Why shouldn't I Blast & Cruze? PCT seems like a waste


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Having a hard time deciding why I shouldn't Blast & Cruze. I seriously do not mind going on TRT for the rest of my life because Test-U makes that very convenient.

I'm not even an aspiring bodybuilding competitor (yet?), but I just love the feeling of being on and I'd like to avoid PCT and maintain my gains.

If I cruised on 375mg of test-U every 3 weeks, why would this be a bad idea? If the time may come when I want to impregnate someone, there are shitloads of options I can do so I don't think that will be a problem. What am I missing? My natural test was 975 ng/dl before I hopped on. My balls don't shrink and I don't aromatize that much. So what's the deal? Why shouldn't I B&C?
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Age ? History? At 30 years old and 240 pounds hard and strong I thought the same thing. Now in my 40s and trt is a pain in ththe ass there are a lot of bs that I didn't experence in my 30s. How about fucking and not be able to get a second nut some times. Some guys can't at all.
Age ? History? At 30 years old and 240 pounds hard and strong I thought the same thing. Now in my 40s and trt is a pain in ththe ass there are a lot of bs that I didn't experence in my 30s. How about fucking and not be able to get a second nut some times. Some guys can't at all.

Have you tried test-U? You only have to inject every month with it.

TRT should help with fucking shouldn't it? Maybe it's just age.
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TRT should help with fucking shouldn't it? Maybe it's just age.

you have natural Test levels of 975 ng/dl and you need 'help with fucking' , lol, no trt is not going to help, if you can't fuck with that high of natty test levels you got something else wrong with you!
you have natural Test levels of 975 ng/dl and you need 'help with fucking' , lol, no trt is not going to help, if you can't fuck with that high of natty test levels you got something else wrong with you!

I believe you misread, I was responding to that other guys complaint of not being able to fuck because he's on TRT.

A lot of guys would kill for 975 ng/dl natty test!

I know they would, but I honestly don't see any cons to TRT besides pinning - which isn't even a big deal to me!
I believe you misread, I was responding to that other guys complaint of not being able to fuck because he's on TRT.

I know they would, but I honestly don't see any cons to TRT besides pinning - which isn't even a big deal to me!

Be sure to read up really good so you can see the whole picture.
you have natural Test levels of 975 ng/dl and you need 'help with fucking' , lol, no trt is not going to help, if you can't fuck with that high of natty test levels you got something else wrong with you!

This is a high natty level. It would be insane to shut down natty production just to be put on trt to have levels brought to this same amount. Y?? Must like to pin or something....yeah??
This is a high natty level. It would be insane to shut down natty production just to be put on trt to have levels brought to this same amount. Y?? Must like to pin or something....yeah??

More like I'd rather not go through crappy PCTs two or three times a year and lose gains if I can just feel normal B&Cing and there arent any cons.
lol thats what i thought when i was only 19 years old!! .. and guess what? now i fucked my HPTA system for the rest of my life. i tried coming off a year and a half ago when i was 21, after being on for 2 and a half years, did a long pct, took a lot of time off probably around 6 months, spent a lot of money on bloodwork, and by the end of the 6 months i was only able to recover levels of around 400-450ng/dl **in the morning**.

maybe thats fine for some, but i was depressed.. everything else was working fine. i dont care what anyone says though, its not normal for a 21 year old to not have test levels of 6-800ng/dl.

you need to think long and hard about if you want to do this to yourself. cause because it is a lifelong commitment to shoving a syringes into your ass cheeks once or twice a week for pretty much the rest of your life...

so now, and for the rest of my life, i am bound to test. sometimes it upsets me, and sometimes i think "is it really that bad?". i look better, i feel better, i fuck better, im more confident more ripped and bigger than just about anyone else in my age bracket (who isnt on steroids).

the next step is to get a legit TRT prescription and tell the doctor the whole truth so that i wont have to worry about having illegal test on me/finding test when i travel.
I know they would, but I honestly don't see any cons to TRT besides pinning - which isn't even a big deal to me!

You need to do a LOT more research then , there's way more to it then having to pin for the rest of your life !
lol thats what i thought when i was only 19 years old!! .. and guess what? now i fucked my HPTA system for the rest of my life. i tried coming off a year and a half ago when i was 21, after being on for 2 and a half years, did a long pct, took a lot of time off probably around 6 months, spent a lot of money on bloodwork, and by the end of the 6 months i was only able to recover levels of around 400-450ng/dl **in the morning**.

maybe thats fine for some, but i was depressed.. everything else was working fine. i dont care what anyone says though, its not normal for a 21 year old to not have test levels of 6-800ng/dl.

you need to think long and hard about if you want to do this to yourself. cause because it is a lifelong commitment to shoving a syringes into your ass cheeks once or twice a week for pretty much the rest of your life...

so now, and for the rest of my life, i am bound to test. sometimes it upsets me, and sometimes i think "is it really that bad?". i look better, i feel better, i fuck better, im more confident more ripped and bigger than just about anyone else in my age bracket (who isnt on steroids).

the next step is to get a legit TRT prescription and tell the doctor the whole truth so that i wont have to worry about having illegal test on me/finding test when i travel.

