12 week weight gainer


"Who is your Daddy and what does he do?"
Alright, this is more for myself so please don't try to comment on this one please...

I'm making this journal for myself so I can see if what i'll be doing is gonna help, and i can look back to see what was right and what was wrong. Also i'm posting it on here so maybe other people in my situation can view it and learn from my mistakes or learn from the good things.

Right now i'm at 193 pounds, and i just wanna put on weight. I'm gonna keep track of this for a 12 week period to see how much i can put on in that time. Today's date is Tuesday December 16th/2003. Tomorrow i'm when i'll be starting to keep track. I will post something each day (or as often as i can). I'm hoping to gain 5-10 pounds within 12 weeks.

By the way, no steroid usage for me.

I will start replying to this tomorrow.
Wed. Dec. 17th/03

Ate a lot today so far. Just got back from the gym, did chest and abs, it's been about 2 weeks since i've even been at the gym, sad and pathetic. A couple of guys were on the bench press when i got there and they just started, so i did incline dumbbell's (got as high as the 70's for 7 reps), then did flat bench dumbbell press (did the 70's for 5 reps... i was burning out fast it seemed), then i did flat bench fly's (did the 40's for reps up to 8, and the 45's for about 4 reps),,, my chest was feeling it pretty good, so i did some abs.
When i got home i had some vitamin c and e pills. I also ate,,, been drinkin a lot of water today. Gonna eat a nice meal before i go to work.

It feels good to work out again, hopefully tomorrow will be as good as today.
Thursday Dec. 18/03

Woke up a bit late today (around 10),,, don't know why i slept so much, i was kind of pissed, but i ate a lot when i got up, and i got paid today, so instead of going to the gym i just did cardio and situps today, and i had to do some christmas shopping (not done), but i've been eating a lot so far today, so i guess it wasn't so bad,, gotta go to work soon which sucks cause i won't have time to eat as much tonight as i'd like, but for sure tomorrow i'm going to the gym to work back and traps.
Sat. Dec. 20/03

Didn't get time to put a post up for yesterday, but i made it to the gym and worked back and traps, ate quite a bit of food and had to work at night, but then i ended up going out till 4 in the morning and partied with a bunch of people who are down for christmas break from university's. Good times, jammed in the basement for hours as well. I know i shouldn't do this very often, and i don't, plus today was gonna be a rest day from the gym anyway. I'm just eating a lot today and gotta work again tonight.
you ASS hurts from deads?!?! hmmm traditional style or stiff legged?

btw, nice journal. are you going to get a lil more specific for me to pick apart for you... i.e food log and training. :D
atherjen said:
you ASS hurts from deads?!?! hmmm traditional style or stiff legged?

btw, nice journal. are you going to get a lil more specific for me to pick apart for you... i.e food log and training. :D

I did both straight leg and regular ones, so i'm not sure which one did it (note, i've never really done dead lifts before, and i hardly ever worked legs, so i think that's the main reason my ass hurts, my whole lower body hurt, it sucked, but it was for good cause). I will get in more detail when i can,,, i haven't even been on my computer for a few days now (working a LOT)... and my gym membership just ran up, so i've been doing workouts at home, but hopefully for christmas i'll get a membership, if not i'll go get one myself. Also, you will notice that i'll have eatin a bit of junk food somedays, but i've got a pretty fast metabolism and i'm just wanting to put on size right now, so go easy if you do pick at me :D

Tuesday Dec. 16/03

Did arms today at home, pretty decent workout. Hard to get good triceps workout at home though, biceps was good though. Did a bit of abs.

had big breakfast, then after workout i had my pills (vitamins) and i drank a lot of water today as well.

So far it seems to be going well, i'm not sore after workouts, and i'm noticing a size increase, i'll weigh myself in a few days when i get back to the gym. It's only lunch time right now and i'm about to get some food, then i'm off to the mechanic, then to work. Hopefully in a few days everything will be back to normal with christmas being over by then and i won't have to work as much as i have been. I will get into more detail once i get my gym membership again.

