Would like input from some of you about this

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ironmaster said:
I would need to know one more thing. What is the nature of the relationship between the customer and the source.....is this a first time deal or a regular thing?
If this was my favorite guy who had always done me right in many transactions, I'd sure as hell send him some money. Good, honest dealers are hard to find. However, if it was a first time kind of thing, I'm keepin my money.

Very good point, something to take into consideration.

BiggieSwolls said:
It was a first time deal between the source and consumer.

The source should definitely wait then, as harsh as it sounds but this was there first deal and look at what happened!:(
I can see the customer sending the cash and then the money order getting cashed before the expiration date.

I would have just told him to wait the and I'll order some more at that time from you to show some love. Your safer and hell sells some more. IMHO..
Source should just have to wait. It was his fault and IMO you are being nice going through all the hassle to get the bank draft replaced.
What if you sent him the money and he sent you the gear and your kid knocked it off the table and broke the vials? Should he resend the vials. I know it is not the same thing because he would be out the gear and you are out nothing but time in this situation, but you cant be responsible for other peoples doings.
Closing her up. Sometimes people just dont know when to shut up and treat customers like customers, not like someone who should be lucky to have a source. (RE: some posts that we had to delete)
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I have removed your account, because after I banned you, you didn't took the time to set a proper email address, remove the notifications or setup your email account properly.

I am sick and fucking tired of your bouncy emails because you choose not to receive them. It is only 1 option from the user control panel.
thefantom1 said:
What if his child had flushed $600 in cash down the toliet??? The same thing..its the source's problem...and the customer is doing the right thing by even deciding to wait 30 days and send another check...

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