You Wanna See Gains (Part IIIII)

DAY 19 Friday


GYM: Chest Decline bench 4 sets, DB incline bench 4 sets, Machine press 4 sets, Cable Rack 6 sets, Machine cables 6 sets, Bench Smithen 4 sets. TRIS EZ Bar flat bench 4 sets, DB Tri's 6 seets, Rope Pull Downs 4 sets, Bar Push Downs 4 sets, Close Grip Bench 4 sets. Dips 200.

* Just got my new protein in...Its a protein that I made myself with no carbs, low cals, no fats...just straight good quality protein. Its unflavored and I will be using it as a common drink throughout the day. Grape is the best to mix it up with to hide the natural protein taste. 100grams per day will come from this source.
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DAY 21 Sunday


GYM: Bi's: Concentration DB curls 4 sets, Straight bar Curls 5 sets, Cable Curls 8 sets, Machine Curls 4 sets, Rope Curls 3 sets.. Went very heavy today and until failure on all sets. Really good pump and fiber twitches today.
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So much volume. Shit man. I think you should cut volume by 50% and push more sets to failure. I keep protein to ~1.25 to 1.5 times weight.
So much volume. Shit man. I think you should cut volume by 50% and push more sets to failure. I keep protein to ~1.25 to 1.5 times weight.

HAHA..I know shit tons of volume..However, thats just when I cycle and have the extra energy and stamina to do so. Would would be the rational of cutting my volume????
This cycle im actually getting around 2 times weight right now...hoping this would give me what im looking for.
Cutting volume would reduce possibility of over training. It would also allow you to focus on being strong and thus bigger/denser muscles.

I think that's too much protein, but that's just me. I am also a lot bigger than you, so eating 500+ grams of protein (2x my body weight) would be a little silly.
Day 23 Tuesday


Gym: legs- leg press 4 sets, squats 4 sets, leg extensions 6 sets, lunges 8 sets, front squats 2 sets.
Cardio-45 min
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DAY 24 Wednesday


GYM: CHEST/TRICEPS- incline db 80x8,90x8,100x8,110x8. Decline bench 4 sets, cables 8 sets, machine benches 12 sets. TRICEPS-close grip 4 sets, rope 5 sets, machine dips 5 sets, regular dips 3 sets.
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DAY 24 Wednesday

GYM: CHEST/TRICEPS- incline db 80x8,90x8,100x8,110x8. Decline bench 4 sets, cables 8 sets, machine benches 12 sets. TRICEPS-close grip 4 sets, rope 5 sets, machine dips 5 sets, regular dips 3 sets.

To show how I would cut volume:

Incline DB 2 sets 8 reps, 1 to all out failure (12-15 reps)
Flat Bench 3 sets 12-15 reps
Cable Cross Over 3 sets 12 reps

Over Head DB Press 3 sets 10 reps
Incline Tate Press 3 sets 10 reps
Rope Push Downs 1 sets of 20-25 (blood flow, elbow rehab/prehab)

I think if you push it with these sets, you will have trained plenty and should be bigger and stronger because of it.
To show how I would cut volume:

Incline DB 2 sets 8 reps, 1 to all out failure (12-15 reps)
Flat Bench 3 sets 12-15 reps
Cable Cross Over 3 sets 12 reps

Thanks Milk- I'm actually taking your advice and cutting volume and extending recovery time. Also, combining muscles groups like chest/tri's, back bi's, ect..... I'll keep everyone posted on the results. Since cutting back I have noticed more of a pump and blood flow.

Over Head DB Press 3 sets 10 reps
Incline Tate Press 3 sets 10 reps
Rope Push Downs 1 sets of 20-25 (blood flow, elbow rehab/prehab)

I think if you push it with these sets, you will have trained plenty and should be bigger and stronger because of it.

Thanks Milk- I'm actually taking your advice and cutting volume and extending recovery time. Also, combining muscles groups like chest/tri's, back bi's, ect..... I'll keep everyone posted on the results. Since cutting back I have noticed more of a pump and blood flow.
Day 28 Sunday

GYM: Shoulders- DB Press 4 sets, Military Bar 4 sets, Machine Press 4 sets, DB Shoulder Flys 4 sets, Shrugs 4 sets.
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Day 30 Tuesday

DBOL 20mgs Start of DBOL............................STAN

GYM: Legs- Leg Press 4 sets, Squats 4 sets, Leg Extension 6 sets, Ham Extensions 6 sets.
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Day 31 Wednesday

Weight 188lbs

Dbol 20mgs

GYM: CHEST Incline DB Bench 50lb x 20 warmups. 65lbs x 15, 75lbs x 15, 85lbs x12, 100lbs x 12. Incline bench press 145lbs x 15, 225lbs x 10, 315lbs x 8, 365lbs x 5. Incline Machine Press 3 sets. Cables 6 sets. Machine Bench 4 sets.
TRI's rope pull down 8 sets, bar push down 3 sets, close grip 3 sets. Machine push downs 5 sets, dips 4 sets.
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