i think main reason behind all of my past self destructive behaviors can be justified by me being born with a stutter. now i dont mean stutter, like i literally stutter my words, it means i know what i want to say but sometimes i just cannot get the word out of my mouth.
i used to love to mess around in school when i was little and was always the "class clown", probably because i wanted to get validation or get other people to like me, and they did... until we left school. when we were outside of school nobody wanted to hang out with me. when i was 11 my public school kicked me out and refused to take me back, and suggested my parents to find a "special needs" school, but didnt have the money. so from 11-13 i was home schooled, which means for 2 years i was sitting home all day with no friends crying because i thought i was less than everyone else. i would cut myself a lot. to this day i have about 100 deep scars on both of my thighs.
then when i was 13 i started going to a special needs school in a not so great part of new york. i was picked on and bulled and beat up for all of 8th grade there. then i decided to move to israel by myself. i am fully israeli and decided maybe i should go home. so i attended 9th grade there. but being without your parents when you're 14 is not easy, so i moved back home.
then my highschool decided to accept me back, so i graduated there, i didnt have many friends but i had some so that was good. not friends but everybody knew me. but i still had my stutter. that made me question myself. in high school i can count on my hands how many parties i've been to. then suddenly the "cool kids" befriended me and introduced me to the "fun" world of drugs. all of them. i smoked a bit of weed already, but ive never done real drugs.
xanax turned into vicodin, vicodin turned into oxys, oxys turned into opana. until finally, opana turned into heroin. and we would snort heroin. then we graduated, did a lot of drugs that summer to celebrate our graduation (i still miss that summer to this day). then summer ended and reality hit. we were no longer the kings of our high school and we realized that, so we were all depressed and did a lot of heroin. we were addicts. if we didnt get our dose the next day we would be in withdrawal, and we would find a way to get it. rob people, sell something we own, and the worst which i am still ashamed of today: stealing my mothers jewelry to buy drugs. it all seemed bad at the time as well, but painkillers dont just numb you physically they numb you emotionally too.
then me and one of my buddies from the group decided we needed to cut the bullshit, and get back to the gym. only this time with a bang. keep in mind that at this point i was already lifting for 4 years steadily and religiously 4-5x a week.
now with a bang, i mean take steroids. so we got ourselves some lixus test prop, and were doing 150mg EOD for 10 weeks. we blew up. then our cycle ended, so we started doing opiates again. then we realized we needed to stop, so we hopped on another cycle.
that was april 2012, and i've been on ever since. i mean i did try to recover my natural test levels a few months ago but didnt get the results i want, so i decided to be on TRT. maybe not the best choice, but hey..
because of my past i feel an overwhelming desire to be better than everyone else in every aspect.
i pretty much outgrew my stutter and the fear of it, although i still stutter here and there but i dont let it bring me down. all of these past experiences only made me grow stronger and benefitted me. it gave me the edge i needed. these days, i always want more. i always want a hotter girlfriend. always want more money. a bigger apartment, a nicer car, just everything. i'm never satisfied, and i think that is one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses. but that will bring me to the top and help me achieve my dreams