My x boyfriend is a big fucker and he swears that girls don't look at him as much as they used to when he was about 210 and now he's 275 off season, 240 cut and dry. I LOVE it- big guys are a must for me, but then again I'm into the working out thing. The majority of girls are lazy, non working out bitches, looking for rich daddy's boys. And Brad Pitt's anorexic look is a great example of what girls like- Brad Pitt was a skinny bitch in that movie-I could've probably taken him out!! I still have yet to understand whats not to like about a HUGE dude. All my friends think its gross. Maybe it has something to do with attention??...the girl usually wants the attention but if she's with a big guy, he might steal it away. I never think like that...
I live by the quote "BIGGER IS BETTER"
I live by the quote "BIGGER IS BETTER"