Will tren and Masteron give me more strength?


New member
Believe it or not, I never get much of a strength increase from test or EQ. Maybe cause they dont bloat me. I'm wondering if an androgenic compound like masteron would give me some great strength gains

are there any other androgenic compounds besides tren and masterone? I really cant do tren due to progesterone, and the masteron source is notorious for sending shit 4 weeks late.
Winny/Tren/Test is a potent combo for strength gains. Some specualte that Winstrol (winny) inhibits the Tren associated Prog sides....although it's never been proven. I'm gyno prone and I NEVER get gyno from Tren used by itself! You could use Tren along side Bromo if you are concerned about Prog.

Haoltestin will make you strong as hell.....but it's so damn toxic, I stay away.
I'd love to try the tren/winny combo, but my nips are already so big that if they got any larger I would have a full fledged tit. so I wont go that route. None of my sources have halostin. so what about masterone (hopefully that is the real masteron and not tren)?
If you can't get strong off of winny/tren/prop, then your diet, training, or sleep has to be garbage...that's my cycle for getting strong as fuck, and believe me, I do.
Test Suspension/Winny. Through in Tren & your liver will sream for mercy! You'll be strong as fuckall though.
tren will def do some damage for your strength ha ha!!!!

I am planning a suspension/tren/winny/dbol cycle in a little bit. If my bombs ever come in!!:mad:
I like tren with Anavar (var) for strength, but to answer your question, fina and masteron just give you strength gains.

Real Masterone hasnt been produced for over 9 years. What you have is probably something other than Masterone.
Swoleburn said:
Real Masterone hasnt been produced for over 9 years. What you have is probably something other than Masterone.

underground bro, it is available, you just have to know where to look. as for your question, tren and masteron will give you good strength gains, i have used both in the current cycle i am on.
Personally I love fina because all it does is give me strength. I dont have to worry about bloating or Gyno.
I am no interested at all in anything with bloat and water. I stay away from DBoL. Fina makes me strong as fuck though I love it. I would love to run some Masteron.
I would love to cycle all this

and maybe somehow work some Anavar (var) and masteron into that badboy.