Would you commit to TRT to take your levels from 500 to 900


If you were lets say 35 years old and you were doing just okay like a normal man with a T level of 500, BUT...
-you wanted to have a little higher libido
-you wanted to be a little more confident
-you wanted to get in shape a little bit for the wife
-you wanted to have a little better general quality of life...
-you wanted to be MORE productive at your job(more than you already are)
-wanted to raise yourself beyond other men to gain an edge at getting women and everything else(mentaly, energy, how you behave)...


Its a difficult question because we only have one life and we want to live it our best, but on the other side its a lifelong commitment and you have to really WANT to better yourself and to be better than everyone else, to accept that decision.

I have come across people on forums for whom it was a no brainer to accept that decision, but others are like meh, im okay with 500, thats what god has given me.

On ONE side we have the 5percenters, who are willing to do whatever it takes to better themselves and have a better life, and on the other side we have people that want to be ASSSURED, dont want to take risks, and are just happy with themselves.

For example Joe Rogan was once saying that he's got that one friend whose levels are low but he just doesnt want to go on trt, becuse he is not sure about it. He told him:''but what do you have to loose? your level are already shitty, you got nothing to lose.''

At the end i would like to add that we all go on trt to improve the quality of our life. Either we change it 180 degrees, or only '45 degrees', wheres that line where its worth it?
People go on steroids, because they want to become beasts that they NATURALY arent, so even though they were normal before, they want to improve themselves. So im talking about going from NORMAL to ABOVE NORMAL with trt.
No. Maybe a little daily cialis if I wanted to hit it like a porn star every night. Then a little get up off the couch and make stuff happen in your life if that's what you want to do.
So that was my quick response. To clarify: I believe a small daily dose of cialis would give you more desire/ability to have sex than most wives would want anyway. And with normal test levels, I think if a person started eating clean and working out, that would be enough to make them feel incredible without the expense and hassle of trt.

I doubt you'll get a dr to prescribe trt at your levels so that puts you getting test from ugl, expense 1. Then there's the needles, swabs, etc, expense 2, then you have to worry about if the test will aromatize and give you problems so you need ai on hand, etc, expense 3. Then you have weekly or twice a week injections for life. It gets old pretty quick.

If I didn't have to do trt, I wouldn't. But I would most likely still cycle occassionally.
there is NOT a big difference from normal 500 level of test and 900 levels of test.. there would be NO reason to get on TRT and all the negatives that come with it if your levels are normal at 500. You probably wouldn't even notice the increase.

however someone that actually has low T, medically diagnosed, of say 150 and they have been that way for years and then they get on trt and get levels to 900-1000, they will feel a difference.

Why a difference felt here and not the above scenario? Because medically diagnosed low T has symptomatic problems that can be resolved and thus felt when the problem is treated. However, normal test levels are not a medical problem with health symptoms and simply adding more Testosterone to what is normal will not make much a difference
Youre wrong! If ur level at 350 and go on trt for 1200 ng dl, your sex drive will be like pornstar.

He's wrong? One he never stated the numbers you just pulled out of your butt. Two...eh I think you just might be too stupid to bother with.
absolutely not.. u like the idea of jabbing yourself up to 4 times a week for the rest of your life?? lol
As far as sex drive goes, for me it was a little different. I thought I was still horny as hell, but for a few years my wife would complain about lack of interest. I thought she was nuts. Turns out my levels where sub 200, and now that I'm on TRT I don't think she'll be complaining about lack of interest. I think I've made up for the past several years in a two months. Who knew the person I've been with the past 23 years knows me better than I thought.
Hell no!

I'd have loved to have a 500 test level. I wished I didn't have to go on trt, for possibly the rest of my life. But with a 170 level, I really didn't have a choice. 500 would've been great. Heck, I've had trough readings in the 600's, and I felt fine. I'm sure 500 wouldn't be a whole lot different.
I would at least consider it depending on my goals... if I tested 500 or lower consistently for months.

