12 week weight gainer

Tues. Jan.6/04

-Ate pretty decent today, didn't have eggs for breakfast, ate my can of tuna, had my creatine and vitamins, couple baked potato's (with cheese on them). Gotta go buy some protein and dextrose soon though.

-Did back and traps. My traps got a wicked workout, and my back was alright. I'm still kind of sick today so i was stupid and didn't end up doing deadlifts,,, i know, it was very stupid. But i did a few wide grip chin ups (which i'm still so weak at... i swear 3 of my sets equal one of a normal person's sets)... but i'll get better at them.
Shrugs with the 80's for about 10 reps, but i squeezed at the top of each rep.

-i'm feeling a lot less sick today which is good. Tomorrow I'm hoping to get a good arm work out, as i will have all day to do nothing until i work at night.
Wed. Jan.7/04

-Was well, ate quite a bit. I think i should really try and set up a routine for my diet instead of just eating as much as possible. Had my creatine and vitamins after workout.

-Did arms today, it's been a while since i've worked arms too. Feels like they got a really good workout. Didn't get to do abs because it was so fucking busy at the gym when i went and i would have been late for work if i waited around to do abs. So i'll do some later after work.

-I felt pretty bored/depressed today because it was cold out, NO ONE was around so there was fuck all to do. I just sat on the computer for a while and it kind of pisses me off that i just sat around so much, but live and learn. Going to the gym makes me feel so much better about things.
Thurs. Jan.8/04

-Pretty decent,, could have been better though.

-Still sore so i figured i should have another rest day, i did cardio... well, i tried,, 8 fucking minutes on a treadmill!!!!! hahaha pathetic... i thought i was gonna puke hahaha.

-Lazy as fuck today, treadmill was weak... gotta work soon... life is shite. Gonna do shoulders tomorrow.
Fri.Jan 9/04

FUCK,,, i was lazy today and sat around trying to think up a business to open up, i chatted on here WAY too much, and i was gonna go to the gym, and my parents came home,,,, i forgot it was my fucking dad's birthday today.... christ i'm a stupid shit sometimes haha... Diet was good cause all i did was eat all day, but no training. Which isn't all that bad because my muscle's are still sore so i dont wanna overtrain. So tomorrow i'm gonna do shoulders, and i might do legs in the same day. We'll see i guess.

Till then, i'm out.

P.S. this site is addictive sometimes when your very bored,,, i must stop going on here so much.
Sat. Jan.10/04

-Ate pretty good today, basically sat around most of the day and just ate.

-Did shoulders and abs today, got a really good shoulder workout, but when i was working tonight it felt like i might have hurt it (but from work, not from the gym). Didn't end up doing legs as i was on limited time because i was lazy earlier in the day.

-God damn piece of shit car!!! Or the cold, i'm not sure which is the problem yet, but it wouldn't start when i was gonna go to the gym, it took a while to get it running, and when i was done work (which took extra long tonight) it wouldn't start again. I'm not sure if it's just so fucking cold out, i think it is because i didn't drive it for the last 2 days straight and these were the coldest days this year so far. Ah well, hopefully my shoulder isn't fucked cause i wanna do chest tomorrow before i go to work, but i'll probably have to do legs instead. We'll see.
Sun. Jan.11/04

To work legs, or to not work legs, that was my question today, and i didn't work them, i did chest instead.

-It was good until around suppertime. We celebrated my dad's birthday and ate spaghetti and garlic bread, i went to the gym right before it too, but i had my creatine and vitamins post workout, and near an hour before i went to the gym i had 50mg of Andro. Had to work at night and ate pizza there, no good.

-Worked chest. Only did 185 (5x5) for bench, then did incline dumbbells with the 70's for about 6 or 7 reps. Was doing flat bench fly's with the 45's for 4 reps (that was my heaviest set). My chest hurt like a fucking bitch, i could feel the workout right away, but it went away fairly fast.

-It's actually monday right now, didn't get to go on here after my workout yesterday, and i'm about to go to the gym in about 2 hours. I had to work with the ex last night, but she put in her 2 weeks so things should get easier after that. I hadn't seen her in a week till last night, and fuck it hit me hard. I still feel like i want her back so badly, and we're gonna hang out tomorrow night (tuesday)... it's gonna be fuckin weird, but ah well.

Will post later today for today's workout.
Monday Jan.12/04

-Lazed around most of the day, ate a bit, could have been better. Finally bought some protein powder today, so i had that with my creatine and vitamins after the workout. Had 50mg of Andro before the workout. Gonna eat supper soon.

