will liquidex help a bicep tendon tear.


New member
I need some help here Im 27 been lifting for about 12 years now have done cycles of prohormones for the past two years. Im done with that and just got my first cycle of test e. I have alot of liquidex as well. I also have a painfull bicep partial tear and can not lift anything but legs. Is there anything I can take to help the healing process.
injuries need time and rehab

sux but I m o some sup s may help but trust me...time, patience and smart decision making processes..impatience will not help out at all.
I been taking fish oil and joint support like candy icing and messaging. therapy workouts as well. Been having no luck. Any other infor from anyone will be helpful thankyou
I would love to pick up some TB500 I just dont trust sites online you never know what your getting or if youll get it.
I would love to pick up some TB500 I just dont trust sites online you never know what your getting or if youll get it.
The banner at the top (Rui) is good to go. Dec 1 they're having a 35% off sale for 24 hours. If your bicep IS tore up, time will be your best friend for best results. TB500 can shorten healing time, by how much? Hard work to say, like Tuetonic said, don't be so impatient
Yea I know I been off for 3weeks now even told my bosses at work to put me on the gravy train. I just hope its not gonna be a 6 month thing. Thanks a bunch guys
I think it is obvious. With really low estradiol, OP will be much less likely to cry about his injury. :-)
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Haha yeah I have no idea just been doing lots of research on real gear sick of looking at my first cycle in the cupboard bcvof this tendon tear. Anyway miss read some info thinking tb500 was an AI not a peptide. There for I thought well I got 6month worth of liquidex wonder if thst will work.
Haha yeah I have no idea just been doing lots of research on real gear sick of looking at my first cycle in the cupboard bcvof this tendon tear. Anyway miss read some info thinking tb500 was an AI not a peptide. There for I thought well I got 6month worth of liquidex wonder if thst will work.

Rest and HGH are the only things I know of for a fact that helps repair connective tissues. Physical therapy wouldn't be a bad idea too, better sooner than later. (I can't comment on TB-500 as I've never seen the effects in person)
I need some help here Im 27 been lifting for about 12 years now have done cycles of prohormones for the past two years. Im done with that and just got my first cycle of test e. I have alot of liquidex as well. I also have a painfull bicep partial tear and can not lift anything but legs. Is there anything I can take to help the healing process.

no it won't bro. sorry