Will try and post tomorrow.
Alright, it's ... well it's 2:10 in the morning, and i'm not sure what day it is... i had a few drinks tonight, which maybe i shouldn't have cause i gotta go to work in about 6 hours, so my sleep is gonna be fucked tonight, but ah well. Anyway, I ran into a buddy who i used to workout with, and i told him that i'm settin up for 12 weeks of training to see what i can gain, but this might go longer, cause we both decided we'll train toghether and try and gain 20 pounds each in as short of a time as we can (this isn't drunk talk either, we'll fuckin do it for sure"...

aight i'm tired, i'll come read this then finish it tomorrow after work,..

Thursday Dec.25/03


Well yesterday i had to work early in the morning, then right after work i went to my friend's place and helped cut down trees (basically clear out half of the yard), and man that was hard work. I think i got a full body workout from that one. I was using an axe to cut down smaller trees, and when he finished cutting a big one into pieces, i'd grab the logs and carry them to the fire we made. I ate a lot at night too, so yesterday was good.

As for today, so far i've already had a huge breakfast at 8 this morning, then i just ate again about a half hour ago, so it's going good so far. No weights today though, just visiting family.

Like i said the other night, this is now turning into more then 12 weeks, and once i get my gym membership i will get more into detail as to how my training and eating are going.

Will post again tomorrow.
Friday Dec.26/03

No training today.

Ate well though...

I ended up having to move fridges today, and clean up the house because family was coming over. It's very late right now, and i'm going to sleep, but i have to work 2 jobs tomorrow, but i'm not sure if i'm gonna go to one of them (might get fired, but i don't give a fuck because the other job pays well and i like it better).

Will post tomorrow, definatly won't hit the gym though, still need a membership to one... hopefully Monday i'll get to do that.
Sunday Dec.28/03

Man i shouldda started this log after new years... i'm doing terrible... but hopefully i can look back at this and realize what i really shouldn't do. I worked all day yesterday (12 hours), then after that i went downtown and i drank and was out until 5:00am. It was a great time and i ran into a lot of people i hadn't seen in a while, but it fucked up my sleep like crazy, and my diet.

Ate alright yesterday, not as much as i should have though,,, i guess i made up for it in beer...
Today i woke up at like 2 in the afternoon, and didn't really start eating until about 4:00pm... it's 5:30 and i just ate again and i'm off to work. Hopefully tomorrow i'll get a gym membership (if i've got the cash) and i'll start to get a bit more serious..... i know new years eve isn't gonna be good on my training, but i'll survive.
Monday Dec.29th

The single worst day of my life it feels like today.

Me and my girlfriend broke up, i think for good. I'm not gonna get too much into it because it is very very personal, but i guess we're gonna try and work things out. I love her so much and she loves me so much, it's way too complicated to talk about. I spent the last 3 years of my life with this girl and they were the best 3 years of my life. I honestly hope i get back with her.
I hope and think this will help me get back on track and get very serious with lifting.

I might not post for a few days, this log is on hold for now.
Thanks Jen, i appreciate that.

Things are so fucked up with us right now, i don't know what's going on... but any bit of anger i get out of this i wanna use towards lifting weights... i was gonna go out tomorrow night and have one last bang of a party then get serious, but i don't even know if i'll be up for that... pretty sad eh?

Ah well,,, i've thought about it and i'm thinking it doesn't really matter what's going on in my life... i've let my weight lifting go too far, and it's gotta stop. I'm so much more happy when i'm working out, so on Thursday i get paid from work and i'm gonna go sign up at a gym and get serious.

I will start posting again then, thanks.
Thursday Jan.1/04

Still having trouble's with the ex and getting over her. Went out with the guys last night and had a good time, she called me though, fucked my mind up a little bit, and i know she will for a while, but i gotta be strong and not care about it,,, she's just a friend now, and i gotta look at it that way.

I had to work this morning and i got off later then i thought, it was so fuckin busy i didn't even get a break, so i went about 8 hours without eating, but i got paid yesterday, so tomorrow morning i work and after it i'm gonna go get a gym membership and start gettin serious,,, i'll have to go out and get some good food to get me started, and get my protein powder and all that good stuff.

didn't train at all today, as i haven't for a while now, but i fucking better start tomorrow, if i hit some deep depression again tomorrow then i'm gonna say fuck it and go to the gym anyway.