-Worked Back and Traps and Abs today. Yet again we took too long to go to the gym so it was busy as fuck (mostly high school crowd), so i started with seated cable rows, then did lat pulldowns, then Bent over barbell rows, then went on to traps and did upright rows, then dumbbell shrugs. I felt like doing more back but it was way too fuckin busy and i got pissed, i wasn't gonna do abs but i noticed there was no one near the ab are, so i did a few sets of crunches and hanging leg raises.

-My boss called when i got home from the gym a few minutes ago and asked if i could work tomorrow from 9-2, i said yeah fuck it. Tomorrow is supposed to be a day off from the gym but since i missed legs this weekend i might do them tomorrow after work. Then i gotta hang out with the ex... it's gonna be fucked. Till then, i'm out.
Tues. Jan.13/04

-Ate half decent so far considering i worked from 9-2 this morning. Had a few protein shakes so far today, gonna get some solid food in me in a few. Creatine and vitamins to follow.

-Feelin too tired to train legs today, so i think it's just gonna be a rest day for me today. I'm gonna nap after i sleep. Arms tomorrow.

-Tonight is gonna be fucked, we're supposed to be getting a little storm and i'm supposed to hang out with Mrs. J tonight. She's gonna cut my hair, then i'm not sure what's going on from there. As hard as it's gonna be, if i feel that tonight is just too weird, i'm gonna tell her we're either gonna have to try and work things out and get back together, or i just can't see her anymore. But i'll see how the night goes first.
Wed. Jan.14/04

-Ate pretty good today, had my protein shake a few times, can of tuna, vitamins, andro before gym, gonna have some potato's and rice for supper, then i gotta work and i'll eat when i gets home.

-Worked arms and abs today. Went heavier with everything today... curled the 45's for 4 reps (hardly any swing at all) for dumbbell curls, but my triceps were hurting so i went a bit lighter with them. Felt pretty good though.

-Finally got some pics up on the members board, now there's no turnin back, i gotta use them as motivation to keep pushing myself harder.
Didn't go out with Mrs. J last night, bad roads, tiredness,,, we reschedualed for friday night. Still not sure what i wanna do about us. I don't know if i can let go because i know she still has feelings for me so it's fucked. I just keep asking myself if i can actually be friends with her or if i should totally shut her out of my life for a while... i guess i'll decide on friday.
Legs tomorrow.
hmmm your not having just rice and potatoes for supper are you? got MEAT? ;)
good work on going heavier on the curls!
and as for the girl situ... take the time and try to decide what is best for You. follow your gut feeling, its usually right!
atherjen said:
hmmm your not having just rice and potatoes for supper are you? got MEAT? ;)
good work on going heavier on the curls!
and as for the girl situ... take the time and try to decide what is best for You. follow your gut feeling, its usually right!

Sadly i didn't have any meat for supper, but i ate a sub from subway later in the night haha,, as for the girl, i'll talk about her in today's notes...

Thurs. Jan. 15/04

-Actually today was pretty good, i had 1 whole egg and 3 egg whites, 3 protein shakes, can of tuna, banana, vitamins, andro, creatine,, actually i should say pretty good for today, not just pretty good, cause it could be much better haha. But the day is still young.

-Did legs today, holy shit!!! i must have had a wicked workout because i was exhausted afterwards,,, i could seriously hardly walk, it's gonna suck cause i gotta work in an hour, and all i wanna do is go to sleep haha. Good workout for legs today.

-Fuck, for some reason i felt insanely depressed this morning. I've been thinking about Mrs. J a LOT the last few days,,, as much as i don't want to, i might have to let her go, like keep her out of my life... which is SO fucking hard because i think i really want her back in my life. But tomorrow night i'm gonna hang out with her, and i'm just gonna try and have a really good time and then see how i feel about her. Then i'm gonna have to have a serious talk with her and say everything that's on my mind. I can't hold back any feelings that i may have, and she may feel like hookin back up, and she may not. We'll see, but no matter what happens i have to make sure it doesn't effect my training.
As much as i like being free,,, i really wish i had a girlfriend right now. And i really wish it was her. But if not,,, i dunno, i gotta get over her because it's gonna be so hard to get another girlfriend because i'm still gonna be thinkin about Mrs. J.
Life is Poo!!!

Shoulders tomorrow.
*** Oh yeah,,, i also found out today that i gotta pay $200 or possibly a bit more this week to my neighbor, cause like 2 weeks ago or so i hit his car when i backed out of my driveway (partly his fault)... i put a dent in the door and he said he'll pay 1/3 of the price of $300... he did offer half, he at least better stick with the 1/3 or i swear i'll fucking kill him.

Just yet another reason as to why life is Poo!!! right now.
Fri. Jan.16/04

-I gotta admit it was pretty shitty today, i lazed around most of the day and ended up watching Pearl Harbor on dvd, wasn't feeling that good. Had my vitamins and a few protein shakes though.

