why does this happen to me?


New member
well i know i have posted in the past about absess and shit... i have only really had one wher ei have had to been cut open and had it drained... well now it's time for #2... took a shot a week ago 1cc in left quad pulled pin out 1cc in right quad... now it seems my left quad is infected rather badly... went to shoot the other day and aspirated a little bit of off white stuff out of my left quad... so so i went to snoop around in there today... poked an 18g 1 1/2" needle in there and pulled out about 9-12mL of infection... so needless to say i'm headiner to the hospital and stopping this cycle... don't understand at all why it's happening because as i've stated before i'm clean when i shoot and the gear is clean... i think it may have been because i shot into a small knot from a prior injection that was 90% gone that caused this... but ah well... gonna header on over to the hospital to get cut open yet again.. just needed to share this with somoene cause it pissed me off that is happened for a second time now... just venting out some shit so sorry for the rambling boys, wish me luck. cheers
Could It Be You Didnt Clean The Area With Alcohol.. And After...just A Guess Bro..SLIGHT INFECTION...MAYBE
crushershockey said:
gear is fine... because i have been shooting it in other places and no abscess anywhere else

do you know of other people using the gear? Are you sure your syringes and pins are completely are sterile? Are you swabbing w/ alcohol?
i always clean.. like i've posted before i'm one of the cleanest guys man lol... i switch pins for everything... i dunno.. maybe the shit just doesn't like me
outlawtas2 said:
do you know of other people using the gear? Are you sure your syringes and pins are completely are sterile? Are you swabbing w/ alcohol?

half the guys in the town i'm in are on this gear, no one else has had problems... i always swab.. this is my injection routine

swab tops of multi dose vials... pull new needle out of package from the box... pull gear into syringe... switch pins with a fresh new clean pin from out of a package... swab area and shoot... pull pin out swab where pin was...

that's what i always do... so i don't understand why this happens to me ... cause it's fucking gross... like the shit i pulled out of my leg is disgusting looking
yeah hopefully i don't need the surgery for it... but most likely will... just sucks having walk around with an open whole in your body with gauze sticking out of it
sean you can come up and get the gear hahaha when you do you can check out the hole i'm gonna have in my leg lol fuckin eh this sucks
lol ok bro..i will check it out ..yeah i cant compare to that but i did mine in the thigh and turned the needle a bit .now it looks like im trying to do some jive ass walk down the street...lol..
sean usmc said:
lol ok bro..i will check it out ..yeah i cant compare to that but i did mine in the thigh and turned the needle a bit .now it looks like im trying to do some jive ass walk down the street...lol..

yeah i had that a little while ago when i injected on the inside of my quads by the knee... my buddies said it looked like i got raped and couldn't walk right
Why not use other spots to inject in, such as your glute or shoulders and give your legs a break. I constantly rotate spots I inject in. Sorry you have to get another absess removed bro and you have to walk around looking like someone shoved a cock in your ass. I wish you the best of luck getting that crap removed so you can get back on another cycle there bro.
i do.. i rotate from glutes, to tri's, to outer quad to inner quad... i just don't get it... it really sucks... think i'm just going to stay away from needles for a while.. a long while
Try a different brand of gear, and perhaps try injecting really slowly to give the oil some time to absorb into the muscle