Look into Test-U. I said this multiple times in this post so far. If it wasn't for test-U then I would hate the idea of being on TRT.

You need to do a LOT more research then , there's way more to it then having to pin for the rest of your life !

That's why I made this thread.

If I get bloodwork two or three times a year (cruise only, obviously I'd get more bloodwork when blasting) and make sure I'm all set, i really don't see what could go wrong.
If I get bloodwork two or three times a year (cruise only, obviously I'd get more bloodwork when blasting) and make sure I'm all set, i really don't see what could go wrong.

having to go in every other month to donate blood (that gets old quick).. then when you can no longer donate blood because you have an iron deficiency (because of donating blood so often) or some other problem, then having to go in to the hospital every two weeks and get hooked to a machine for two hours to get red blood platelets removed that way.
And, when you get tired of having to do this ,, after 30+ years being your on TRT for life, you decide to put it off ,, then you end up dead cause you had a massive stroke because your hematocrit levels got to high.
thats just one of many things that could go wrong.

note: Oh yeah, and add up the cost . lets say you 25 years old now, and you live to be 75. If you use a vitality clinic and pay for your TRT that way your looking at $200 per month for the next 50 years, add in inflation and your looking at paying $150,000 .
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having to go in every other month to donate blood (that gets old quick).. then when you can no longer donate blood because you have an iron deficiency (because of donating blood so often) or some other problem, then having to go in to the hospital every two weeks and get hooked to a machine for two hours to get red blood platelets removed that way.
And, when you get tired of having to do this ,, after 30+ years being your on TRT for life, you decide to put it off ,, then you end up dead cause you had a massive stroke because your hematocrit levels got to high.
thats just one of many things that could go wrong.

I fail to understand why your hematocrit would raise to levels that high when you're not on supraphysiological doses and cruising at a responsible dose such as 125mg. Got a source for people on TRT having those problems? And cruising on Test is way less than $200 per month. Three vials will easily last me a whole year, so that's around $100. Three bloodworks a year, thats about $300. Not that bad.
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I fail to understand why your hematocrit would raise to levels that high when you're not on supraphysiological doses and cruising at a responsible dose such as 125mg. Got a source for people on TRT having those problems?

cause your on test 24/7 for years , it builds up .. why do you think there are lawsuits out there right now suing cause guys on trt died of stroke , shit happens. you got to stay on top of it ,, OR, the worst can happen

note: I've been on TRT for several years. Medically diagnosed hypogonadasim . I would never be such an idiot as to purposely put myself on TRT for life though , that is just ridiculous
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I fail to understand why your hematocrit would raise to levels that high when you're not on supraphysiological doses and cruising at a responsible dose such as 125mg. Got a source for people on TRT having those problems? And cruising on Test is way less than $200 per month. Three vials will easily last me a whole year, so that's around $100. Three bloodworks a year, thats about $300. Not that bad.

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And cruising on Test is way less than $200 per month. Three vials will easily last me a whole year, so that's around $100. Three bloodworks a year, thats about $300. Not that bad.

and where do you get that test at that price ? obviously black market illegally .. so now go ahead and add up the cost of lawyers and jail time too
cause your on test 24/7 for years , it builds up .. why do you think there are lawsuits out there right now suing cause guys on trt died of stroke , shit happens. you got to stay on top of it ,, OR, the worst can happen

note: I've been on TRT for several years. Medically diagnosed hypogonadasim . I would never be such an idiot as to purposely put myself on TRT for life though , that is just ridiculous

Everyone is on test 24/7. Why would there be problems with TRT when all you're doing is mimicking natural test levels?
I'm aware natural test levels fluctuate, but that goes both ways. Sometimes they are higher than normal.
Everyone is on test 24/7. Why would there be problems with TRT when all you're doing is mimicking natural test levels?
I'm aware natural test levels fluctuate, but that goes both ways. Sometimes they are higher than normal.

I'm not even an aspiring bodybuilding competitor (yet?), but I just love the feeling of being on and I'd like to avoid PCT and maintain my gains

listen to your own words .. your highly unlikely to just be mimicking natural test levels.

As for blasting and cruising -- the benefit is that it is 'easier' on your body to a certain degree, you don't have to go through as much 'extremes' as with a normal pct . blast and cruise for 8-12 months, then detox and try and restart your hpta. then go back to cruising. there are guys who do this and reach their goals and they are able to restart their hpta and NOT have to get on trt for life .. thats better then just saying and settling for trt.
what are you like 20?