-I really should have but i was way too tired and shitty feeling today. Gonna do it tomorrow instead.

-Mrs. J called today, at like 11:30 in the morning, she just wanted to talk, plus we're going out tonight so we were talkin about that. Girl fuckin confuses me. But i'm about to go out with her in like a half hour or so. I'm gonna have to have a serious talk with her and see what's up.

Shoulders tomorrow.
Sat. Jan.17/04

-Absolute shit!!! had pancakes for breakfast and a protein shake, then i had to work, i just got home now and i'm gonna eat something quick before i go to my other job for tonight.

-Didn't train, had very shitty sleep and woke up in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep, i've felt tired all day so far, it really sucks.

-Went out with Mrs. J last night,,,, it was so fucking awkward at first. I went over to her place, said hi to her parents (her mom really likes me and feels bad about the break), then she showed me that fuckin hampster she bought (which she named El Diablo, weird shit),, then she cut my hair. It was silent for a while, then i just started talking about how my weight lifting has been going, blah blah blah, things got cool. It was hard though because she's so fucking beautiful to me, and i caught myself checking her out quite a bit, which wasn't good. Then we got in my car and drove up to work so she could try and get rid of some shifts. On the way up i mentioned about wanting to get with other girls, and she got pissed. She was like "Well, if that's what you wanna do, go ahead", then she was like "Then it's cool if i get with someone else?" and i was like "Oh yeah, for sure", then she got sad, and was sayin how it's not good that we're hanging out this early after the break (although it was her idea). So i was like "Well, if I'M cool with it, then there shouldn't be a problem right?" and she was like "No", and i was like "Well, i thought you were over us?" then i went on saying how i told her my feelings but she has just kept shit bottled up inside, and she started to cry and was like "maybe that's my way of getting over it", so i was just like "Alright, come on, let's not do this, let's just have a good time tonight, alright?", then i just gave her a handshake with a few slaps and made her laugh.

From there the night was really good, and we had a really good time and we just caught up on the past 3 weeks. Then i dropped her off and i figured hey this ain't so bad, i think we can be friends. Then as soon as i got home, she called my cell, and she was like "Oh, we never figured this out, but when should i call you next?" i was like "I dont give a fuck", so she was like "How about Monday?", then i was like whatever, and she said next time we hang out she wants to bring some friends along... but when she wants to hang out next i'm just gonna say i'm too busy.

I went to work today and put in my 2 weeks there, i was so fucking happy about that, because now i just gotta work one job like normal people do. But at work it was weird because everyone knows now that me and Mrs. J are not together, and 2 girls were hitting on me pretty badly (one of them was a girl that told my ex that she thought i was hot while we were still together), and the other one i would actually consider going for, but it's so fucked, i can't even think about other girls, it's almost like i feel like i'm cheating... but ah well, soon i'll have a lot more free time being down to 1 job and all, so i can focus on things that i enjoy (like working out), and one thing i REALLY gotta stop is sitting on this fucking computer so much. As much as i enjoy being on here, this site as well, i just gotta get out more or i'm gonna start going crazy.

Not sure if these above things going on in my life are a factor in how i've missed out on the last 2 days of training or not, but i have a feeling they are. But hopefully i'll look back on this and realize that i shouldn't let these things get in the way of what i want to do.

Swear to fuck i better hit the gym tomorrow after work. Till then...
Sun. Jan.18/04

-Shitty, woke up late, had to work, wasn't good, the last few days have been shitty.

-Kicking my ass, didn't train at all today, this better not continue tomorrow.

-It was my friends 21st birthday last night so i went out after working a double, and we ended up going to the casino. I don't really regret it because i only had like 2 beers, but i had a few smokes, which was stupid. But i gotta start hanging out with my friends more often. I know i can get back into the swing of things with lifting, and i'm happy when i lift, but i'm also happy when i hang out with my buddy's. Now i just gotta make sure i can get them both working right.

Hopefully i'll hit the gym tomorrow.
Monday Jan.19/04

-Wasn't that good yet again, but i had a pretty good supper.

-Yet again didn't train, was feelin depressed today, and tired as hell.

-Well, Mrs. J called today around 4 and told me she was going out with her friends to a little get together. And she was just like "Well, i called cause i said i would, so when should we talk next?" and we agreed to Saturday, but i felt like SHIT afterwards, and about 2 hours later i called her up and was like "Yeah, don't call Saturday, this isn't working out for me at all", and now i'm not gonna talk to her for at least a month or more (probably when i need a haircut next i'll call her up, cause it's free). But it feels as though i have some closure in this "relationship" of ours and i feel a lot better, at least right now i do anyway. But tomorrow is another day, and i think i'm ready to get back into the gym after work. Till then.
Tuesday Jan.20/04

-Was much better then the last few days, could always be better though. Had my vitamins a bit after my workout because my friend wanted to go to the job bank after the gym, but i still got em in, and it's only 5:30pm right now so i still got some time to get some good foods in.

