Whats your obsession or your OCD?


New member
Besides training or diet what are you obsessed with or at least a little OCD about in terms of your bodybuilding/fitness life style.?
For me I always have to have my gym bag packed and ready to go as soon as I get home. I dump the sweaty stuff and grab all fresh clothes. Refill water bottles and make sure I have my towels. Then I place my bag by the door. Even if my next day is a rest day I do this.
Another one is getting rid of the body hair. I have clippers stashed at work as well as home!
Lol on the body hair point bro!
Get my gym bag ready first thing when I get up everyday. (and spray that sucker with some Axe!!)) Lol.
Other than that pretty much my whole life is based around my obsessive compulsive behaviors:-)
Agree with the hair, for mr it is back and arm hair, I always used to shave, wife just introduced me to the joys of waxing and now im obsessed with it!
Agree with the hair, for mr it is back and arm hair, I always used to shave, wife just introduced me to the joys of waxing and now im obsessed with it!

I'm about to look I to laser removal. Any y'all done that yet? I hate shaving. Fuck waxing, that shit sounds painful,and not good painful.
whats OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations (obsessions), or behaviors that make them feel driven to do something (compulsions).Often the person carries out the behaviors to get rid of the obsessive thoughts
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