Will post tomorrow, glad to think that i'll be doing something that i love again.
Alright it's Friday Jan.2/04

-Was alright during the day, had no junk food, should have ate more but was busy with work, worked an extra 4 hours then expected, but hey it's money. When i got home i ate a turkey and ham sandwhich, drank water, had some blackberry yogurt (gotta eat what i got), then called my buddy up and we hit the gym, i'm signed up for another year now. Had my vitamin c and e pills, and 10g's of creatine in water as soon as i got back from the gym, about to eat some tuna and whatever else i can find.

-Did shoulders and abs. My god i'm a bitch though, best for shoulder press was the 60's for 6 reps, and lateral raises using 15's and 20's for 10-12 reps (did mostly to failure each set though, slow and held at top for as long as i could on the last sets). Just did 3 sets of about 30 reps of incline sit-ups, last set i used a 25 pound weight for about 8 reps, then dropped it and finished up without it.

Feels great to get started up again, and now i have a training partner too.

Legs tomorrow.
Not to hijack my own thread, but to anyone reading this... My biggest problem is usually my diet, so i'll definatly take ANY advice i can get on it, but i'd prefer if you'd PM me, or if you think it's something others should see as well, put it up,,,, but i'd rather not have this thread hijacked as it is mainly for me to look back and see where i went right and wrong.

Thanks again.
Sat. Jan.3/04

-Ate a lot today, eggs for breakfast, had a shake made with raspberrys,strawberrys, juice, and blackberry yogurt (tasted good). Ate a lot through the day and had my vitamins and creatine after workout then a can of tuna, spaghetti (can't spell) for supper.

-Did legs today, holy fuck i couldn't walk afterwards,, i tried going up the stairs when leaving and i had to pull myself up with the rail, my friend was laughing at me the whole time, i think people walking by thought i was fucked up or something. I haven't worked legs in MONTHS. Did squats, lunges (with dumbbells), leg extensions, leg curls and standing calf raises.... It's sad but i can bench press more then i can squat, and my bench press isn't all that impressive.

-I ran into the ex at night when she was at work, and a co-worker that we both know asked how i was doing (he knows we broke up), and i said "I'm doing great, can't complain" and the ex said "Huh, yeah right" and i looked right at her and said "No, i'm serious". Then she felt bad cause i told her i was completely over her. Then we went and talked for a bit. She said she's having a hard time with this because she still has feelings for me, but i said it's way too late, and it is. But if i can't fuck her (YET), then i'm gonna fuck with her mind like she has to me.
Sunday Jan.4/04

-Ate well today, things like my shake, eggs, baked potato, tuna, my vitamins and creatine, etc... but at work i ate pizza and that was the only bad thing i ate all day (i had to eat something and i didn't pack food for break).

-Did chest and hip flexors today. Wasn't happy with my strength, was only benching 185 for about 6 or 7 reps, and incline dumbbells 65's for about the same reps. Did flat bench flys with the 40's for about 5 reps. Ah well, it'll come back so it's all good. Did my hanging leg raises, about 3 sets of 15,,, gotta get those G.I. Joe lines (girls love em).

-Worked with the ex at night, and it went well. We went on break together and just talked like things were cool. She bought a hampster,,, have i been replaced by a fucking hampster!?!? haha,, she's gonna cut my hair sometime this week so things are getting better with us. This friendship seems to be working. I've cut off most of my emotions dealing with attraction (mentally) towards her, and now i just want to fuck her. I think this will start happening soon, and i really do believe it's not gonna fuck with my head.
I think i'm getting sick because i'm getting a dry stuffyness in my nose and throat... but hopefully i'll be alright tomorrow, cause i work at 7 in the morning (and it's almost midnight now, just got off work) till around lunchtime, then i'm gonna come home and eat and try and work back and traps.
Mon. Jan.5/04

-Ate well today. Got pretty much everything i needed to in.

-Didn't do any, had to fuckin work because some jackass called in sick, and i was sick anyway. All i do is lift shit all day at work, i worked 7-5 today, it sucked. Gonna try and do today's workout tomorrow (tomorrow was gonna be my day off).

-Feeling kind of depressed today because i'm tired and sick, i overworked like crazy, all of my friends are back in university again so no one is around or wants to go out tonight. I don't have to work tomorrow either, so tonight is gonna be one shitty fuckin night!!!