Recent content by Derexan

  1. Derexan

    1008 Pound Bench Press

    I would never want to spot someone lifting that much weight.
  2. Derexan

    NEED HELP for Basic training

    As of now i can do around 30-40 Pushups. Yeah, not great but not that bad as i haven't hit the weights in a couple months but i've been doing a lot of distance running. I can run a good 6:45 mile and run 6+ miles. This sunday i'm getting my gym membership and i'd like a complete workout geared...
  3. Derexan

    So whats the deal with Artificial sweeteners?

    besides the fact they may cause cancer, I've heard that they trigger the same blood glucose insulin whatever reaction as regular sugar.
  4. Derexan

    Lower body fat versus upper bodyfat

    yeah...Becuase if my Lower body were proportional to my upper body, i'd be about 6'2 180 lbs...But i'm 6'2 200 lbs. Everyone guesses i'm about a buck 80 until they see my tree trunks.
  5. Derexan

    Lower body fat versus upper bodyfat

    Why is lower body fat much harder to lose?
  6. Derexan

    Shakes vs Solid Food

    Yeah, what if i take a shake like Isopure (no carbs) and throw in some fruit and oatmeal into the blender for carbs? Then say throw in some fatt somehow i dunno.... Whats the difference between whey protein and animal protein?
  7. Derexan

    How should i be eating

    I think i've recovered well. well all i did was just shrink. Are fruit juices okay?
  8. Derexan

    How should i be eating

    I'm running about 3-7 miles a day 5-6 days a week, three weightlifting sessions and 3-4 2 hour long Brazillian Jiu-jitsu and grappeling sessions a week I'm 6'2 200 lbs 13% BF. I'd like to lose 7 lbs, but still have energy to do all this. Lately i have been getting carb cravings pretty bad...
  9. Derexan

    jr. whopper at bk - no mayo and no cheese

    You might wanna check the Cholesterol level on those.
  10. Derexan

    Hate chicken??try this...

    I usually just stick my chicken between wheat bread an a little bit of mayo and i'm good.
  11. Derexan

    Looking for a tricep excercise

    terry tate comes in and beats the shit out of you after every set
  12. Derexan

    Researchology clen not really touching me

    yeah tommoro i'm going to take 1.5 ml becuase 1ml = 200mcg's barely effected me.
  13. Derexan

    Researchology clen not really touching me

    Ahh i will try that tommoro. Thanks
  14. Derexan

    Researchology clen not really touching me

    It seems as if i should be taking a higher dose. while i can't exactly say i'm just under probably like 150 MCG's and absolutely no side effects.
  15. Derexan

    Hang Clean versus power clean

    What is the difference between them in terms of mucle groups worked, ect. (i know the form difference) If you had to pick just 1, what would you pick?