Lenex - for every guy who says no, ponder what they keep their TT levels are at. I bet you 1000 to 1 they don't run them at 500 or even close to that. Most around here are 800-1200. Its easy to say no when you have a TT of 1000 around the clock.

My entire body structure has changed since getting on TRT. Also - to say there is no difference between 500 and 900 is incorrect in my experience, as I notice major differences.

The real question is how optimal do you want to be? I side with the Joe Rogan point on this one... its your body, and if you want it to be or feel different, then do something about it.
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Yes. I would if it was Dr perscribed. Lenex - for every guy who says no, ponder what they keep their TT levels are at. I bet you 1000 to 1 they don't run them at 500 or even close to that. Most around here are 800-1200.

no doctor is going to prescribe exogenous test to someone who has completely healthy test levels. Just like no doctor is going to provide chemo therapy to a healthy person who does not have cancer.

its a ridiculous idea. TRT is a medical treatment for a health problem. If you want testosterone for performance reasons, fine, Run test and other AAS and do a proper PCT. but that is not TRT
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I'd kill for a natural 500 test level. You'd be crazy to go on TRT and have to worry about hematocrit, E2, hemoglobin, iron, fertility, nuts shrinking, hCG, gel or injection, will your wife and kids rub off on your Androgel?, apply everyday or inject twice a week, therapeutic phlebotomy, prolactin levels, DHT, arimidex, cabergoline, exemenstane, donating blood, blood tests, the doctor, FDA, DEA, and whoever else fu*king with you, copays, what if your doctor retires, what if you move, what if your new doctor doesn't believe in TRT, what if your insurance stops covering TRT, etc. etc.

I'm not saying that TRT ins't great. For me, it was wonderful, but there are headaches with it and I would give it all up today for a natural 500 level. S**t, I would give it up for a natural high 400 level and I'd bust my ass with the gym and my diet to bring it up from there.
no doctor is going to prescribe exogenous test to someone who has completely healthy test levels. Just like no doctor is going to provide chemo therapy to a healthy person who does not have cancer.

its a ridiculous idea. TRT is a medical treatment for a health problem. If you want testosterone for performance reasons, fine, Run test and other AAS and do a proper PCT. but that is not TRT

So you have "replaced" your natural testosterone levels back to the norm of 500-600 and no higher? I'm not saying I would (edited original post after some thought) - but I'd believe I would consider it... and that was his question.
there is NOT a big difference from normal 500 level of test and 900 levels of test.. there would be NO reason to get on TRT and all the negatives that come with it if your levels are normal at 500. You probably wouldn't even notice the increase.

however someone that actually has low T, medically diagnosed, of say 150 and they have been that way for years and then they get on trt and get levels to 900-1000, they will feel a difference.

Why a difference felt here and not the above scenario? Because medically diagnosed low T has symptomatic problems that can be resolved and thus felt when the problem is treated. However, normal test levels are not a medical problem with health symptoms and simply adding more Testosterone to what is normal will not make much a difference

I strongly disagree. There is a big difference between 500 and 900. My 72 father was 760 at 67 increasing to 1100 made a big difference in strength and general health. It depends on what your body needs to be vibrant. Urologists are targeting 1100 with treatment.
I strongly disagree. There is a big difference between 500 and 900. My 72 father was 760 at 67 increasing to 1100 made a big difference in strength and general health. It depends on what your body needs to be vibrant. Urologists are targeting 1100 with treatment.

760 at 72?!?!? I would have killed to be at 760 at half his age.
of course injecting exogenous testosterone to increase levels is going to make someone 'stronger' or more vibrant. Thats why athletes and body builders have taken it for 50 years.
But true hypogonadism treatment is not treating 'lack of strength', it's treating a whole host of medically diagnosed health problems associated with LOW T.

