yohimburn sucks


New member
I've been using yohimburn ES for about 3 weeks now, on face ONLY. Im also on test + tren and eating healthy + lifting.

I've lost a ton of chest fat, stomach fat, and love handle fat...I mean a lot, there is so much less to grab. I am down about 10 lbs and my lifts have gone up.

I have hardly lost any facial fat though....I mean my chest is about half as fat, I used to be able to fill a hand with the fat, now there isn't nearly as much to even pinch with 2 fingers.
I've been using yohimburn ES for about 3 weeks now, on face ONLY. Im also on test + tren and eating healthy + lifting.

I've lost a ton of chest fat, stomach fat, and love handle fat...I mean a lot, there is so much less to grab. I am down about 10 lbs and my lifts have gone up.

I have hardly lost any facial fat though....I mean my chest is about half as fat, I used to be able to fill a hand with the fat, now there isn't nearly as much to even pinch with 2 fingers.

Well, youre likely holding water from the test and it's not fat in your face but bloat. If you lowered your test dose you might find a skinnier face.
because yohimburn works on the estrogen areas where a woman holds stubborn body fat. Chances are you lost some fat in your face, like i previously stated, youre just holding water due to test.
you put that shit on your face???

I thought this was a joke at first.

Chew more gum and keep that shit off your face.
gum? ROFL that isnt going to burn any fat.

its a good product for the face they say it actually one of the best places to use it.
LOL.. it works and people do use it on the face but like Skar said, its most likely water/bloat that your face his holding and not fat.
Just why the dramatic difference in the chest and stomach where the stuff was not even used and such small difference where it was used?
I hope I am wrong but I just don't think it worked for spot reduction that well
Just why the dramatic difference in the chest and stomach where the stuff was not even used and such small difference where it was used?
I hope I am wrong but I just don't think it worked for spot reduction that well

are you a fucking retard? It's not fat in your fucking face it's water!!!

How many times or how many people have to say it? Jeeze... and i thought i was slow. You make me look like Einstin dznuts
You are not answering my question. I don't think you are listening to me. I think you are not very different from a wall.
YES was used on the face only.
weight is down 10 lbs, lifts are up quite a bit. running test 750mg weekly tren ace 100mg ED. Lifting and eating healthy on target with BMR.

Chest fat has gone WAY down, love handles are WAY down, and stomach fat is WAY down.
But there is next to no difference in the facial area where YES has been applied daily.
Bloat is not a reasonable explanation as to why many other areas have lost a ton of size but the one applied area has not. This area should have lost size as well if YES was working.
I've been using yohimburn ES for about 3 weeks now, on face ONLY. Im also on test + tren and eating healthy + lifting.

I've lost a ton of chest fat, stomach fat, and love handle fat...I mean a lot, there is so much less to grab. I am down about 10 lbs and my lifts have gone up.

I have hardly lost any facial fat though....I mean my chest is about half as fat, I used to be able to fill a hand with the fat, now there isn't nearly as much to even pinch with 2 fingers.

ur putting it on ur face?

Facial fat?

send a pic, this doesn't make sense, you can't be 10% bodyfat and have a fat face, can you?

I think headsize is pretty much static, except for GH usage... but Im not sure...
are you a fucking retard? It's not fat in your fucking face it's water!!!

How many times or how many people have to say it? Jeeze... and i thought i was slow. You make me look like Einstin dznuts


easy big guy . i agree with your idea that its probablly bloat and yohimburn isnt a anti e so its not gonna make bloat go away .
now skarhead its time for your anger management class.
I have read about yohimburn and it seems like a very good product to us for spot treatment areas like love handles and thighs maybe on chest...I guess. Anyway Keep us updated as to how things are going and turn out. I am interested to see what the end results are
if facial fat deposits are not due to Alpha 2 adrenoceptor issues (estrogenic fatty deposits), then face may not respond.

Yohimburn will have systemic effects, more so when applied to areas that are not alpha 2 rich. Since presence of alpha 2 receptors enhances the localizing effects during penetration, via vasoconstriction within the dermal layers. But also because metabolites, while not as strong, do tend to have more systemic presence.
Does yohimburn really work?

So im debating on buy yohimburn, i work out and diet like crazy and i have certain areas that just will not change..is it worth buying?
im ready to bring a cot to the gym an just live there..help!!
So im debating on buy yohimburn, i work out and diet like crazy and i have certain areas that just will not change..is it worth buying?
im ready to bring a cot to the gym an just live there..help!!

if you have female pattern fat storage, yes. if just abs are the issue-- less certain-- as this may be more androgen/insulin issue