the US.

Explain to me how true socialism, which we would have to refer to as "modified" or "Hybrid" socialism in reference to socialisms history, is worse than democracy?

The true ideals is all those billions, nay trillions of dollars that circle around the top fat cats, will instead encompass and develop everyone as a whole. No more making millions just to be an actor in a movie when someone busting their back day in and day out 7 days a week to feed their families can only bring home 30-50K unless they score a great job....

The raping the medical system is doing unto our bungholes...Of course it would have to be modified in the sense that lazy SOB's will not partake in its fruit, banish em old school style. To Canada, or Mexico, and if they wont take em, on a small raft into the ocean...if they sink, eh. One less person in an overpopulated world.

The future of mankind WILL be a harsh one, brutal even.

Socialism is akin to how we used to survive...in the days of Tribal communities and so forth. We cannot survive in any form of capitalism or democracy any longer. The once "noble" ideas of those said forms of government have done EXACTLY what communism did.....they have failed.

You can hate socialism...but it will be the future, even if we rename it and call it something fancy. There is literally going to be no options left. Unless you want more criminals than civil people, and every day to be a fight just to keep what you got. We are trained and taught to live in excess, THAT is what people fear losing with socialism...all their shiny toys, because thats the only damn thing that makes them happy.
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Democracy is a farce....

You dont think we dont live under a "limited" dictatorship? Go try and buy gear at your local drugstore and see what freedom you have left.

as for that link

Planet could be 'unrecognizable' by 2050, experts say - Yahoo! News

About 2050...exactly why America needs to STOP all immigration, push the world out...ship out most of our deadweight, and focus on ourselves and let the world perish to its doings.

People dont realize... The end of the world WILL come in some of the younger peeps lifetimes. Unless we trim the human population by half...

America could set itself up as an agricultural safe haven capable of complete independance. This would require a more socialistic form of leadership to make work though, but in the end it could become perpetually unlimited. At the cost of reducing our own population via exporting people, and changing our prison system to Executions and not life sentences.

If liberals dont shut up, we all gona die. lol

I dont mean to sound evil, or single minded...But its us, or them when it comes down to it. We can't save the world. Things like AIDs, and advanced diseases are NATURAL POPULATION CONTROL. Its what kept us in balance.

My kids will live in a world that is constant war, corporations trying to subdue the people, and the people assassinating members of the corporations, rioting, fighting... THe future IS hell... Maybe using Nukes, not such a bad idea eh? lol No but this planet honestly I do not believe was ever capable of holding beyond 4 billion people with our own destructive tendencies.

I actually have spent alot of time putting effort and design into a system that could turn a state(say Ohio) into a self contained ecosystem for survival reasons. Requires that there be no rich, no poor, but a people surviving together.

ALso have been doing designs for communal living quarters I want to build on farmlands...There will come a time when family CANT move out because there is nowhere to go, and on top of that cost will be insane. I wish idiots could open their eyes....I wish idiots would stop screaming for special rights and realize we are animals, and if we become over populated we do what every other animal has done...wiped itself and its ecosystem out.

I may seem crazy, sick, or even messed up...but my mindset is one that is rapidly spreading. Its not single minded because I would die as well if need be(just cant suicide lol). But we need to stop talking about "peace" because peace would wipe us out. Medical advances are what will destroy our species. Longer lifespans cripple the young.

So much fear of death, will bring the final death to our doorstep. This is how our play will end, our curtains will close like unto that of a classical tragedy. Romeo and Juliet. We found forbidden love in technology and democracy, but it is that very love and our plans we laid with it that lead us inadvertently to creating our own death. We shall drink the poison, and disappear from the universe. There is no space travel coming people...Its too late for that.

For me, I see Christ returning, the Bible being fulfilled of its prophesies of humanities doom. To others, its simply a failed end of evolution, or a spiritual dead end...or if your a scientologist, those darned invisible aliens. Regardless of the label, it is mans fate to cease.

Fuckin A Zero. Didnt know you were gonna write a book!
I agree with a great deal of what you have provided. You got a lil abstract with it 3/4 of the way down but you and I absolutly agree on the final paragraph.

Nice read
Explain to me how true socialism, which we would have to refer to as "modified" or "Hybrid" socialism in reference to socialisms history, is worse than democracy?

The true ideals is all those billions, nay trillions of dollars that circle around the top fat cats, will instead encompass and develop everyone as a whole. No more making millions just to be an actor in a movie when someone busting their back day in and day out 7 days a week to feed their families can only bring home 30-50K unless they score a great job....

The raping the medical system is doing unto our bungholes...Of course it would have to be modified in the sense that lazy SOB's will not partake in its fruit, banish em old school style. To Canada, or Mexico, and if they wont take em, on a small raft into the ocean...if they sink, eh. One less person in an overpopulated world.

The future of mankind WILL be a harsh one, brutal even.

Socialism is akin to how we used to survive...in the days of Tribal communities and so forth. We cannot survive in any form of capitalism or democracy any longer. The once "noble" ideas of those said forms of government have done EXACTLY what communism did.....they have failed.

You can hate socialism...but it will be the future, even if we rename it and call it something fancy. There is literally going to be no options left. Unless you want more criminals than civil people, and every day to be a fight just to keep what you got. We are trained and taught to live in excess, THAT is what people fear losing with socialism...all their shiny toys, because thats the only damn thing that makes them happy.

Again a good read.

However if you make all the sheep equal you de motivate the lions and the leaders.
Somebody has to break the waves.

I dont see our self entitled population ever getting less greedy or privledged.
Again, the poor will circle the drain 4 times before the final flush and the rich will create 4 more parachutes to ease their descent if ever they should lower an inch.

Stronger backbone is the answer. Tighter borders, executed immigration standards,
money bommeranged back into our economy instead of building schools in Iraq,
or the next country that we fuck up, and finally back to old school morals, values, and GOD welcomed in the schools & court houses.
Then we may have a chance.
THe only problem is its all being pushed by the socialist communist organizations in the US.

Very true DPR - my gosh do you watch FOX news - it seems to be the only media that will point that stuff out - "and show the facts" - true motives and agendas orchestrating actions that are all transparent by plan.

Yeah pickle bunny - I didn't want to bring out any attacs on muslins at all - ther are good and bad in every shape and form...

We are now seein the "cause" and "effect" - the effect IS on the way - gas prices being a good point - they are saying we will see $4 at the pumps soon ... And I do a lot of driving - with a lead foot!!!

It all very interesting - I would hate to be in a country with bombs going of all within sight!