Why vent when baking?

I didnt realise that oil gave off so many vapors, but your right it can only be solvent or oil.... Not sure if you have ever tried heating with tin foil over the top of the vial (Like an umbrella) the amount of vapour or stuff that leaves that vial is quite supprising...

Ps, What happened to Beaker?? and who is that ?? Just curious.


I thought T enan is 1g/ml in its raw state. (well very close). that means if you made 50ml you used 50g. tell me more about this. how did you get it that strong without complete pain every inject. i get enan and cyp at 500 no prob but it has a bite sometimes.

surprised the tren E didnt hold with 5% ba. I have had the ace to hold several times with 5% ba until this last batch i had to go 5ba/10bb.

i have done over 2g/w of tren A. but this is just the last few weeks before a meet. normally i go 100-150mg/d dependig on what else i am doing. so 1.5g/w seems reasonable to me. a 16 weeker is also very short for me. =0)
PB: Ok you got me!!

It was like 950 and something, just short of a gram with 5% BA...

It was a bitch to filter through a .45 and has to be kept hot all the time but I baked it and it was still in suspension..... (I was bored one weekend) The only problem I find with it is its hard to push even when hot through a pin... In the Gluts its difficult cos that needle wobbles to much as your pushin it... Legs are ok I wouldnt say that it practicle by any means, (I cut mine back to 600ml) but just wanted to say that it can be done.

Tren Enan 5% BA no way!!
I saw that Easto made some 5% BA and 8% BB if I remember rightly at 250mg/ml

I will try that this weekend since I have the place to myself and too much free time..
so the enan 950 was 5% ba and no oil? or just a bit of oil. im just curious as to how many mls enan occupies per g.

how did the 600mg/ml do for you? pain factor, ease of use, you know thge usual.

i know 500 with no ba had a bit of bite sometimes but very doable.

hey bro thanks for the info.
I will have to look for my paperwork, but it was very close to 950mgml at 5 % BA and very little oil... I was suprised myself and it is the easiest I have converted. Tren E is not as easy.
For me 600mg is no discomfort, even at 950mg/ml the only discomfort was a knot in my ass for 2 days but I think that was as much to do with the movement of the needle as you try to empty the syringe..
Mini Me said:
I didnt realise that oil gave off so many vapors, but your right it can only be solvent or oil.... Not sure if you have ever tried heating with tin foil over the top of the vial (Like an umbrella) the amount of vapour or stuff that leaves that vial is quite supprising...

Ps, What happened to Beaker?? and who is that ?? Just curious.



It is Eaine Gottshall. She is a ps80 guru that I found while doing some research. She really knows her stuff. She refuted claims that ps80 is 7x more anabolic than test.

There is another reason to vent not mentioned yet. If your fina is cloudy, more than likely there is some moisture in the bottle. By baking and venting, the moisture is driven out and the fina clears up nicely and stays that way!
franmidi said:
There is another reason to vent not mentioned yet. If your fina is cloudy, more than likely there is some moisture in the bottle. By baking and venting, the moisture is driven out and the fina clears up nicely and stays that way!

good point