You must inject Test-U twice per month.
You must inject Test-U twice per month.
My suggestion is you can try TRT if u want. But ur natty is high. Maybe ur free t is low normal. We dont know.
I simply don't care about pinning and getting a script is as easy as going to a doctor after stopping injections for a few weeks to get your T low.
Maybe tell me other reasons not to instead of the one I already said I don't care about - pinning for forever. HCT is the only thing you guys have brought up so far and it's easily fixed with donating blood, if I even get that issue at all.
Then do it tough guy. For a kid so sure of himself, you sure have been sticking around a bit to make sure you're not missing anything. Let me know how that undecanoate script comes along, especially with a dosing protocol of your choice. Ohh, all while suppressed.
Yep, you're one of those special kids that needs to burn the shit out of yourself to see fire is indeed quite hot. Best of luck, just remember that you were warned.
you should post on the TRT forums and talk to some guys that have ran reasonable doctor prescribed doses of test for years and see what all the other stuff they have to go through being on TRT .. I've been on TRT for years, but I also blast other AAS compounds so I may not the best example for you , since starting -- I've had to deal with high hematorcrit ( a lot), I've had severe hypertension (220/100), Cardiac issues that required a trip to the emergency room and ekg, sleep apnea, breathing problems, anxiety, claustrophobia, etc. etc.. none of which I had ever had BEFRORE trt, I'm a fit and healthy 38 years old. But again, I blast other compounds so I may not be a prime example of a 'good' TRT patient.
Congratulations on using Google. Now go ask a pharmacy tech how many folks are prescribed andriol. Hint: zero.So far you guys have literally said nothing negative besides pinning and HCT. Both are easily managed.
Undecanoate will probably be approved by the time I need a script. Adriol is a thing, too.
And of course I want to make sure I'm not missing anything. I'm not the arrogant kid you perceive me to be. I have been doing proper research for a very long time.
You're clearly not old enough to even cycle OP, so blasting and cruising is definitely out. I know you think you know better, and feel invincible, but priorities change as we get older.
I'm going to spell this out as simply as I can:
Yes, you read that right. You think undecanoate is a silver bullet for some reason, but you haven't even began to delve into how things are going to change. Going at it without a script? Forget flying. Have an accident? Get ready to go hypogonadal (living hell) while in the hospital without that script. The list goes on and on; what about an AI? What if your source dries up? It happens.
- Cycling AAS is enjoyable because it's a CHOICE.
- TRT is not enjoyable because you HAVE TO in order to live.
I've read both your threads, and unless you have a SERIOUS shot at being a pro, the consequences are just not worth it in the slightest.
But hey, keep reading other forums that tell you it's cool, and it's not that bad being a slave to the needle; what could us guys twice your age possibly know.
Fire is hot, you really going to stick your paw in there to prove it to yourself?
My .02c
So far you guys have literally said nothing negative besides pinning and HCT. Both are easily managed.
Undecanoate will probably be approved by the time I need a script. Adriol is a thing, too.
And of course I want to make sure I'm not missing anything. I'm not the arrogant kid you perceive me to be. I have been doing proper research for a very long time.
Congratulations on using Google. Now go ask a pharmacy tech how many folks are prescribed andriol. Hint: zero.
I'm done with you, but II do want to point out your lack of reading comprehension :
Want another?
Your brain and nervous system development hasn't finished development, which is what should have stopped you in the first place.
Like I said, go do it. You clearly have nothing to lose, and we're all just a bunch of ultraconservative pansies. I assure you though, outside trying to rationalize things with you, I won't lose a wink of sleep over you destroying your body.
Best of luck though. Maybe you'll be super lucky, and not regret such a decision for the rest of your life.
Everyone on this forum will tell you not to cycle until 25 in fear of hpta shutdown, but I recovered fully from my cycle as confirmed by bloods 4 weeks after my pct.What? Im 22 and u tell me test only cycle is not good for my brain?
I've been on TRT for about 6 months now and there were definitely negative things I over looked when considering going on it. So far my hairs been thinning, acne is worse, giving blood every 2 months sucks, injection spots hurt, controlling estrogen is hard, dealing with a dumb doctor is lame, im paranoid about long term effects, have had some painful injections, hair is going grey at a accelerated rate, I feel dependent on TRT and realize im screwed if somehow I can't get it, my chances of having kids are dramatically lower, I don't know how a girl will react when I tell her I'm on TRT, I don't want to be injecting into scar tissue at 60, if my estrogen gets to high or low I get erection problems, and now im waiting on blood tests to see how cholesterol and everything else is going. Personally I think TRT is a very hard thing to do right and I think a lot of people don't understand at the end of the day it sucks to be on TRT and to know you can never get off of it. If you have very low testosterone TRT is a great thing but to put your self on it to avoid pct and to have high levels all year round I don't think its worth it.
Sounds like you're cruising at way too high of a dose. What range are you typically sitting in?
You shouldn't really aromatize and have issues with estrogen on trt.
Also I'm not doing it to have high levels. I'm doing it to have normal levels. Maybe that's where you are fucking up.
B&C is healthier than cycling 3 times a year, though. PCT is quite harsh on the body.Ur natty T is already high?
B&C is healthier than cycling 3 times a year, though. PCT is quite harsh on the body.
The cruise is literally returning your body back to normal with the test levels I've had all my life. Yet everyone here is saying I will get some fucking crazy side effects.
It makes no fucking sense they're just being conservative. I linked this thread on r/steroids and the consensus is that everyone here is being ridiculous.