why does this happen to me?

how would i go about doing that? that was prettymuch my question, was how ot resteralize.... just too much of a meathead to think of that i guess
It's gods way of telling you not to do steroids!
If you go to the doctor you obviously are going to have to tell them what caused it, so talk to them about how to prevent it. Having to pay for health insurance comes with benefits....like getting advice on proper injection procedures.
Legomyego said:
It's gods way of telling you not to do steroids!
If you go to the doctor you obviously are going to have to tell them what caused it, so talk to them about how to prevent it. Having to pay for health insurance comes with benefits....like getting advice on proper injection procedures.

a) he lives in canada

b) read his injection procedure, it's sterile technique 101
OH CANADA! i don't have to worry about doctors and shit up here bro.. they aren't allowed to say shit and they aren't allowed to refuse treating you because of it and it's all paid for by OHIP because i live in Ontario.. (Ontario Health Insurance Plan)
is this just happening in your leg?

Stay away from quad injects then. I never had any problems on my last cycle and then i decided to go back to doing a quad inject and my whole leg swelled up and i couldnt walk worth shit for like three days.

I said i would never again do it but i tried it with my new gear and a little pain but it went away and i'm good now. I still stay away from quads if at all possible. They are a last resort for me.
crushershockey said:
haha yeah it definately feels good to be able to talk to the docs about steroid use and by law them not being allowed to say anything to anyone hahaha i love canada

and yeah the girl i just started seeing doesn't know i'm on gear lol she just thinks i'm naturally big haha so it's stayin that way... and definately not lettin her know about the abscess lol

and thanks guys... i'll keep ya'll posted

You better hope she never finds out you are a member on this site or she will quickly find out about the roids. LOL... :insane2:
DirtyD said:
You better hope she never finds out you are a member on this site or she will quickly find out about the roids. LOL... :insane2:

hahah naw she won't find out, unless one of my douchebag friends says something when they're drunk haha which i doubt because they're all on gear too i'll be safe :)
well everything seems to be going fine.. the medication is doing it's job... and also my strength has fucking skyrocketed... i benched more than i have eveer benched before today... put me in a good mood... i'll keep ya'll posted.... and if someone could tell me how to resteralise gear thatd be much appreciated (dougoe) ;)