Why vent when baking?


Why not just put a vacuum in the vial? Has anyone taken the time to measure pre and post bakling volume? my guess is some of the volume is lost when aspirating due to gasses escaping the bottle.

This is a new topic for discussion. Everyone chime in now.
Because if the vial is not properly vented, and the liquid is heated, there will be vapours created. Hence if its not vented, the pressure inside the vial will build up and cause the vial to shatter.....
actually i found out the hard way. the stopper popped off and made a mess. no biggy.

creating a vacumm would work as well.
but still...if u created a vacum that isnt enough, it still puts the vial in danger of exploding.....
i have not had any issue with explosions when drawing out 60-80cc of air. I think this compensates sufficiently for vapors and oil expansion.

What about loosing those vapors? that is more about what I am looking for. I know I can bake w/ a vacuum and not have combustion issues.
do you think you may be loosing some potency by loosing vapors ida?

large pharm companys arent crazy about autoclavig for aqueous solutions/suspensions as far as the integrity of the vials go. but they dont have much choice. it is a small concern whether a vacum is created or not. but that is differnt than heat sterilzation.

what exactly are you asking, i'm a bit confused? and you know it dont take much.
I personally would assume that due to the venting, considering evaproation temp. points of all compounds in the mixture, the potency of the sol'n will go up or down...just minimal tho...
sounds reasonable.

what are you asking and why ida?? fess up bubba. what you got up you sleeve this time?
prolly just a Q outta curiousity....just like ur cats are always curious....ida is prolly the same way like I am.... :D
I am just speculating that total volume is reduced when baking w/ a vent because you are loosing vapor from the solvents/cosolvents.

And if so, why not just bake w/ a vacuum. I am trying to come up with a new protocol for heat sterilization.
well a simple test will tell the story on volume. mark the vial. make sure it is at room temp when marking and checking after baking.

i have never noticed a difference but normally bake in 150ml vials. with a 25g pin there wont be much getting out i assume. i'll check next time i bake. it will be this weekend. fresh batch of deca.
My first 5 or 6 conversions were baked using the vacuum technique. I pulled maybe 50cc of air out of each vial before baking. When the vials came to baking temp, the stoppers were noticably "ballooning" from the pressure, but no explosions. Since then I've avoided this hassle by simply not baking. If the batch is for someone else I just let them know how to bake it and send them on their merry way.
I see what your getting at but I think the differance would be so minor its not even worth it to go to the trouble. But you may be on to something, let us know when you experiment.
Well if your solvents are ba or bb, I don't think you are going to evaporate them off at 280 degrees.
The boiling point of BA is 401f, and BB is 614f, so I think you would have to get the solution pretty hot, before they would start to evaporate.
I would imagine if you are baking the stuff at the temp for melting point...you would end up losing some in the long run if its heated at that temp for a period of time....
Other than that, it should be very minor
also the total volume of liquid in the vial matters. if you got 100ml in a 100ml vial the air space is limited. now if you got 50ml in a 100ml vial creating a vacum would be far more effective. not that you guys didnt know this already.
I have a related question,

I have to use a small oven and the vial is too close to the top of the oven (around the size of a microwave) Anyway, I have to put a sheet of tinfoil over the vial to protect the rubber stopper, and after baking the tin foil is covered with a brown resudue... infact I am now glad its on the foil and not all over the oven....

But what is this brown stuff?? Surely not just evaporated solvent?

The strength I make the gear, any loss is neglagable but I have been curious.

nice to see you again MM. how'd that tren E do? I am curious. i havent tried it but have heard good things about it. i prefer long esters so if its hittin hard i'll give it a shot.

what solvents and at what ratios did you make it with. seems like it should have went with very low solvent if any. also what was your concentration?
Yhea I have been soooo busy with work havent been on for ages.... Last time I was here it was you who was MIA and not I,


The Tren E was working very well, although I have gotten alittle greedy with it and went upto like 1.5g a week for a while ( I know!!!!!!!) but have settled on 1g a week....

Very happy with the results, I have been on now almost 16 weeks so just had my last shot yesterday (Although thats what I said at weeks 12, then 13, and again at 14... oh well) I dont want to have kids in anycase so can risk my fucked up nuts....

The concentration of my Tren Enan was 290mg/ml with I think it was 10% BA It was a bitch to make cos I didnt have BB and it kept crashing.. So finaly got it to hold at 290..

The 10% BA wasnt to much of a problem since I was loading a syringe with Test Enan with no BA...

Buy the way got Test E to hold at 1g per ml........ :) Very easy!! But Tren Enan is nothing like Test E to make... weird!!
Well, there definately vapors coming off. if it is not from the ba/bb, then it must be the oil.