YOUR experience with site injection growth


New member
It seems impossible to find a concrete answer to whether there is any localized site injection growth....
My understanding is that the growth factors from the hormones won't be specific to the injected area...

BUT, similar to how synthol works it is possible to stretch the fascia, which will then allow for more growth

I'm mostly interested in injecting more into the calves/biceps/triceps...has anyone actually seen noticable differences from doing most of their injections in those areas?

And, if anyone has a concrete injections = localized growth? Yes or No?
you would need large amounts of oil to get any fascia stretching effect to look like the synthol guys, pointless imo
I did an experiment for an entire cycle once to see if there was any truth to this
For 12 weeks I injected 3cc into each bi(mix of enth/eq/deca). Each week I would get 1/4inch swelling that would go away in a few the end of the cycle arms were pretty much where they started
so I am pretty convinced that site injection doesnt do much of anything
yeah I only rotate delts and they swell up like baloons for a few days then go back to normal.
I also tend to think it's more of a myth. I've heard some people say that test suspension gives you localized growth, but I didn't notice any when I used suspension, or any other test for that matter.
tried suspension as well, swelled and hurt like I was hit with a baseball bat but same result
I notice localized body acne near inj. sites like a m-fer! Particularly deltoids and thighs. Dont get much other acne so, i would think THAT is effected. Growth-wise, I believe the juice works in conjunction with your entire system and whats flowing in what respective calibration of balance preferance or homeostasis. AAS throw our balances into anabolic growing phases thru an elaborate system of functions from hormones.. I dont believe any "localized growth" is even plausible
i cant give you any proof that site injections are true but my ass got huge whenever i was shooting up there.
I inj a mix of 1 cc of Winstrol and 1 cc of Suspension and loved the localized swelling in my bis. I do it with outer tris as well and love it.

It is a temporary thing though.

3cc in the bi ouch!
I have tested thoroughly as well.
I think the inflammation is the only
end result.. not worth the pain!
Not necessary to go there if unless
you are running 3-4 fast acting injectables.
The most visible result I have seen
is scar tissue buildup on delts.
I have seen plenty of guys who have pinned
their delts to oblivion. They look like they
have a 2nd lateral head.

I did an experiment for an entire cycle once to see if there was any truth to this
For 12 weeks I injected 3cc into each bi(mix of enth/eq/deca). Each week I would get 1/4inch swelling that would go away in a few the end of the cycle arms were pretty much where they started
so I am pretty convinced that site injection doesnt do much of anything
I notice localized body acne near inj. sites like a m-fer! Particularly deltoids and thighs. Dont get much other acne so, i would think THAT is effected. Growth-wise, I believe the juice works in conjunction with your entire system and whats flowing in what respective calibration of balance preferance or homeostasis. AAS throw our balances into anabolic growing phases thru an elaborate system of functions from hormones.. I dont believe any "localized growth" is even plausible

Oddly enough I used to have really bad thigh acne from the way my pores/follicles are easily irritated. After two weeks of sustanon injections EoD in to my thighs, literally all the irritations and blemishes have gone away!

Also I think this explanation nails it, I'm going in to dietetics and fitness etc. Just like an IM penicillin shot can cure infections through out the body, IM testosterone injections is just where it has to go to be broken free from the oils and distributed to the body.

I think the only way to increase the size of a specific muscle group on or off AAS is to increase weight and work of that muscle group, preferably out of proportion to the muscles you don't want to increase.
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The most visible result I have seen
is scar tissue buildup on delts.
I have seen plenty of guys who have pinned
their delts to oblivion. They look like they
have a 2nd lateral head.

Sounds like my delts haha. I've been doing 2.5 cc in each delt..thank god for EO
i cant give you any proof that site injections are true but my ass got huge whenever i was shooting up there.

dude same here hahaha...but im leaning towards i hold alot of water in my ass when on cycle lol...rather than it being bigger from injections there
Oddly enough I used to have really bad thigh acne from the way my pores/follicles are easily irritated. After two weeks of sustanon injections EoD in to my thighs, literally all the irritations and blemishes have gone away!

Also I think this explanation nails it, I'm going in to dietetics and fitness etc. Just like an IM penicillin shot can cure infections through out the body, IM testosterone injections is just where it has to go to be broken free from the oils and distributed to the body.

I think the only way to increase the size of a specific muscle group on or off AAS is to increase weight and work of that muscle group, preferably out of proportion to the muscles you don't want to increase.

Exactly! I heard Carrot Top builds one part at a time. Although I've never experienced any clarity effect from juice! I only have used test enanthate, deca nandrolone decanate, winstrol, equipoise boldenone undecyblahblah and tren acetate.. ALWAYS have mild but nasty what does pop up body acne. Clears up with triple antibiotic ointment and some tanning for some reason. Everyone reacts a lil different