Who are the Rottweiler owners out there?


Dances with sheep
Who owns Rottweilers? I mean as pets. Not status dogs or fighting animals.


124lb male, 5 yrs

85lb female, 4 yrs

Both are rescue animals. Anybody else?

I had a male had to put him down this past spring due to cancer. He was only 7 and was 145 lbs.. and lean... But he was the very best of a dog and friend..We are saving another as soon as one comes into our local kill shelter.
I'm sorry to hear about your boy. Ive had to do the same in the past. Good luck with your new Rotty, when you find one!

this is the first time that i have lived in the country(ky),.I bought me 2 acers and got a boxer,I was going to get a rot or pit but i have small children and wanted a big gaurd dog so i went with the boxer instead,he is a beautiful dog.the vet said he is going to be around 100-110 cause the size of him now.he is a male and i named him zeuse..
Thanks Poly, Rotties are amazing dogs. I know that in time the next one will show up. For we will always have one. As for the boxer we have one of those as well super dogs too. Very high energy and super playful. Great family dog as well. Enjoy him...
both mine died :( Had a purebred named Forest and a rot/husky named cody. Cody was like 140 pounds, he was a beast