What's thre longest cycle you've run w/o a break?

Only 10 weeks here :(

Only because I've read all the same crap you al have.....you know......."8 weeks max bro.......you gotta get off then or you'll die!"

And other similar sh*t like that. I'm starting a 13 weeker shortly and I think I'll bridge (for 1st time in my life) then do another!

I'm kind of getting sick of all the lack of scientific PROOF that long cycles atre that unhealthy.
By the way: I am NOT trying to represent an irresponsible perspective on gear...........just maybe exploring new ways for better growth. Lawnsaver stated something recently that made a lot of sense (although again......no scientific data to back it up.....it just "makes sense").

He said: longer cycles with low/moderate doses enables the body to "better accept" the new muscle and bodyweight newly attained. Understanding the body's desire to return to homeostatsis and "your genetically programmed weight" is key here. But, I digress and will not delve into that NOW.

His statement makes GREAT sense (to me anyway). I have always had probs retaining my newly added weight from gear. It's the constant "gain 10-5 pounds......lose a couple......lose a couple more....a couple more...." only to find out that by my next cycle, I'm almost beginning where I left off.

Don't even mention: diet/training/post-cycle therapy.....I'll school ya ;)

Anyways...........just forcing you bro's to think DEEPER!
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I will be starting a 20 wk cycle within the next couple weeks. lower dosages and I'l be adding and dropping products throughout. I typically do low dosages and I've found excellent results from them.

Good Luck
12 weeks. I have never gone longer because I was competeing and had to come off so I would not test positive if tested. Now that I have started again after my long lay off I might consider a long cycle.
I cant see how short cycles can allow you to grow and maintain!

I see so many people say I stop my cycle when my gains stop. I think the cycle should continue so that solidification of the gains can take place. I advocate 10-14 weeks cycles at low doses. I feel this allows for yoru gains to stay with you as long as you eat to maintain those gains! You must eat!!
mostly sus 250 tapering down Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), clomid mid cycle changed to deca, Winstrol (winny) 50mg tabs, cyp, added fina, bolderlone, prop/susp, ect, ect.almost all QV products changing tests going up and down kept making gains til tennis elbow stopped my from doing seated french tri presses with 130lb dumbels for reps of 15.
That heavy weight overhead I believe lead to the injury along with skull crushers.
Had to resort more to pushdowns to avoid pain til unbearable.

Kept most strengh and size (w/ a few months clean)but lost stamina, 2 or 3 heavy sets I'm done!
26 weeks here, the last 8 weeks were 50mg winny/day, and 75mg tren/day. Dick was up and running the day after i stopped and three months later (now) just as good!

prior to the Winstrol (winny) tren was sos/deca/dbol...then i went into cutting.
B-legit said:
26 weeks here, the last 8 weeks were 50mg winny/day, and 75mg tren/day. Dick was up and running the day after i stopped and three months later (now) just as good!

prior to the Winstrol (winny) tren was sos/deca/dbol...then i went into cutting.

DRveejay11 said:
By the way: I am NOT trying to represent an irresponsible perspective on gear...........just maybe exploring new ways for better growth. Lawnsaver stated something recently that made a lot of sense (although again......no scientific data to back it up.....it just "makes sense").

He said: longer cycles with low/moderate doses enables the body to "better accept" the new muscle and bodyweight newly attained. Understanding the body's desire to return to homeostatsis and "your genetically programmed weight" is key here. But, I digress and will not delve into that NOW.

His statement makes GREAT sense (to me anyway). I have always had probs retaining my newly added weight from gear. It's the constant "gain 10-5 pounds......lose a couple......lose a couple more....a couple more...." only to find out that by my next cycle, I'm almost beginning where I left off.

Don't even mention: diet/training/post-cycle therapy.....I'll school ya ;)

Anyways...........just forcing you bro's to think DEEPER!

LS: you must have missed this ?!? (You know you're cool when people are qouting you ass!)
16 weeks then 4 weeks time off and another 12 weeks. That was too much for my body to handle. I'll never go that long again.
16 weeks of primo @ 400mg/wk. Also cycled Winstrol (winny) on/off every 4 weeks. I would have continued for much longer but my joints couldn't handle it.