Sleep, Snap or Tap
I don't think I am speaking out of turn when I say I like a bit of PIP. I rub it and mumble, "I fealllllll the powwweeerrrrrr" Wife looks at me with concern, but she is use to it
This thread is getting rough lol.
OP brought all of this shit upon himself.
Fuck off buddy. You and the rest of your posse start shit as soon as a noob says something and then you got fucking losers posting photo shopped pictures to trick people.
We have a new world record for shortest cycle....two pins lol. Does you butt hurt from that big bad 25g needle. Are you still 4.6% body fat at 225 lbs? Did you put one of these over the stab wound?
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OK Mr. Photo shop. The pip was too much and my leg was all fucked up for a week.
Have to admit - I would have banged two out of three of those cartoon girls if they were poofed into real life.
Fuck off buddy. You and the rest of your posse start shit as soon as a noob says something and then you got fucking losers posting photo shopped pictures to trick people.
Fuck off buddy. You and the rest of your posse start shit as soon as a noob says something and then you got fucking losers posting photo shopped pictures to trick people.
OP thats the way the first few pins go brother. Did you research the correct way to pin? The quad is by far the most painful muscle to pin and then on the first try to boot. Yea that shit is going to hurt. It gets better. But I am guessing like most things in your life your going to give up and start obsessing about something different. By the way the avi's are real. For all of us with the exception of Big Ben, there are much better physiques we could pick if we wanted to put up a fake avi. If you had any experience in this you would realize that 70% of need some serious work and need to keep lifting towards our goal.
The fact that you think we would fake such mediocre physiques for our avi's is proff you don't know what your getting into. Also if your that impressed with the avi's to discredit them then I am guessing you are no where near the stats you posted up before.
SoCal if u think quads are the most painful muscle to hit, go pin calves.... Had to say that.
Forearms are the most painful for me