** I'm all for cruising on Test year round and running it as high as you want. But people are claiming this is TRT when it really is not. Thats why upping your test levels from 500 to 900 would never be condoned by a medically licensed urologist.
If however your over 35 and you want to treat 'anti aging' and run high test levels year round and feel good, all the power to you and plenty of places out there that want your money and will prescribe you that.
of course injecting exogenous testosterone to increase levels is going to make someone 'stronger' or more vibrant. Thats why athletes and body builders have taken it for 50 years.
But true hypogonadism treatment is not treating 'lack of strength', it's treating a whole host of medically diagnosed health problems associated with LOW T.

** I'm all for cruising on Test year round and running it as high as you want. But people are claiming this is TRT when it really is not. Thats why upping your test levels from 500 to 900 would never be condoned by a medically licensed urologist.
If however your over 35 and you want to treat 'anti aging' and run high test levels year round and feel good, all the power to you and plenty of places out there that want your money and will prescribe you that.

Agreed. But I'd also argue the way a lot of guys in this "TRT" forum use it starts to edge into anti-aging. Myself included as there is no way in hell I am going to inject something as often as I do to achieve a level of 500.
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If you were lets say 35 years old and you were doing just okay like a normal man with a T level of 500, BUT...
-you wanted to have a little higher libido
-you wanted to be a little more confident
-you wanted to get in shape a little bit for the wife
-you wanted to have a little better general quality of life...
-you wanted to be MORE productive at your job(more than you already are)
-wanted to raise yourself beyond other men to gain an edge at getting women and everything else(mentaly, energy, how you behave)...


I wouldn't recommend TRT for you. I think you are too optimistic about the improvements you are hoping to see from increasing your test levels from 500 to 900. The downside is that you are stuck doing regular injections for the rest of our life and all the medical expense and hassle that goes with it.

That said, I am very happy that I am on TRT. I started at age 70 with test levels between 250 and 300. I try to keep my current levels between 1100 and 1200. Result is roughly 30% more strength, better fitness, a more muscular body, less fat, more stamina, and better sex (yes we still do it regularly in our 70's).
Lol. Guys say 500 is fine but their test levels at 1000. Lol. This is unhealthy you think? You think it isnt worth Drop the test level then? You wont lose muscle at 600. Lol at u guys.

I feel fine at 600. I've been at 500's, 600's, 700's, 800's.......even as high as 1440 and I can honestly say that I felt the best on 4 pumps of Androgel and in the 600's than I ever did on injections and in the 1400's.

And this is what I was talking about in my earlier post: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/t...l-new-primary-care-doc-doesn-t-treat-trt.html

This guy needs TRT and he moved and is having problems getting it. Who would want this kind of trouble if they could avoid it?
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If you were lets say 35 years old and you were doing just okay like a normal man with a T level of 500, BUT...
-you wanted to have a little higher libido
-you wanted to be a little more confident
-you wanted to get in shape a little bit for the wife
-you wanted to have a little better general quality of life...
-you wanted to be MORE productive at your job(more than you already are)
-wanted to raise yourself beyond other men to gain an edge at getting women and everything else
(mentaly, energy, how you behave)

If you have normal testosterone levels, have no medical hypogonadism issues, and if you cannot DO the above mentioned things with just a simple change in lifestyle or mental focus, and you think a syringe and needle with some test in it is the answer.. you got mental or motivational issues, not testosterone issues.

so it's very unlikely that going from 500 to 900 test is gonna do any of that for you
of course injecting exogenous testosterone to increase levels is going to make someone 'stronger' or more vibrant. Thats why athletes and body builders have taken it for 50 years.
But true hypogonadism treatment is not treating 'lack of strength', it's treating a whole host of medically diagnosed health problems associated with LOW T.

** I'm all for cruising on Test year round and running it as high as you want. But people are claiming this is TRT when it really is not. Thats why upping your test levels from 500 to 900 would never be condoned by a medically licensed urologist.
If however your over 35 and you want to treat 'anti aging' and run high test levels year round and feel good, all the power to you and plenty of places out there that want your money and will prescribe you that.

I asked if it is worth taking it to improve the general quality of life, not to treat hypogonadism.