-Did chest and back today. It was a really good workout. For chest i started off doing flat bench dumbbell press, i warmed up with the 45's, then i went up to the 65's, then did a set with the 70's, then finished with a set with the 75's, and i did 6 reps with them, then 2 negative reps (got my friend to help me push them up, then brought em down really slow). While i was resting inbetween sets of flat bench dumbbell's, i did wide grip chin ups,,, so weak, so weak haha, i did a set of 6, then a set of 5, then a set of 3, and a set of 3,,, it'll get better though. I did incline dumbbell flys warm up with the 30's, then went to the 45's, then the 50's (only did 4 reps), then supersetted with the 30's on the last set.
That's all i did for chest, but i did dumbbell rows while leaning on an incline bench, first time i ever did them, and it killed my chest and back (because the weight was pulling me into the bench, so my chest hurt haha). Then i did 2 sets of deadlifts, and i was hungry as fuck so i took off.

-Had to work this morning, so missed out on a few hours of eating. Drove past the ex's mom on the way home, she smiled and waved. Got home and ate then went to the gym. After the workout i was feeling pretty weird though, almost sick and tired at the same time. It was weird, but i'm feelin a bit better now. And i'm doing better about the breakup... just fucking pissed cause her parents are gonna go away this saturday for 10 days, so she'll probably be partying and having fun while i'll be bitter that i can't get any. But oh well, my weights are here for me.
Arms tomorrow.
Wed. Jan.21/04

-Ate pretty good so far, had oatmeal with a protein shake for breakfast, then a can of tuna a few hours later, now i'm gonna get some food and possibly go to work for the rest of the day, not sure how well my diet will be because of this.

-Well, it's like 12:30 now, and i've just been so fucking tired today, i don't know what it is. Didn't stay up too late, didn't get up too early, i dunno, it's weird. So i won't be training today, unless i don't have to work this afternoon. We'll see, if i do train, i'll post it tonight after work.

-Like i said i'm tired as fuck today, and have been the last few days, it's weird. my 3 hour shift tonight is probably gonna be turned into an 8 hour shift, it was almost a 12 hour one but i said fuck that.
I seem to be doing much better getting over Jessica, and last night when i was going to a movie with a couple friends, i ran into this girl that i used to talk to even before i met my ex. She seemed pretty happy to see me, and it's been a while since we've talked. She told me to drop by her work sometime soon when she's off so we can hang out. Then my buddy told me he'll give me $20 if i film me and her and i was like haha, i dunno, but i think i'll try and get with her. She's a pretty nice girl, and i dunno what it is, but i must have a thing for short girls with blonde hair and blue eyes. Ah well, she looks good so maybe she'll help me get over my Ex. Hope so.
Hopefully i'll get over this weird tiredness thing and hit the gym either today or tomorrow. Till then.
Wed. Jan.21/04

I did end up training today after all, and i ate well. I did arms and abs, and it was a great workout. I curled 50 pound dumbbells for 4 reps, i felt powerful. My arms swelled up like crazy and it was great. My abs are starting to show up a lot better, which i'm happy about. Tomorrow i'm gonna work legs at the gym, till then.
Thurs. Jan.22/04

-Was pretty good today, had oatmeal with a protein shake for breakfast, chicken breast and 2 oranges and 2 egg whites and one whole egg for lunch. Then took 50mg of andro, then went to gym, came back and had vitamins, creatine and protein shake, then can of tuna. Now i'm gonna wait a bit then have some potato's and rice and who knows what else from there, then i gotta work.

-Did legs and abs (2 sets of crunches), not as good of a leg workout as last time, but still pretty good. Did smith machine squats with 200 pounds, which is pretty good for me, did about 8 reps. Did 2 sets of lunges with dumbbell's, then did leg extensions (150lbs), and leg curls (110lbs), and my legs were gettin sore as fuck. Then i did standing calve raises (225 and 300lbs).

-I went to the gym earlier today, and i'm SO incredibly fucking bored. It's been over a month since i've cleaned up my room, and i started today, but i found pictures of me and jessica, and i felt so fucking depressed. It's only been 3 fucking days since i talked to her last, 3 fucking days!!! It feels like it's been a month already. My days are so long and boring i don't know what to do. I'm not sure how happy i am, sometimes i feel great, but once i'm alone and bored, i feel like absolute shit, and it's really starting to get to me.
Ah well,,, shoulders tomorrow.