why does this happen to me?

Maybe on your next cycle bro, use some long lasting esters that you will not have to inject often at all. Try to do as few injections as possible, like maybe two a week (Mon & Thur) or so. Maybe throw in an oral or two, to minimize the frequency of injections.
just like sucking out posion from a snake bite....have somebody put thier mouth over the wound, and suck out the infection

just kiddin man, good luck with that
Hey bro sorry about the medical problem! Althought I am glad to see that you care enough to go to the hospital and not selftreat, as I have seen a lot of dudes do. They will buy antibiotics and then mutilate themselfs but sucking out the gear in there absess. Some get by and it goes asway but they have a scar, others I think they think it is gone (b/c of antibiotics b/c it doesn't hurt anymore and is not as warm to the touch as it use to be) but then like a month later they have it in the same spot but it is 10 times worse and they are almost on there death beds b/c the infection has gotten in there blood. This is a BIG problem and it can and will kill you if you do not get to the doctor quick.

Anyway, Oh I think that if you are a super clean freak and are using gear that is "good" brand name. Also others are using the gear that you are using and they are OK. Then I think that it may be b/c of the frequence of injection as DirtyD stated above. As I am not a large boned person I am (5'9" - 5' 10") and weight give or take a cycle anywhere from 180 -200 on a small/medium frame. That an injection of 2ccs in a quad or smaller glute to me is like .5cc-1cc to a larger person, sure the chemical disperses the same. The size of the muscle compared to the shot is a lot different and the oil will stay in there and build up if you are frequently injecting with short acting esters - or injecting in one spot frequently with long esters.

Sorry for the ramblin' but do you understand what I mean? The oil will keep building up and up and up. I have gone into a muscle before and asperated more oil into the syringe and not b/c I was a newbie but b/c I was using alot of gear in smaller muscles.
yeah.. thing is, is i just switched over from test e to prop/tren a week ago.. and i only shot once in that quad... which is weird... i dunno.. but for now i'm goin off the gear until i get all these fuckin things solved... i'm goin to the doc tomorrow morning to get it looked and and most likely operated on... and with the self midicating thing.. like i've done it once before just on something small and it worked... but when i just pulled almost 12mL of puss out of my leg i'm not fuckin around with that... i have been getting sick in the past week too so i'm guessing that's got osmething to do with it also... fuck my luck is bad
Hey good luck with the Doctor visit tomorrow bro. I am sure you will be fine. But keep us posted on your situation.
thanks boys, i appreciate all the support! i'm headin there very soon so hopefully they'll just drain it and not have to actually cut it out... i'll keep you all posted throughout the day! cheers and thanks again
Also if all they have to do is drain it, do you really think you need to stop your cycle? How much longer did you have to go?
i had about 16 or 17 more shots of prop and tren to take... so not a big deal.. on eof my buddies is gonna buy my gear off of me ... i've been on for about 12 or 13weeks so far... so i'd say i've gone for a pretty decent run...

i just got back from the doc's office... doc took a look at it and said that i did a perfect job of draining it and that she would have just odne the same thing that i did because she didn't see a point in goin in and cuttin it open... she gave me the usual meds and said once a day just try and drain anything that you can out of it... she said when she was feeling it that it is starting to go away because it was no longer hard and it was soft and kind of squishy which showed her that the infection has been drained out and now that i just need the antibiotics in there to fight it
haha yeah it definately feels good to be able to talk to the docs about steroid use and by law them not being allowed to say anything to anyone hahaha i love canada

and yeah the girl i just started seeing doesn't know i'm on gear lol she just thinks i'm naturally big haha so it's stayin that way... and definately not lettin her know about the abscess lol

and thanks guys... i'll keep ya'll posted
Im going to guess the gear was dirty to some degree.

Just because most shots didnt get infected, doesnt mean they were all clean injections. Seems to me that the few that got infected were the few that your body couldnt handle without resorting to abscess.
thing is i don't understand how it oculd be dirty.... i know of about 40 other guys that i have given the gear to that have never had a problem... but hwo knwos.. maybe it was a bad bottle or somethin...