ive posted on here a few times and everone was of great help.i was going to start a 500 mg a week cycle back in oct 06. so i did i inj of test e and about 3 days after inj got bad anexity so i stop worried i got bad gear.went to hrt clinic in dec 06 lab results were test levels 356 so they put me on 200mg a week of test e .felt relief thought this was going to work out. did 1st inj 3 weeks ago felt great for 2 days then it started again panic attacks and very irratable. took 2nd inj same thing felt great for about 2 days then it all hit again 3rd inj last week same thing. its like my mood is uncontrolable sad mad excited all with in minutes plus panic attacks on top of it all.should i stop hrt and just live with low test are do i have any other options.could someone please help.by the way im 6ft 215pds 18%bf been training for over 3 yrs im 31 yrs i take toparolxl for blood pressure its been fine. and take imimprine for pannic attacks.