Why shouldn't I Blast & Cruze? PCT seems like a waste

listen to your own words .. your highly unlikely to just be mimicking natural test levels.

As for blasting and cruising -- the benefit is that it is 'easier' on your body to a certain degree, you don't have to go through as much 'extremes' as with a normal pct . blast and cruise for 8-12 months, then detox and try and restart your hpta. then go back to cruising. there are guys who do this and reach their goals and they are able to restart their hpta and NOT have to get on trt for life .. thats better then just saying and settling for trt.
what are you like 20?

No it seems you made an assumption about me. I would cruise at a very responsible dose. Yes I like being on, that means not having to go through pct...

Seriously man I don't care about having to pin for the rest of my life. Some of you can't fathom that, I can. So are the risks you mentoned still there with proper trt dosing protocol? Because I wouldn't think so.
listen to your own words .. your highly unlikely to just be mimicking natural test levels.

As for blasting and cruising -- the benefit is that it is 'easier' on your body to a certain degree, you don't have to go through as much 'extremes' as with a normal pct . blast and cruise for 8-12 months, then detox and try and restart your hpta. then go back to cruising. there are guys who do this and reach their goals and they are able to restart their hpta and NOT have to get on trt for life .. thats better then just saying and settling for trt.
what are you like 20?

your wasting your time brother. Sounds like his mind is made up to me.
No it seems you made an assumption about me. I would cruise at a very responsible dose. Yes I like being on, that means not having to go through pct...

Seriously man I don't care about having to pin for the rest of my life. Some of you can't fathom that, I can. So are the risks you mentoned still there with proper trt dosing protocol? Because I wouldn't think so.

you should post on the TRT forums and talk to some guys that have ran reasonable doctor prescribed doses of test for years and see what all the other stuff they have to go through being on TRT .. I've been on TRT for years, but I also blast other AAS compounds so I may not the best example for you , since starting -- I've had to deal with high hematorcrit ( a lot), I've had severe hypertension (220/100), Cardiac issues that required a trip to the emergency room and ekg, sleep apnea, breathing problems, anxiety, claustrophobia, etc. etc.. none of which I had ever had BEFRORE trt, I'm a fit and healthy 38 years old. But again, I blast other compounds so I may not be a prime example of a 'good' TRT patient.
Test-U is not legal in the US yet. Just a heads up if you want to use it for legal TRT purposes, you cannot. Plus, the way the companies that make it say to use it is stupid.
You have excellent natty levels. Just do pct!
Would you have a perfectly good arm removed for a robot arm? Even if the robot arm made u stronger?
Why cut off a body part (your hpta) just to avoid pct?? Diet and training are your most important aspects before during and after a cycle.
You have everybody telling you don't do it and yet you argue that you should......why post this thread then. You weren't looking for advice you were looking for someone to fall in line with your rationale
You have excellent natty levels. Just do pct!
Would you have a perfectly good arm removed for a robot arm? Even if the robot arm made u stronger?
Why cut off a body part (your hpta) just to avoid pct?? Diet and training are your most important aspects before during and after a cycle.
You have everybody telling you don't do it and yet you argue that you should......why post this thread then. You weren't looking for advice you were looking for someone to fall in line with your rationale

Not really a good example. I'd rather have a robot arm if it was safer to my health (cycling 2 or 3 times a year is pretty dangerous) and made me stronger.

But I understand what you were trying to say.

I am not arguing with anyone but when people make up broscience and try to scare me away then I get upset and ask for a source to back their claims.

Edit: mods editing my shit to make me look dumb. Very mature forum here.
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Blasting ans cruising is not all it is cracked u to be man. Trust me, I tried it. I wish I never had. i was able to do a restart but I did lose almost 100pts of total test over my pre blast/cruise levels when all was said and done. Honestly I wished I would have never tried it. It was not worth it. I t wasnt what I expected and it kind of sucks taking 250mgs test/week and just feeling freaking normal man.With T levels like that do the pct, its worth it.
You have excellent natty levels. Just do pct!
Would you have a perfectly good arm removed for a robot arm? Even if the robot arm made u stronger?
Why cut off a body part (your hpta) just to avoid pct?? Diet and training are your most important aspects before during and after a cycle.
You have everybody telling you don't do it and yet you argue that you should......why post this thread then. You weren't looking for advice you were looking for someone to fall in line with your rationale

There is an old saying that goes, "when someone asks for advice they are actually asking for accomplices." or something to that effect. They already made up their mind and just want other like minded people to feed their decision.
Having a hard time deciding why I shouldn't Blast & Cruze. I seriously do not mind going on TRT for the rest of my life because Test-U makes that very convenient.

I'm not even an aspiring bodybuilding competitor (yet?), but I just love the feeling of being on and I'd like to avoid PCT and maintain my gains.

If I cruised on 375mg of test-U every 3 weeks, why would this be a bad idea? If the time may come when I want to impregnate someone, there are shitloads of options I can do so I don't think that will be a problem. What am I missing? My natural test was 975 ng/dl before I hopped on. My balls don't shrink and I don't aromatize that much. So what's the deal? Why shouldn't I B&C?

here is the reason why --

your own words from a couple months back

I'm 18 (save it) and have been lifting for about a year now. I'm about to go on my first cycle and was looking to ensure I have everything in order.
here is the reason why --

your own words from a couple months back


You're clearly not old enough to even cycle OP, so blasting and cruising is definitely out. I know you think you know better, and feel invincible, but priorities change as we get older.

I'm going to spell this out as simply as I can:
  • Cycling AAS is enjoyable because it's a CHOICE.
  • TRT is not enjoyable because you HAVE TO in order to live.
Yes, you read that right. You think undecanoate is a silver bullet for some reason, but you haven't even began to delve into how things are going to change. Going at it without a script? Forget flying. Have an accident? Get ready to go hypogonadal (living hell) while in the hospital without that script. The list goes on and on; what about an AI? What if your source dries up? It happens.

I've read both your threads, and unless you have a SERIOUS shot at being a pro, the consequences are just not worth it in the slightest.

But hey, keep reading other forums that tell you it's cool, and it's not that bad being a slave to the needle; what could us guys twice your age possibly know. ;)

Fire is hot, you really going to stick your paw in there to prove it to yourself?

My .02c :p
I simply don't care about pinning and getting a script is as easy as going to a doctor after stopping injections for a few weeks to get your T low.

Maybe tell me other reasons not to instead of the one I already said I don't care about - pinning for forever. HCT is the only thing you guys have brought up so far and it's easily fixed with donating blood, if I even get that issue at all.
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