Sat. Jan.17/04
-Absolute shit!!! had pancakes for breakfast and a protein shake, then i had to work, i just got home now and i'm gonna eat something quick before i go to my other job for tonight.
-Didn't train, had very shitty sleep and woke up in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep, i've felt tired all day so far, it really sucks.
-Went out with Mrs. J last night,,,, it was so fucking awkward at first. I went over to her place, said hi to her parents (her mom really likes me and feels bad about the break), then she showed me that fuckin hampster she bought (which she named El Diablo, weird shit),, then she cut my hair. It was silent for a while, then i just started talking about how my weight lifting has been going, blah blah blah, things got cool. It was hard though because she's so fucking beautiful to me, and i caught myself checking her out quite a bit, which wasn't good. Then we got in my car and drove up to work so she could try and get rid of some shifts. On the way up i mentioned about wanting to get with other girls, and she got pissed. She was like "Well, if that's what you wanna do, go ahead", then she was like "Then it's cool if i get with someone else?" and i was like "Oh yeah, for sure", then she got sad, and was sayin how it's not good that we're hanging out this early after the break (although it was her idea). So i was like "Well, if I'M cool with it, then there shouldn't be a problem right?" and she was like "No", and i was like "Well, i thought you were over us?" then i went on saying how i told her my feelings but she has just kept shit bottled up inside, and she started to cry and was like "maybe that's my way of getting over it", so i was just like "Alright, come on, let's not do this, let's just have a good time tonight, alright?", then i just gave her a handshake with a few slaps and made her laugh.
From there the night was really good, and we had a really good time and we just caught up on the past 3 weeks. Then i dropped her off and i figured hey this ain't so bad, i think we can be friends. Then as soon as i got home, she called my cell, and she was like "Oh, we never figured this out, but when should i call you next?" i was like "I dont give a fuck", so she was like "How about Monday?", then i was like whatever, and she said next time we hang out she wants to bring some friends along... but when she wants to hang out next i'm just gonna say i'm too busy.
I went to work today and put in my 2 weeks there, i was so fucking happy about that, because now i just gotta work one job like normal people do. But at work it was weird because everyone knows now that me and Mrs. J are not together, and 2 girls were hitting on me pretty badly (one of them was a girl that told my ex that she thought i was hot while we were still together), and the other one i would actually consider going for, but it's so fucked, i can't even think about other girls, it's almost like i feel like i'm cheating... but ah well, soon i'll have a lot more free time being down to 1 job and all, so i can focus on things that i enjoy (like working out), and one thing i REALLY gotta stop is sitting on this fucking computer so much. As much as i enjoy being on here, this site as well, i just gotta get out more or i'm gonna start going crazy.
Not sure if these above things going on in my life are a factor in how i've missed out on the last 2 days of training or not, but i have a feeling they are. But hopefully i'll look back on this and realize that i shouldn't let these things get in the way of what i want to do.
Swear to fuck i better hit the gym tomorrow after work. Till then...