
couldnt stand it. i got it today and applied to stomach, nips and face! how long before the diuresis is noticed?
bump. any other ppl use it on the face? and how good does it work/last? i dont want to have to spend money and get facial lipo to get a chiseled face. seems like id have to starve to attain that look and im not into doing that or losing any strength either. im at around 12-14% BF.
Starkraven said:
bump. any other ppl use it on the face? and how good does it work/last? i dont want to have to spend money and get facial lipo to get a chiseled face. seems like id have to starve to attain that look and im not into doing that or losing any strength either. im at around 12-14% BF.

its one of the most widely used places. Most people see very good results there
yeah actually i went to the link you posted which branched off to 4 other links, so i read plenty but those were from mainly 3 years ago. I'll go with the DF version, the YES doesnt convince me from all the feedback.
a lot of people like the DF, though IMO the ES is better (though there will always be those that disagree- as response can vary :) )
i went with ES because on the AF store webpage it states "ES is everything DF is and more..." so i thought it would be just as good if not a better diuretic.

not any results to report as of yet. im probobly not lean enough to be using it though i do notice the diuretic effect on my face...i think.
i got into training one of the reasons being having a chiseled face so no steroid is worth it to me if it bloats me. i ordered the DF, hopefully with strict diet, proper training, cardio and yohimburn DF, my face fat just gets lean and chiseled!
sorry, although i like the preworkout boost it really has no other effect at all on me.
sesapure on the other hand is fucking great, as is aifm.