You built guys getting laid easy?

My x boyfriend is a big fucker and he swears that girls don't look at him as much as they used to when he was about 210 and now he's 275 off season, 240 cut and dry. I LOVE it- big guys are a must for me, but then again I'm into the working out thing. The majority of girls are lazy, non working out bitches, looking for rich daddy's boys. And Brad Pitt's anorexic look is a great example of what girls like- Brad Pitt was a skinny bitch in that movie-I could've probably taken him out!! I still have yet to understand whats not to like about a HUGE dude. All my friends think its gross. Maybe it has something to do with attention??...the girl usually wants the attention but if she's with a big guy, he might steal it away. I never think like that...
I live by the quote "BIGGER IS BETTER"
I am probably lucky that I have never been super muscular. Apparently people seem to think I look best at a fat 230 (15%+ bf). If I get down to 210, it doesn't matter how lean I am. With clothes on I look like a walking stick (I am 6'2"). No wonder I never got anything at 185 lbs, hehe.

Even after several Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and ph/ps cycles, I am still not that built. I have even lost about 1/2 my hair and the women don't seem to care. I do find that I have more success with women now than before. I think women can sense when a guys is 'on'. I swear they can feel the testosterone and the confidence it brings. I hold maybe 20 lbs more muscle than the average guy, just enough to stand out in a group of nerds at work. I tend to think the trade-off for having more muscle is worth it. Sure some women are turned off by muscle. But the women who like muscular guys REALLY like muscular guys. They can be more visually oriented than dudes are.

In a group of 100 attractive women, I'd rather have 10 that were totally into me than 50 that were iffy (where I had to do more work to get them in bed). It has been my experience that if you date a girl that is obviously into your body, she is going to sleep with you probably sooner than later.

Being fat up to point (~15%) can be helpful too. You are less intimidating. You don't have the perfect body. There are a few love handles to grab and you may make a girl less self-conscious.
forvlaka said:
Thoughout the years, I have turned down so many chics. I am clean though am built very well. I have seen my friends to--get girls easily when built. although you do have to be good looking also. I agree that some freeky roiders do not get many chics since again as the moderater iterated about them all being gay-that cause they can't get chics, they are too overdeveloped that it turns chics of.

One of the above post is the best about the 100 dollarbills. I used to go to the bars with this friend who never scored. He was not bad looking, though not good looking at all.
He started going to clubs with 1500 in 100's in his wallet. He did not spend much, though the girls he baught the drinks for did see the money.
I lost this guy as a buddy. He got so many girls, he became some one else. I did not know him anymore.
That technique does work. I would rather the girl like me for me or my muscles rather than for cash. And that does not last to long unless you do have money.
In the end, it is what a man has, like money that leads to a married couple. There are exceptions, though few. When it get serious your muscles mean nothing. Rare otherwise.
I should know since I lost my last GF of 6 years for a guy who made more money.
..then you'd have to move out of the USA :(
skarhead1 said:
I think some girls like it, some girls dont, all on taste
I fucked this chick in New Zealand, she loved the fact that she couldnt see my spine because my back was thick compared to the average skinny ass.
Getting muscular definately helped me reel them in. Both because of how the girls perceived me and how I perceived myself.